- Comment on WWYD 1 week ago:
I mean, the blame clearly lies on whoever created the fucking situation in the first place. I hate the trolley problem.
- Comment on Let's gooooo 2 weeks ago:
Fair Trade Coke
- Comment on Google’s Sergey Brin urges workers to the office ‘at least’ every weekday 3 weeks ago:
Please, Saint Luigi, help us to get rid of all billionaires. They truly are a cancer on society.
- Comment on tetrapods 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on Henry Symeonis 3 weeks ago:
Well, it might not have happened with chimpanzees, but it happens all the time with humans. So I see it more as a good allegory than a true story.
- Comment on Henry Symeonis 4 weeks ago:
Take five chimpanzees. Put them in a big cage. Suspend some bananas from the roof of the cage. Provide the chimpanzees with a stepladder. BUT also add a proximity detector to the bananas, so that when a chimp goes near the banana, water hoses are triggered and the whole cage is thoroughly soaked.
Soon, the chimps learn that the bananas and the stepladder are best ignored.
Now, remove one chimp, and replace it with a fresh one. That chimp knows nothing of the hoses. He sees the banana, notices the stepladder, and because he is a smart primate, he envisions himself stepping on the stepladder to reach the bananas. He then deftly grabs the stepladder… and the four other chimps spring on him and beat him squarely. He soon learns to ignore the stepladder.
Then, remove another chimp and replace it with a fresh one. The scenario occurs again; when he grabs the stepladder, he gets mauled by the four other chimps – yes, including the previous “fresh” chimp. He has integrated the notion of “thou shallt not touch the stepladder”.
Iterate. After some operations, you have five chimps who are ready to punch any chimp who would dare touch the stepladder (or curse Henry Symeonis) – and none of them knows why.
- Comment on Catalyst 5 weeks ago:
Ohh, I had forgotten about this. Fabulous. They’re only from 2017. I would’ve sworn they were older.
- Comment on THE EARTH IS SPHERICAL, DIPSHITS 5 weeks ago:
Emblematic of our times.
- Comment on Tesla Takeover: protests planned at Tesla stores globally this weekend 5 weeks ago:
What are you saying? The war on billionaires will create more billionaires?
- Comment on Tides of Annihilation - Announce Trailer 5 weeks ago:
Looks very bland.
- Comment on The Proposal 1 month ago:
Isn’t that
- Comment on I get dumped on at work all the time. The least I can do is return the favor. 1 month ago:
Oh man, I hate the motion sensors so much, when they’re outside the booths.
- Comment on This is my hole! It was made for me! 1 month ago:
Yes! That’s also him.
- Comment on This is my hole! It was made for me! 1 month ago:
Thanks for the correction! The name felt odd, but I got distracted and couldn’t verify it.
- Comment on This is my hole! It was made for me! 1 month ago:
Then you will be happy to learn that the author Shunji Ito has a lot more disturbing stories.
- Comment on Anon watches The Terminator 1 month ago:
- Comment on My Honest Opinion 1 month ago:
I am torn on that. If it’s a company making money off of it, despicable. If it’s an open source model used for memes? I’m fine with that. We shouldn’t act like artists follow some magical calling from god. Anything anyone creates is built on their education and the media they were exposed to. I don’t think generative models are any different.
- Comment on My Honest Opinion 1 month ago:
Text, sure. But I don’t get the hate towards AI generated images. If it’s a good image and it’s not meant to mislead, I am completely fine with AI content. It’s not slop if it’s good.
- Comment on Would this be a red or green flag? 1 month ago:
- Comment on Why won't you ever forget the word 1 month ago:
Proper gander?
- Comment on Meta Censors #Democrat when searched for 2 months ago:
That’s kind of the point. A constant barrage of stupid and dangerous shit to keep you enraged until you burn put. You cannot stay enraged for four years and nobody will care to do anything if it’s a constant stream of small and big steps to fascism. They’re not removing all liberties at once, but in a lot of steps so that it becomes impossible to agree on which step becomes the straw to break the camel’s back.
- Comment on Why does it seem like every TV series I've ever watched gets cancelled/rushed/incomplete ending, while movies (even those in a film series/trilogy) rarely face the same problem? 2 months ago:
I really like that. It’s nice to just finish a story, instead of milking it forever.
- Comment on Believe and be saved! 2 months ago:
Exactly. I enjoy the updated lyrics.
- Comment on Believe and be saved! 2 months ago:
I don’t think it’s terrible.
- Comment on Believe and be saved! 2 months ago:
Unrelated to the post, but there’s an updated version of that song from Fall Out Boy:
- Comment on Checking in 2 months ago:
I think it’s just a joke.
- Comment on Checking in 2 months ago:
- Comment on Achievement unlocked? 2 months ago:
Do you need a video tutorial?
- Comment on Anon doesn't wash 2 months ago:
Wait, you don’t eat chicken medium rare?
- Comment on I believe him on a factual level, but not on an emotional level. 2 months ago:
Germany hasn’t visited for quite a while.