- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 2 days ago:
On the one hand… First World War would’ve ended very differently.
On the other… Maybe eugenics would already be discredited by the 20s with how it went in Dixie.
- Comment on Kevin sounds nice! 2 days ago:
Call me a poser, but I prefer him in The Skin I Live in.
- Comment on pew pew 4 days ago:
- Comment on pew pew 5 days ago:
Why now?
The US military already has satellites than can drop artificial asteroids onto Earth, causing large localised, hard to detect and prevent damage.
Space has sadly already been weaponised.
- Comment on Erasure 5 days ago:
It does mean that not much more than 28% of the adult population support him though.
So he’s enacting all these democracy eroding changes for techno-authoitirians/fuedalists off of less than 1/3rd of the US’s population’s support.
Elections don’t care, nor does policy. But it is closer to 1/4 than 1/2 of people who can even begin to be said as his supporters. Despite what the media cycle might imply.
- Comment on What movies have you watched this week? 1 week ago:
The Death of Stalin seeing Iannuci’s name attached in the opening credits told me everything that I was in for, really.
Not sure quite how historically accurate it is, but nothing overly glaring on a casual watch.
Dark fun, although perhaps a little too glib in one or two places. Be interested to know how it meshes with the lived experiences of people under Stalin.
- Comment on Is there a word for items that require both hands to use (e.g. game controller, steering wheel, handlebars)? 1 week ago:
I always go for a bimanual axe build as a barbarian in APRGs. You?
- Comment on pumping elephant 3 weeks ago:
Yes, machine translation is 100% why this occurred.
- Comment on Megaladon't 3 weeks ago:
Disregarding fictionality, it also includes moths, at least one plant, and maybe arachnids (and controversially perhaps, an ape).
- Comment on Megaladon't 3 weeks ago:
Is there a good reason why dinosaur is only terrestrial extinct reptiles (and a subset at that)?
Do we have a handy term that includes plesiasaur, pteradons and dactyls, as well as dinosaurs?
- Comment on pumping elephant 4 weeks ago:
抽 - can also mean “pulled” , as well as “suck” or “pump” .
象 - in 抽象 is “appearance, form, shape” , rather than elephant. (Don’t know why they’re the same character, I usually blame imperial name taboo because: why not?)
So 抽象, as abstract is the art sense rather than summary one. But since they’re the same in English, taken across to be the same in Chinese (I guess, I don’t know if papers in Chinese start with a 抽象), so “pulled-distorted form/appearance”.
- Comment on Nintendo Switch 2 finally officially revealed 5 weeks ago:
The new ones are either flat open spaces or lines.
The 2D games at least had spaces to explore rather than just run forwards.
- Comment on The US just added the world's biggest games publisher Tencent to their list of Chinese military companies 1 month ago:
Thanks for correcting me.
- Comment on The US just added the world's biggest games publisher Tencent to their list of Chinese military companies 1 month ago:
That’s a lot of stuff, but we don’t call Alphabet/Google a US Military company do we?
Though I’m down to call them both military companies.
- Comment on Technologist: 'Fining Big Tech isn't working, make them give away illegally trained LLMs as public domain' 1 month ago:
That’s good, and I’m glad to have been informed of it.
Thank you.
My copyright change is the 17 years from first publication. Feels maybe still a little long, but much better than what we have now.
- Comment on Technologist: 'Fining Big Tech isn't working, make them give away illegally trained LLMs as public domain' 1 month ago:
OK, if you ignore the hyperbole of my pre-christmas stress aggressive start, how much of the rest do you disagree with?
Less combatitively, I’m of the stance that just make AI generated materials exempt from copyright and you’ll at least limit mass adoption in public facing things by big money. Doesn’t address all the issues, though.
- Comment on Technologist: 'Fining Big Tech isn't working, make them give away illegally trained LLMs as public domain' 1 month ago:
If you take that image, copy it and then try to resell it for profit you’ll find you’re quickly in breach of copyright.
The LLM is, in most cases, being licensed out to users for a profit off of the input data without which it could not exist in its current form.
You could see it akin to plagiarism if you think ctrl+c, ctrl+v is too extreme.
- Comment on Whimsy 1 month ago:
Have we A.I.ified “whimsy” into a synonym of “cute” now, have we?
Well not me! No, never I! I shall stand firm!
- Comment on Black Myth: Wukong producer on The Game Awards top prize snub: "I came all the way here for nothing!" 2 months ago:
I’ll also add on that, for its many many flaws, the keighleys is pretty good about being aware of this kind of thing based on a few outlets that talked about how they were judges in the past and then suddenly never mentioned it again after an acquisition or the loss of a core editor.
Is that /s?
Because that last sentence really gives me pause for thought… - Comment on Black Myth: Wukong producer on The Game Awards top prize snub: "I came all the way here for nothing!" 2 months ago:
The last three weeks or so of Chinese video game reporting has basically been:
“They’ll never shortlist us for GotY. They’ll never choose a Chinese game for GotY. It’s all a Western ploy to denigrate and deny Chinese achievement because They are jealous that the first Chinese AAA game is so good.”
It’s been tiring.
- Comment on What game surprised you with their length? 2 months ago:
I love it when a game is about exploring and half of the content is optional.
- Comment on US rep asks Valve to remove ‘Oct. 7’ game from Steam 2 months ago:
I recall from the interview when the UK blocked it the creator said “you do nothing in it you don’t do it Black Ops. But only mine is terrorism, it’s purely political.” (paraphrased)
I’ll confess that I’ve not played either of them, so I don’t know how true that holds. But I do know that a lot of those console shooters are very political and the world seems fine with it when it’s a US avatar shooting up Arabs.
- Comment on Elon Musk says too many game studios are owned by giant corporations so his giant corporation is going to start a studio to 'make games great again' 2 months ago:
Woke is also an exonym, so it doesn’t really have a hashed out definition people who it’s used to describe would agree with.
On the more pertinent issue, yes - AI can’t create new things or really do anything that hasn’t been done before. And yes, no one really plays an engine, as much as the Occulus Rift fanbois wished about a decade ago.
I think the article flows reasonably well, though is more a hit piece/jokey opinion piece rather than an actual interrogation of anything Musk said. It’s the lowest kind of news, someone’s musings on someone saying something about someone saying something. The main push is his hypocrisy, with the whole “too many big corporations, so my big corporation should do it” lines.
But yes, it’s just brainless easy dunking on Musk without giving the whole thing anymore thought than Elon himself has. - Comment on Dying Is a Form of Education - On Elden Ring 2 months ago:
Really good article. This is the best kind of games journalism. Thoughtful and engaged. Doesn’t really address the headline much, but that’s headlines for you. Still a very nice read.
- Comment on Causes of Death in London (1623) 2 months ago:
Anyone checking for a actual executions should look about 3/4 down the first column.
- Comment on Causes of Death in London (1623) 2 months ago:
You would be correct.
- Comment on Elon Musk says too many game studios are owned by giant corporations so his giant corporation is going to start a studio to 'make games great again' 2 months ago:
I don’t agree with you, but you are onto something.
Your use of “wokeness” is a good description for the way “Woke” is used to keep minorities in their place, c.f. Simpsons writing Apu out, despite dozens of subcontinent ethnicity comedians all openly saying they’d love the role, or streaming companies just stopping access to “problematic” content for an easy headline, c.f. Many streaming services and Community’s first D&D episode.
It is shown in people too, usually comorbid with a white saviour complex, where the being seen in the act of “helping” is more important than listening to the voices of whoever is being helped and the actual effectiveness, or desire, for the “help” given.
I wonder how neatly it maps onto a Liberal/Leftist divide… Probably not especially as everyone has blindspots and hangups over Race and Class that can be buried quite deep in the subconscious.
- Comment on BACK IT UP 2 months ago:
You can’t see them without a microscope, duhhh.
That’s why they’re called MICRO-chips.
- Comment on What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head? 2 months ago:
Only lines with voice work for me, even though there are plenty of great unvoiced lines across games. Sorted by game… I think this post certainly puts me of a generation.
“My emperor! I’ve failed youuuu!” “Fox, get this guy off me!” “You’re good, but I’m BETTER!” “Never give up, trust your instincts!” “IF THIS DOES NOT WORK!”
Honestly one of the most quoteable games ever made.“Stay a while and listen.”
“My hotel’s as clean as an Elven arse!” “Whaaaat?!” “Tiax shall smite ye.” “Heya, it’s me Imoen.”
“MASSACRE!” “Not yet!” “hyut hyut hyut”
“My fists never betray me!” “Don’t stand behind me.” “I’m gonna sleep well tonight!” “The feeling… It’s… coming back!” “Good vibrations!”
“Hello brother! […] I live on in this arm!” “Laugh, and grow fat!” Love a good ham. We need more of them in video games.
“I’mma Luigi, number 1.” “Falcon PUNCH!”
“You’re going the wrong way!” “Retired!”
“You require more vespene gas!” “All crews operational.” / “Battlecruiser operational.” ? “En’taro Adun executor.” “I do this for Auir, not you!” “Your base in under attack.”
“So what shall it be? Will you join the Unity or will you die here? Join… DIE! Join… DIE!”
“Doctor required in inflator room.”
“[…] to the last place uncorrupted by Capitalism! SPACE!”
- Comment on Show Us the Gay Kiss Scenes Cut From ‘Gladiator II,’ You Cowards 2 months ago:
This is where all the rude and lewd graffiti comes in handy!