- Comment on Forza Horizon 5 Drifts Onto PS5 in April 5 days ago:
I really want this, but £55 for a 3.5 year-old game is a bit steep.
Also, a premium edition that gives you four days early access for a port of an old game is laughable.
- Comment on What keeps Americans from being mad about the state of their country? 2 weeks ago:
They voted for it, so why would they be mad?
- Comment on UK Shoots Down 'Stop Destroying Videogames' Petition 3 weeks ago:
If signing petitions led to anything, they wouldn’t let you sign them.
- Comment on ADL defends Nazi salute 1 month ago:
He’s literally just a cringe edgelord desperate for attention. And people keep giving him exactly what he wants.
- Comment on ADL defends Nazi salute 1 month ago:
He wasn’t doing a Nazi salute. He’s literally trolling you all and you’re all falling for it.
- Comment on how do I show a coworker that I care about her after her mother died? 1 month ago:
Just tell her that if she’s ever struggling and needs a person to talk to, that she can rely on you.
That demonstrates that you’re a caring person who will be there for her if she needs it.
- Comment on Mildly McInfuriating 1 month ago:
The Liberal Democrats in the UK are infamous for their dodgy bar charts in election leaflets, where the percentages don’t match up with the bars at all.
Similar to this:
It’s a running joke in the UK.
- Comment on Mildly McInfuriating 1 month ago:
Did the UK Lib Dems make this bar chart?
- Comment on Good ear protection for concerts. 2 months ago:
I asked a similar question to this a couple of weeks ago due to me needing them for work, and I ended up going with the Loop Experience 2 and they’ve been fantastic.
They dampen the sound around me but I can still hear voices clearly, and they’re really comfortable and I barely notice I’ve got them in.
- Comment on Since Syria goverment has fallen, do we have any inkling of what will replace it? 2 months ago:
Hopefully not another Libya, but I fear it will be another Libya.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
They were two bonkers choices, but I don’t see what cancelling the election is going to achieve.
It’s going to give people the idea that it’s a stitch-up and make them mistrust elections in future. Why bother voting if they’re just going to cancel the result anyway?
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
You’re advocating for a technocracy then, basically.
A system that sounds nice in theory (experts decide everything, surely that’s good, right?) but there would be decision makers with no accountability to the people they’re serving, lies and propaganda would potentially be more common and marginalised groups could end up even more marginalised, because the “experts” think it’s okay and there’s nothing you can do about it.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
I don’t care if I’ll get hate for this but I don’t support universal voting, if you don’t know the most basic of facts, you should have no say in national decisions - end of the story.
Not having universal voting may be a bit extreme, but the sort of ignorance on display in the photo is precisely why I don’t support compulsory voting. A lower turnout with a more engaged electorate is preferable to people just putting an X next to something when they don’t really care or have very little information on what they’re doing.
- Comment on *Everyone liked that* 2 months ago:
It’s the irony that people complain about Reddit being full of hate and one of the reasons they left, and yet Lemmy is full of shit like this.
- Comment on *Everyone liked that* 2 months ago:
You don’t have to like the guy or his job to think that he shouldn’t be gunned down in the fucking street.
- Comment on *Everyone liked that* 2 months ago:
What a cesspit this site is.
- Comment on Would Kamala Harris have won the 2024 election if Latinos didn't shift hard to the right? 3 months ago:
“Are we out of touch with our core voters?”
“No, it’s the voters who are wrong”.
This will probably be how the Democrats regroup after the loss.
- Comment on In the US, is this actually the moment past the point of no return? 3 months ago:
Trump is the worst dictator ever, seeing as he literally got voted out last time and could do nothing about it.
- Comment on Why people consistently vote against their own interests to benefit the rich? 3 months ago:
“You don’t make the poor richer by making the rich poorer”.
- Comment on Is there any, any takeaways at all from the next 4 years that's about to happen? 3 months ago:
Demonizing people who disagree with you makes them dig in their heels and elect the dangerous candidate and party, in spite of their best interests. Demonizing those people feels satisfying and necessary in the moment, but it ultimately backfires.
The so-called enlightened people can’t be counted on to vote. (I say this as one of those so-called enlightened people, albeit not in your country and therefore unable to shift the balance with you.)
Until you folks figure these two things out, this is your new reality.
This is absolutely right. There’s been an arrogance and complacency from moderate parties in the West over the last 20 years, assuming that the electorate will just automatically vote for them regardless. Now they’ve got to try and get these people back from the extremes, which is going to be harder to do than if they hadn’t taken them for granted before.
- Comment on Is this what every election is like? 3 months ago:
It’s part of a trend of a significant portion of the electorate feeling ignored. It’s a trend that’s happening in large parts of the West, we’re seeing it in Europe too in places like France and Germany.
Now you can argue about whether these people have a genuine grievance or not. But if we don’t try and address the underlying causes of these people abandoning moderate parties, we’re going to see more and more extreme candidates and parties being successful. And I don’t think that’s something any of us want.
- Comment on Can Trump pardon himself even though he did criminal stuff outside of office? 3 months ago:
The American Constitution will stop him doing a lot of things people are scared of.
- Comment on What is Trump going to do to social security since he is now going to be president? Just wondering because my mom gets SS and she does not want me to support here? 3 months ago:
People on Lemmy will tell you it’s going to disappear because orange man wants to kill everyone, or something.
What is likely to happen is nothing.
- Comment on What can I do to help? 3 months ago:
Thank you for being patronising, I understand it perfectly well.
I’m trying to bring a semblance of reality to the mass hysteria.
- Comment on What can I do to help? 3 months ago:
This doesn’t really make sense.
He has won because more people voted for him in a democratic election. That’s literally democracy in action.
You might not like the result (it’s frankly bizarre from an outsider’s POV), but that doesn’t mean “democracy is dead”.
- Comment on How do Americans win their country back? 3 months ago:
Or just talk about her policies: …yougov.com/…/50802-harris-vs-trump-on-the-issues…
- Comment on How do Americans win their country back? 3 months ago:
It’s actually incredible how they tried to copy Hilary Clinton’s campaign tactics of endorsements and warnings about Trump.
That didn’t work last time. Why would it work now?
- Comment on How do Americans win their country back? 3 months ago:
And Harris has done worse than Biden in every county in America.
Not every state. Every county.
- Comment on Houses in my area increases 82% in just 4 years 3 months ago:
You just need to stop watching Netflix and buying avocado toast.
At least that’s what old people say anyway.
- Comment on If Trump wins the election thru fraud how can the democrats refute it and prove they won? Or will it just be like another Jan 6 and four years of whining like Trump? 3 months ago:
How would he win it through fraud? If he wins, he’ll win legitimately.
Claiming that it’s fraud if he wins is exactly what Trump did in 2020.