Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago
I don’t care if I’ll get hate for this but I don’t support universal voting, if you don’t know the most basic of facts, you should have no say in national decisions - end of the story.
Not having universal voting may be a bit extreme, but the sort of ignorance on display in the photo is precisely why I don’t support compulsory voting. A lower turnout with a more engaged electorate is preferable to people just putting an X next to something when they don’t really care or have very little information on what they’re doing. 2 months ago 2 months ago
You’re advocating for a technocracy then, basically.
A system that sounds nice in theory (experts decide everything, surely that’s good, right?) but there would be decision makers with no accountability to the people they’re serving, lies and propaganda would potentially be more common and marginalised groups could end up even more marginalised, because the “experts” think it’s okay and there’s nothing you can do about it. 2 months ago
I mean that’s pretty much what’s going on right now under democracy. Lies and propaganda rule the roost leading to rampant marginalization of minorities not to mention turning the government into a straight kleptocracy. With the experts in charge at least you have a chance they kind of understand what they’re doing. 2 months ago 2 months ago
Some questions to challenge your proposal:
No matter how I try to answer these questions in a way that’s consistent with reality, all my ideas dead-end at outcomes that suck and only get worse over time.