- Comment on Causes of Death in London (1623) 2 months ago:
Maybe something like this but fatal?
- Comment on Causes of Death in London (1623) 2 months ago:
I’m guessing it was some kind of astrology thing?
- Comment on Wormholes 7 months ago:
I still remember the way my science teacher visualized a hypothetical warp drive (like how it is in Star Trek). He took a black towel, representing space, and laid it flat on a table. He set down a miniature model of the Enterprise on one end of the towel, then accordion-folded the towel up so that the other end was close to the ship. He moved the Enterprise over to that end of the towel, and unfolded it so that it was flat again. The Enterprise was now on the other end of the table.
- Comment on They're everywhere!!! 8 months ago:
Before Louis Pasteur’s disproving of spontaneous generation, most people believed that bacteria and putrefactive organisms like maggots etc. spontaneously poofed into existence. Pasteur suggested that maggots came from flies laying their eggs on rotting meat etc, and that bacteria were everywhere and can multiply quickly under the right conditions. A lot of people at the time thought this was a crackpot idea.
- Comment on The average price of DVDs and Blu-rays has gone up. 8 months ago:
IP owners know an increasing number of people are giving up streaming services and going back to physical, and are raising the prices on physical to make up for the loss.
Pirating will always be the way.