Now that we have final numbers. It appears that Harris had all the white & black support she needed for an EC victory. But Trump outright flipping Latino men and making huge gains with Latino women seems to have made all the difference.
What do you think?
First image is 2024, second is 2020. 3 months ago
I think white men and white women bear more of the blame here purely by population size. 3 months ago
Agreed. Despite all the nuances, which are important, too. Judging by this table, the biggest blame it on white men, followed by latino men and white women. 3 months ago
Latines make up 20% of the population. They are the largest “minority” population. They make up closer to 30% of under 18 demographics. If population trends continue, they will be the largest ethnic group in the country in about 25 years. That’s three eight-year presidential terms.
They’re a minority ethnicity, but the largest one and the second-fastest growing one behind Asians, who, despite one of the lowest birth rates, have proportionally the highest rate of immigration. Trump also gained 12% in the Asian electorate as well. I would say these voting trends, if they continue, look extremely promising for Republicans in the future.
All that said, Black, Asian, and Latine men and women voters combined comprise roughly 29% of the voting public in presidential elections. White women alone comprise 38%. Latino men are 5% for comparison. White women are the largest voting demographic by far.
In 2016, 39% of white women voted for Trump. In 2020, 44% of white women voted for Trump. In 2024, 53% of white women voted for Trump.
I’m all for blaming minorities for the democrats sagging support (I’m not), but if we’re looking for someone at which to point our fingers, if white women had voted like they did in 2016 when Trump was elected the first time, every single Latino man (I realize that’s redundant) could have voted for Trump, and Harris would have still received more total votes. 3 months ago
With how thin our election margins are, I wonder if literally just misogynists can swing the election. Would 1 in 100 Americans refuse to vote for a woman for president? I think maybe yes. 3 months ago
It’s hard to separate out the factors. Would a man have also struggled with a campaign starting so late (and doing so poorly in a previous primary). Would a white women? How can we separate out the influence of race, sex and the less than ideal running circumstances.
Given who she is, and running when she had to, she actually did pretty damn well.
Tbh looking for blame beyond biden seems pointless to me. She has every sign of having been able to win over more people had she been prepped as the nominee fun the start… 3 months ago
As another White Dude for Harris, I concur entirely. It’s definitely an issue with white dudes. 3 months ago
Who’s talking blame?