- Comment on [deleted] 18 hours ago:
Knaller, ja so sollte es sein. Dann wünsche ich ihr, dass sie irgendwie ihr Glück im Leben findet.
Ich hab mal eine Flexikon Podcast Folge über das Thema gehört. Also das ist sicherlich nicht leicht, wenn einer mehr als doppelt so alt ist. Man hat unterschiedliche Interessen, ist in unterschiedlichen Lebenssituationen, es gibt Gefälle in der Beziehung... Und Gesellschaftlich ist man damit auch nicht akzeptiert. Also wenn es nicht sowieso eine vorübergehende Phase ist, ist es bestimmt nicht leicht. Aber das sind Beziehungen und Partnerschaft ohnehin nicht...
- Comment on [deleted] 18 hours ago:
Ja gut, das geht auch. Denke was ich sagen wollte ist: Dann passiert es halt hinter deinem Rücken. Also ich kenne keine der Beteiligten hier... Aber vielleicht sagst du deiner Tochter noch einmal, dass du für sie da bist. Also falls du das leisten kannst/willst. Ich weiß halt nicht ob man sich mit so einer Absprache traut etwaige Probleme auf den Tisch zu bringen. Und die Spekulation ist ja, dass die Situation zu Problemen führen wird. Da wäre es für deine Tochter vielleicht wichtig zu wissen, auch wenn du ihn nicht da haben möchtest, dass sie trotzdem mit dir reden kann, wenn etwas ist.
- Comment on [deleted] 19 hours ago:
Naja, pauschale Ablehnung bringt aber auch nix. Damit stößt du deiner Tochter nur vor den Kopf. Wie wäre es, wenn du dir den Typen mal selber anschaust und dir ein selbst ein Bild von ihm machst?
- Comment on I'm OOTL: Why is TikTok being banned? 2 days ago:
Though, the US, British or Canadian government doesn't collect that much info on it's citizens and citizens of other countries in large databases. They have laws that limit the amount of government surveillance. We can argue if they're strict enough etc, but at least they exist. Which isn't really the case for China. So it's fair to treat them differently. And by the way other countries also sometimes cut diwn on what's allowed to transfer to the USA in a similar way, since for example the NSA is free to collect lots of data on foreigners. And legislation is just different. But that's been usually for other services. Cutting down on social media altogether (instead of just have them pay a hefty fine) is a relatively new thing.
- Comment on I'm OOTL: Why is TikTok being banned? 2 days ago:
By the way, there's also a Wikipedia article about TikTok with a whole paragraph about privacy and security concerns. Along with references. None of it is refuted. TikTok / ByteDance themselves tell who owns the platform. And they seem to be very clear themselves and that they log your interactions, location, mobile carrier, information about your phone, your biometric face features and so on and so on.
- Comment on If AI spits out stuff it's been trained on 2 days ago:
I think that aricle lacks nuance. It's a bit baity and attends to the usual talking points without contextualizing the numbers or what's actually happening out there, the consequences or the harm. That makes me believe the author just wants to push some point across.
But I've yet to read a good article on this. Most articles are like this one. But yeah, are a few thousand images much in the context of crime that's happening online? Where are these numbers from and what's with the claim that there are more actual pictures out there? I seriously doubt that. And what consequences does all of this have? Does it mean an increase or a decrease of abuse? And lots of services have implemented filters... Are the platforms doing their due diligence? Is this a general societal issue or criminals doing crime?
- Comment on If AI spits out stuff it's been trained on 2 days ago:
It's certainly technically possible. I suspect these AI models just aren't good at it. So the pedophiles need to train them on actual images.
I can imagine for example AI doesn't know what puberty is since it has in fact not seen a lot of naked children. It would try to infer from all the internet porn it's seen, and draw any female with big breasts, disregarding age. And that's not how children actually look.
I haven't tried, since it's illegal where I live. But that's my suspicion why pedophiles bother with training models.
- Comment on If AI spits out stuff it's been trained on 2 days ago:
Well, it can draw an astronaut on a horse, and I doubt it had seen lots of astronauts on horses...
- Comment on Is there an equivalent of solar panels for radio waves? 4 days ago:
That would be an antenna or a coil.
- Comment on Was Isaac Newton physics jesus? 6 days ago:
Heheh, valid objection. Guess Newton wasn't the only smart person in history 😆 And drama has always been part of human history... But we still hear those names over 300 years later. Along with a lot of other names of people whose results are taught in university today. But yeah, that hypothetical situation (Newton's achievements in mathematics being replaced by Leibnitz) would make a good Dr. Who episode.
- Comment on The Top 3 Apps in my Country (Venezuela) are all VPNs... 6 days ago:
I think Alibaba and Aliexpress are less tightly connected with the Chinese government. They also ship stuff from China, but they aren't specialized in the cheapest of the cheapest. Plus as far as I know they're more a marketplace platform. They handle the money and connect you with an individual seller in China. The platforms are a bit less convenient to use. I think it's a bit like eBay vs Amazon, if you want to compare it to western companies.
- Comment on The Top 3 Apps in my Country (Venezuela) are all VPNs... 6 days ago:
Because people like cheap stuff. Need a phone case? Harry Potter merchandise knockoffs, socks, a brush for your arts project? TEMU has that for $0.61, delivered to your door.
And as far as I know it's sponsored by the Chinese government. They chip in with forced labor camps. And they also invested massively in advertising and making it a thing.
I wouldn't buy from them. As far as I know the app is also spying on the users etc. But yeah, enough people seem to buy stuff there. I suppose it's cheap and convenient and people don't care.
- Comment on The Top 3 Apps in my Country (Venezuela) are all VPNs... 1 week ago:
Just read the government is currently also on a VPN banning spree. I guess that list is going to change frequently now, if people continue with watching Youtube, Instagram and Twitter.
- Comment on The Top 3 Apps in my Country (Venezuela) are all VPNs... 1 week ago:
Is that because of the political situation? Like repression, internet censorship... Or an unrelated trend?
- Comment on Was Isaac Newton physics jesus? 1 week ago:
Possible. But then we'd need somebody else to develop calculus and write a Principia Mathematica and lay the groundworks for the age of enlightenment.
- Comment on Was Isaac Newton physics jesus? 1 week ago:
yes. and mathematics. and a key figure in the scientific revolution. Probably also one of the most intelligent people ever.
- Comment on How rare is it for people to live without anger? 1 week ago:
It's far more pronounced on the internet anyways. People come here to vent. And the platforms incentivise them to do so, the way they're build. I'd say it's far less a thing in the real life anyways.
- Comment on Meta Is Blocking Links to Pixelfed 1 week ago:
Well, there isn't really a way around automated filtering. Spammers and malicious actors also send their stuff in bulk. And those big tech companies already have human content moderators. Usually in some poorer countries and it's a horrible job. I suppose there just arent enough humans to also deal with the flood of spam, manually.
These systems are far from perfect. And I'm not really an expert. I don't use Meta's platforms. I can't tell much from that screenshot. It's missing the URL and it hints at some rule that might be shown below.
And I didn't want to say "trust Meta". Quite the opposite. I just think this one specific claim could be true. Not everything is a conspiracy theory. We know they have automated apamfilters. And we know these make a lot of mistakes. Very similar with what other spamfilters do with short URLs. I'd say the simplest explanation is: their spamfilter sucks. Not that they somehow conspired, wrote additional software to deliberately target Pixelfed instances, but just when it's a short post... No. I think in this instance it's the simple explanation.
- Comment on Meta Is Blocking Links to Pixelfed 1 week ago:
We just should take care not to spread misinformation. We need to stick with the truth. And It's not like the article says. And what they're infering is wrong, too. And seems that they didn't respond isn't up to date anymore, either.
Other than that, I agree. If somebody chooses to use a platform like this, they get entangled in some soulless machinery. And that machinery isn't there to help the user, but mainly to uphold whatever a big tech company likes. Mainly profit and control.
- Comment on Meta Is Blocking Links to Pixelfed 1 week ago:
Has already been refuted in the other post: https://lemm.ee/post/52524220
- Comment on Why does it seem like Americans have become so hateful and destructive in the past years? 1 week ago:
I wasn't even implying that. I think it's more nuanced. And I don't think America is as democratic as it should be. So I'm not sure if I'm even blaming the people. For a lot of things there are exactly zero solutions available, disregarding how/whom you vote. I mean I'm kind of with OP here. I'm not from the US and I can't really relate. We just hear very different takes from overseas. Some people believe the country is turning into an authoritarian system soon, some think we're painting an overly dark image. And I, too, wouldn't know how to vote if you always get only 2 (fake) choices who both don't really care for the people... So I can somehow relate to people just not taking part in voting. It's just a bad situation. And I wish for the best. Though, I think >50% of the citizens have lost track on what America is about...
- Comment on Why does it seem like Americans have become so hateful and destructive in the past years? 1 week ago:
But isn't that kind of putting lipstick on a pig? I mean got elected to become president. And 77 million is a lot of people... And I'm not sure if that's going to change policies and society. It's kind of accepted now to be a biggot and do harmful things. And I'm really not sure if it's acceptable under these circumstances to be a "silent majority" anyways. I mean it's not exactly like watching the nazis take over a country. But I think there are parallels. And I don't think it's ethically alright to just watch. At somepoint if you don't do anything, you become part of the problem. IMO.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
We Germans even have two distinct words for that: "Fernweh" and "Wanderlust". It's definitely a thing. I'd argue the first one matches your feelings more closely. Probably a lot of people can relate. Even for grown-ups vacation is special. You get to relax, go on an adventure, be far away from mundane every-day life, work and obligations...
- Comment on Why do AI bros and other staunch AI defenders seem happy about the potential of killing off the creative industries? 2 weeks ago:
There are people out there without any kind of conscience or memorse. If they can somehow make a profit, they'll sell somehing to you or anyone who is willing to listen.
- Comment on How can I use an LLM to generate a 10k word long coherent story? 2 weeks ago:
I think so, too. I mean we also have human authors end up ant a random camping site somewhere in Europe in the 70s and come up with the random idea of writing "The hitchhikers guide to the galaxy". Either we allow randomness to inspire a novrl. Or we'd need to say a lot of old novels aren't original ideas either.
- Comment on How can I use an LLM to generate a 10k word long coherent story? 2 weeks ago:
I think it's impossible then. My experience aligns with these recommendations. First tell it to come up with interesting story ideas. Then pick one. Have it write an outline. Have it come up with story arcs, subplots and a general structure. Chapter names... Then tell it to write the chapters individually, factoring in the results from before. Once it trails off or writes short chapters, edit the text and guide it back to where you want it to be.
It'll just write bad and maybe short stories unless you do that. I mean you could theoretically automate this. Write a program with some AI agent framework that instructs it to do the individual tasks, have it reflect on itself, always feed back what it came up with and include it in the next task.
- Comment on Are there any uncensored LLM available publicly? 2 weeks ago:
I don't know which one of them is good, but I've seen like a dozen or so online services, mostly for roleplay / virtual girl/boyfriend stuff etc. They're paid, though. Or you can pay openrouter (more general LLM connector, also paid). I'm not sure if you're looking for something like that or something free.
It's mostly OpenAI, Microsoft etc who have free services, but they're limited in what they'll talk about. And there is one free community project I'm aware of: that would be AI Horde. It's mostly for images but offers text, too. I haven't used it in a while, not sure how/if it works.
- Comment on Anon's PC works 2 weeks ago:
Same, same. Except I don't really play games, but use the computer for other hobbies. It's still plenty fast and does everything I need it to do. So why buy something that does exactly the same, just is newer and looks different?
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 2 weeks ago:
Btw, It's a lot more pronounced here on the internet. Since it's a filter bubble. If you dive into the real world, you'll find a lot of males also have healthy lives, a lot of hobbies, they're going out with friends, playing football once a week etc. I mean it's certainly there, and a big issue in society. All I want to say is, don't just look at some social media and draw conclusions from that.
- Comment on Why is it considered sexist to ask women to smile? 2 weeks ago:
I mean we have countless Reddit stories where someone's dog died that day, and while groceries shopping someone tells them "hey, a beautiful girl like you should smile".
That's just an a**hole move.