- Comment on 3's grip looks the most comfy 3 days ago:
I’ve had the bullet version on me at all times for the last decade or so. Fits in my coin pocket of my jeans perfectly.
- Comment on Anon is a specific type of prepper 3 days ago:
I like to interpret any positive interaction with a woman whatsoever as them being totally into me but then never act on it so I can live in blissful ignorance of the truth.
- Comment on Definitely didn't waste half an hour making this 4 days ago:
I also prefer pen. I only use pencil if it’s a drawing I’m likely to need to erase/revise. Not a fan of mechanicals though, using them puts my teeth on edge for some reason.
- Comment on Good to exercise at home instead of gym? 5 days ago:
I’ve exclusively worked out from home for the last 5 years using only an adjustable dumbbell set and a foldable bench (I recently got a exercise bike too but that is a new addition). I’m not huge or anything but I get compliments on my physique fairly often. For me when I tried getting a gym membership I found myself missing days a lot because I didn’t feel like going anywhere. I can force myself to work out or I can force myself to go out but apparently not both at once. Just doing everything at home I almost never miss a day. The only downside is space. I’d like to get a squat rack but I don’t have room for it.
Your goals sound very achievable at home. I would say I am “lean and fit”. I will also say the lean part comes from your diet so make sure you are mindful of that as well.
- Comment on What TV cancellation are you most upset by? 5 days ago:
Deadwood. It was my favorite show ever. They made a movie a couple years ago to wrap things up but it’s not the same
- Comment on I've done it again... 6 days ago:
To figure out how much pasta to use so I don’t make too much…
- Comment on I've done it again... 1 week ago:
I mean yea but last time I made spaghetti all the recipes were like xx weight(cooked). WTF am I supposed to do with that?
- Comment on Free Him! 1 week ago:
Yea my brain definitely forgot what anesthetize meant for like 3-4 seconds when I first opened the picture and it made me sad… Then I was like wait no that’s different. Then I was like but yea you could probably use this for the other thing too. Then I remembered the video youtube recommended to me about some guy that built his own gas chamber for cats out of a cooler and got sad again.
- Comment on Which game is it? 1 week ago:
When I was in college it was WOW. I have soooo many hours in that game. But it also helped fix a lot of issues I had with social anxiety. I went from basically never interacting with people in that game to being elected to run a 60 person guild. I didn’t even campaign they just nominated me for it when the previous GM left. It did a lot to help me feel like I could be normal. Then I got a job and a GF and didn’t have time to play as much anymore.
These days it’s Warframe but I don’t have enough free time to really get into video games like I used to anymore.
- Comment on Anon uses Windows 1 week ago:
No, I’m going to blame Windows. My phone is in my pocket or face down on my desk when it’s locked so whatever i’m listening to isn’t visible I can’t very well do this with a monitor. There’s exactly zero reason for this functionality to exist on a desktop especially if they’re not even going to give you an option to turn it off. There’s no setting in windows for this. I’ve looked. There no setting to turn this off without doing it through the media control setting in firefox which takes your keyboard media controls down with it. That’s not a fix.
- Comment on Anon uses Windows 1 week ago:
Nope, Firefox.
- Comment on Anon uses Windows 1 week ago:
- Comment on I don't envy the humans pre-dentistry 1 week ago:
Gonna feed my kid nothing but well-done steaks and tree bark for the jaw gainz.
- Comment on I don't envy the humans pre-dentistry 1 week ago:
Same thing happened to my dad when he was like 50.
- Comment on Anon uses Windows 1 week ago:
- Comment on Anon uses Windows 1 week ago:
but why tho
- Comment on Anon uses Windows 1 week ago:
I like the part where windows selects a random media you have in your web browser tabs to show on the lock screen.
- Comment on What’s a movie nobody can convince you is good? 2 weeks ago:
I watched the first one in the theater and thought it was dry but okay. I tried rewarding it when the second one was coming out and I turned it off like 1/3 of the way through. I watched the second one but it couldn’t hold my attention at all.
- Comment on What’s a movie nobody can convince you is good? 2 weeks ago:
I thought the last Mortal Kombat movie was pretty good.
- Comment on What’s a movie nobody can convince you is good? 2 weeks ago:
It’s good at what they were trying to do. It’s not enjoyable.
- Comment on What does a week of groceries look like to you? 2 weeks ago:
They’re not on sale every week. I go through one every 3-4 weeks.
- Comment on What does a week of groceries look like to you? 2 weeks ago:
Usually a head of lettuce, a couple bell peppers, an onion, a lb of ground beef, any other meat that is on sale, a gallon of milk, bread, maybe some frozen items, a bag of chips or some other snack, any staple items I might be out of, and a fifth of WT 101 if it’s on sale.
- Comment on Anon is deeply disturbed 2 weeks ago:
If i got to a burger place that doesn’t have condiments on the table I’m out of there.
- Comment on Lightning bugs!! 3 weeks ago:
Grasshoppers too. I used to fill buckets with them as a kid. I haven’t seen more than a few in the last decade.
- Comment on answer me, gregory 3 weeks ago:
Damn. I figured it was just grinded up cockroaches.
- Comment on This Cybertruck shaped man is destroying our government 3 weeks ago:
I don’t understand how anyone can be that close to Musk and not take a run at him with the nearest blunt instrument.
- Comment on Anon is a gamer 3 weeks ago:
Also all day while in doing chores and stuffed. That way I can jump in and out faster as I have time between tasks.
- Comment on Anon tries to impress a woman at the gym 4 weeks ago:
Yea, I’m not dealing with whatever contagion they may be spreading with that. GL to them though.
- Comment on Anon tries to impress a woman at the gym 4 weeks ago:
Can confirm. I’ve gotten exactly one comment from a woman about my physique a couple years ago. I get comments from dudes fairly often. I do still think about what the woman said to me like all the time though.
- Comment on Stop touching your stuff! 4 weeks ago:
I didn’t think we were supposed to climb to heaven. Isn’t that what the tower of Babel was about?