Died of teeth
Not really sure what I can add to that
Submitted 3 months ago by fossilesque@mander.xyz to science_memes@mander.xyz
Died of teeth
Not really sure what I can add to that
Toddlers and Kindergartners basically, still teething. Of whatever cause, too many and too difficult to tell.
This is just the extended discography of a black metal band?
So death by heartbreak is possible
You see it a lot in elderly married couples. One dies right after the other.
That happened with our dogs. One of our dogs was crazy about the other, like she was his everything. She passed away, and he died in the middle of the night a few days later. They were both elderly, but he had seemed fine when we went to bed, other than being sad about losing his best friend.
Not just couples, Debbie Reynolds stepped out after Carrie Fisher died
Tag yourself. I’m “rising of the light”
“Cancer, and Wolf” is that a gangster duo or something?
Nice! I’m afflicted by the astrological influence of a planet
Planet must mean “fell from s high place”.
How did someone die of sciatica?
Could be pain in the sciatic area that was actually caused by something else, like septic kidneys or an internal tumor
Just snapped right in half.
I can speculate: Tumor or abscess pushing on the sciatic nerve? Horrible, unending back pain so they killed themselves? The cure being worse than the disease? I only know a bit about 17th century medicine, just that they lack a lot of medical technology and knowledge we take for granted. I mean they figured out hand washing in the 19th century.
How many of these are easily treatable today?
Childbed for one, by washing hands before shoving them up in laboring women’s vaginas.
Pressing to death by not torturing people
You can prevent a lot of Chrisomes and Teeth deaths (infants and toddlers and kindergartners) by routine vaccinations.
Then of course there’s basic safety standards and antibiotics.
All the poxes, consumption, measles, etc are all standard vaccinations in any decent country.
This will make a useful crib sheet for reading the causes of death in the US next year under Health Tsar RFK Jnr .
“Over laid” sounds like death by snu-snu.
I volunteer!
Bacteria Virus Cancer Heart Condition Trauma Malnutrition Suicide Kidney Disease Heart Disease Liver Disease Parasite
What else am I missing?
Mostly, they died from a lack of medical knowledge.
was thinking it’s still a bacterial infection that gets you, but you might have a point
So many dead children. I count a full one third of all deaths being babies and toddlers.
It’s the reason why so many misleading statistics claim a much shorter lifespan in the past. If you survived childhood, and there wasn’t a plague around, or a war, you had good chances of reaching 60.
Life expectancy from birth is easily the most misleading statistic in the history of the social sciences because it is a measure of central tendency (aka an average, specifically, a median) of a property (age at death) that not only has no central tendency but actually has the opposite of a central tendency, with values concentrated at the low end (infant and child mortality) and the high end (old age deaths). In almost all societies ever measured, the life expectancy from birth age is usually the age at which a person is least likely to die.
If you survived childhood, and there wasn’t a plague around, or a war
Lot of “ifs”
Consumption I think is not in the sense of eating, but in the sense of the body eating itself ie wasting away.
I thought consumption was tuberculosis?
You would be correct.
consumption is tuberculosis
Red Dead 2 taught me something at least
I didn’t know you could die of grief. Also what is ‘made away themselves’?
It’s interesting how there’s a hint of science here, but so much non-science.
Like, trying to categorize things is a bit scientific. Trying to distinguish between similar but different things is a bit scientific. At the same time, so many of these causes of death are symptoms not causes. And, there are too many cases where they didn’t bother to try to find a cause, like the “Planet” cases or “Suddenly”. Also, almost all of the deaths are in children / infants, but in those cases they don’t try to figure out the cause of death, they just note the age.
Lots of great ideas here!
Kil’d by several accidents
Not sure what that’s supposed to mean. Maybe some Final Destination shit where they die due to a series of random chance events?
Maybe something like this but fatal?
They had a lot of HP so it took several accidents in a row
They got beaten up by an angry mob and there were mysteriously zero witnesses
I think ‘several’ just means that the people counted weren’t all killed in the same accident. No WorkSafe in those days so those accidents were probably shit like roofers falling off chapels and apprentice tanners mishandling chemicals.
Cancer, and Wolf: 10
Probably speaking of lupus. The only reason that somehow makes any sense 🤔
8 deaths from plague? Fake news, China plague.
“Cancer, and wolf”
Best part
Is “murthered” an old word for murdered? If that’s the case I’m surprised there’s only one. TV and movies make London of that era look like life was cheap.
the King’s Evil?
Well the king is evil.
Well I didn't vote for 'im
I thought that was implied.
consumption? 1797 people were eaten?
Means tuberculosis.
I think that means alcohol poisoning
Not sure if I’m being whooshed, but Consumption refers to Tuberculosis
French pox… CK3 RP incoming
Out in the streets they call it merther
Prest is such an elegant way to spell pressed
That many people were killed by infants! /s Wait, does chrisomes mean they died during baptism?
saltesc@lemmy.world 3 months ago
Someone vomitted to death. I’d probably rather the cancer and wolf combo.
philpo@feddit.org 3 months ago
Very good chance to be actually cancer. A lot of cancers lead to extreme vomiting if untreated in their terminal phase.
Or cholera,etc…yeah, these,too.
saltesc@lemmy.world 3 months ago
I think a lot of these could be grouped into a handful of now well known terminal illnesses.
But not the wolves.
Could well have been the opening phases of using canines to early detect illnesses. Just a few understandable methodology kinks in the early days.