- Comment on Gaming chat platform Discord in early talks with banks about public listing 13 hours ago:
Discord is where knowledge goes to die.
I never understood why people chose that as a meeting place for communities knowing that all the knowledge thrown in there is useless.
- Comment on modern psychiatry be like 3 days ago:
We din’t need a register of left handed people to start making left handed scissors.
I think society can accommodate without the need for medicalize it. That’s the difference I wanted to make, an illness need to be medicalized. A different way of being does not.
For instance, my lighter skin complexion makes so I have to wear more sunscreen that people with darker complexions. But no one would think of it as something to be medicalized. It’s just “oh, I usually get burned by the sun, I better buy some sunscreen” or “oh, I’m left handed I better put my mouse in left handed mode”, or “oh, I’m gay, I’d better go find someone of my same gender to love”. Something like that. Simple, easy and widely accepted.
- Comment on modern psychiatry be like 3 days ago:
I will argue that the mild part of the autism spectrum, what we call functional autism, is not a mental illness, not a disorder.
It’s like being left handed, not the most common thing, it can cause troubles in a world made for right handed people, specially if being left handed is not accepted. But by itself is just another way of being just as “healthy” and “normal” as being right handed.
I think this is an open debate. Some folks prefer it being considered an illness because they want diagnosis and treatment. Others, like me, just love to be this way, and there’s nothing I think is wrong with me. The only problem is that the world is not accommodated for people like me, just like it wasn’t accommodated for left-handed people not so long ago. But as soon as it’s 100% accepted as something normal I don’t see it causing any trouble, so if there’s no harm there’s no illness we can talk about.
- Comment on 🪨 Rock on 🪨 6 days ago:
Are you sure of that?
For me 9-5 sitting in an office is way better than 7-7 on the sun taking care of crops, inside a mine, or as some rich guy servant.
- Comment on 🪨 Rock on 🪨 6 days ago:
Yeah, ancient people had it good, they never had to work, food and shelter used to just fall out of the sky.
- Comment on PeerTube needs more love 1 week ago:
Using Voyager, the app has like a thousand (idk how many but a lot) of domains registered, so basically any lemmy link out there take me to the Voyager app.
I would assume the same could be done with peertube app
- Comment on Favourite Metroid game? 1 week ago:
It’s also Zero mission for me. The atmosphere and story are amazing.
- Comment on is it wrong/selfish to cut contact with my trump-supporting father? 1 week ago:
I wouldn’t know what’s “wrong” or “right” in these kind of matters.
You should do whatever is better for your mental health.
Are you better without having contact with your father or having contact with him?
It’s the only question here.
You should be aware that you would not change his mind with this or make him question his beliefs. If something his beliefs would probably grow stronger after something like that.
You also should be aware that that action would have zero impact on the far right campaign.
So if you do this is for your own mental benefit, nothing else. Don’t let any kind of pressure on any direction force you to do anything that’s not the best for your mental health.
To be true, for what I read, if I was in your situation I wouldn’t cut ties. You said that he supports you, and for me that’s the important thing in a father. I personally have no issues having personal relationships with people with vastly different political ideologies. My mental health does not suffer from that. But every person is different, so you do what’s best for you.
- Comment on Scary 2 weeks ago:
Afaik it’s one very common kink.
Here it goes some more info about what different people feel enjoyable about that. I’ll put in on a spoiler in case people don’t feel comfortable reading about breath play.
Tap for spoiler
Firstly there are levels and levels of choking. The most soft one is not actual choking just playing with the idea of choking. Fron slight play with the hands to some objects, chokers, necklaces or anything that can be put around the neck and put some pressure but don’t actually cut the breath. Here the pleasure tends to come from the idea of submission, and it’s just a mental pleasure. Then there is full erotic asphyxiation. Most people don’t do this for obvious reasons, as it can actually be really dangerous, people tend to prefer the idea of it (for mental arousing) rather than actually doing so. Here the pleasure have two components, the same submission and mental pleasure as before and the real physical pleasure that can come from the lack of oxygen. Lack of oxygen can make a lot of funny things to our bodies, many times similar to a drug. Mixing that with all the hormones liberated during sexual activity can lead to physical responses that can be found desirable by someone.
- Comment on Fucking hell 4 weeks ago:
Italian economy had always been better than Spain.
And Spain have been never short of organized crime. They were just not been prosecuted precisely because successors or Franco who made such crime got government positions in the new democracy instead of getting the rope.
- Comment on The one drawback to walking at night 4 weeks ago:
Yeah, I’ve heard the “they statistically comit more crimes” elsewhere. Same vibes.
- Comment on The one drawback to walking at night 4 weeks ago:
How is this not bigotry and discrimination toward a group of population?
- Comment on Don't forget where we came from and what shaped us as a species. The Jungle. 5 weeks ago:
Not all crops are created equal.
Crops intended for livestock are way easier to farm, require less water, less pesticides, and less taking care of.
Many times crops intended for livestock are a necessary part of rotatory crops.
Farming is not as easy as “you can grow anything in any given land”.
- Comment on AI Traning 5 weeks ago:
All art is derivative.
- Comment on My Honest Opinion 5 weeks ago:
Personally, I don’t really care.
I do enjoy some types of AI content, I do bo enjoy others. Same as any other type of content. So that tag would be useless for my personal preferences.
- Comment on If I'm not ready, I won't be ready! 5 weeks ago:
It’s a common thing that happens to most people for a variety of reasons.
- Comment on If I'm not ready, I won't be ready! 5 weeks ago:
Nah, this happens to many, if not most, people.
- Comment on This community needs some uplifting posts now more than ever! 1 month ago:
Is there a debate?
I showed the video to a random person that had not much idea of any of this, we are not even American so they didn’t know that there was an inauguration or anything. I said nothing, just: “see this video and tell me what you think”.
The answer was: “did he just do the nazi salute?”
- Comment on I am unobservant 1 month ago:
I’m not afraid to confess that I’ve given completely fabricated directions out of pure embarrassment.
“Yes, yes, just continue straight in that direction for a while and then turn left twice and you are there!”
Those poor souls…
- Comment on Negotiations over AI are still holding up video game development - Mass Effect's Jennifer Hale explains why 1 month ago:
You wouldn’t download a voice?
- Comment on Alan Emrich, the game designer and writer who coined the term '4X,' has died 1 month ago:
May he rest in eternity.
- Comment on Would you do Onlyfans if needed the money? 1 month ago:
No. I’ll probably try to set up my own website.
- Comment on What's the endgame when the rich have all the money? 1 month ago:
I can’t wait to be called on a Amazon’s Levy to give my life conquering some Microsoft’s chip factory.
- Comment on What's the endgame when the rich have all the money? 1 month ago:
Let me introduce you to the wonderful concepts of feudalism and slavery.
- Comment on I got into the wrong career lol 1 month ago:
I don’t do it for the same reason that most women don’t do it. Because I don’t want to. And because I prefer to do things I enjoy doing.
If you want that “easy” money just open a grindr account and do some squats so you have a nice ass, my dude, you’ll be golden.
- Comment on I got into the wrong career lol 1 month ago:
A man could 100% prostitute or open an only fans. And they’ll have the same type of customers as a woman, and probably be performing the same actions.
So if it’s easy for women it should be easy for men.
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 1 month ago:
Fun fact. At no point in my comments you’ll see that I referred to “male friends” or “female friends”.
Plenty of men had female friends that got away because they fell in love with some other man/woman.
It makes no difference the gender of the friends in my theory.
The thing is that you can be the best friend in the world, a partner will always come first for the other person. It’s not a matter of lack of empathy or any other"toxic male behavior" here. It’s just people having different priorities in life. And a problem with some people being no one’s priority.
I’m not convinced that my theory is true. As this os an incredibly complex topic. I just think that the whole “male toxicity is to blame” is just an easy scape goat or political dogma. “Toxic masculinity and sexism is bad so it must be the cause of every gendered issue in society”, and then constructing the argument needed for that statement to maintain true. And while sexism it’s obviously bad, it does not need to be the source of any and all problems. Some problems, I think, have other sources.
- Comment on Do rhymes make sense to deaf people? 1 month ago:
English, no.
Spanish, sí.
- Comment on what unbiased media sources do you use? 1 month ago:
None. All are biased. The best way is to read multiple news sources being aware of what their biases are.
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 1 month ago:
Toxic masculinity is definitely not a part of relationships falling apart.
Anyone who had live through being in a group of single people through their youth and, as years pass, became the only one single on that group could probably confirm the experience. Friendships do not fall apart just because some male toxicity. It’s way simpler, it’s just that when two people do not have partners they can devote a lot of time and emotional energy to each other. When you are single a friend can easily be the most important person of your life. When you have a partner the amount of time and emotional energy that you have for friends is inferior, as you want to spend a great deal of that time and energy to your partner (as it’s natural). Then relationships became different. It’s not that it’s impossible to have “married friends”. But it’s certainly not the same as having a close single friend. And toxic masculinity does not take a part in any part of this process. The process is just a natural thing to happen on these situations.
Yes, people can cope trying to make new friendships. But that’s just a way to cope. Same as filing your live with hobbies and social activities can help coping with the lack of a romantic partner. But it does not solve the base issue. It’s like taking antidepressants for a depression, it helps, but it’s no solution, and the lack of antidepressants was not the issue.
Having a romantic relationship is important for many people. Denying that can be alienating, as you are denying personal experiences and personal feelings. I don’t think that solution is convincing people that their natural desires of being as loved as they see other people to be is just wrong and that they should live with even wanting that love (while they see plenty of other people enjoying that kind love).