- Comment on Can the public expect to get to see Luigi Mangione's 3 page manifesto in its entirety in a reasonable timeframe? 2 months ago:
That it could be an incitement to violence is precisely what they will/have argue(d), I would guess.
- Comment on Should Democrats also gerrymander blue states to counterbalance any advantage that republicans have due to the gerrymandering in red states? 2 months ago:
It’s only a non-justicable political question when Republicans do it. It’s written in invisible ink and is only visible if you sign your entity’s legal name diagonally across the written decision with a red pen.
- Comment on I live in the green part 2 months ago:
Agreed. A more granular map would be interesting to see.
Re: Colorado, it’s just a relatively healthy state with a general ethos of living well. I think you’re seeing some of that being the urban effect through the Denver, Colorado Springs, etc. and then you have the addition of rural areas of Colorado being outdoorsy still, as well as very often still affluent or “rural poor.” Colorado has one of the lowest rural poverty rates in the United States.
And since Colorado would be in the 25-29.9 category now, it’s comparable to many states that also have comparable rural poverty rates. The fact that the states with the highest rural poverty also have the highest weights, I’m sure there’s a relationship there. I imagine the obesity rates and poverty rates heavily overlap.
- Comment on I live in the green part 2 months ago:
Is it possible they’re expressing admiration or paying you a compliment not invoke your disdain?
Incidentally, according to the most recent CDC numbers, Colorado is no longer “green” on this map, just Hawaii and DC.
There’s only eight states under 30%. West Virgina tops the numbers at 41%.
~75% of the United States is classified as overweight or obese, which is staggering. It has to be pretty unevenly distributed even within states, because I live in a college town in a low-middle-weight state, and very few appear obese, and I’m regularly in a nearby major metro, and I don’t see a ton of obese people there either. Rural children are 10-15 times more likely to obese, so I’m guessing that is probably a major factor as well.
25-35% obesity rates covers like 80% of states, so the US is just fat and getting fatter.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
This person posted this earlier today then deleted it when people started pointing out how gross it is. It’s all they’ve posted about.
Indulging this person’s fetish that they’re facilitating by using an LLM isn’t a great idea. You’re enabling someone who is probably in mental distress, and you’re spending way more time on it than they are. He’s just throwing responses into an LLM and copying the response over, and he’s indulging in the attention. This account is literally only this post and comments.
It’s creepy to think of some low-effort sweat slobbering over the attention from those willing to indulge his AI-constructed fanfic. Gross.
- Comment on How the Fuck did Trump Actually Win - F.D Singifier 2 months ago:
7% more women voted for Trump in 2024 vs. 2020. Trump has actually been gaining with women – and that’s not exclusively white women despite the current narrative. Trump actually lost support from white women for the first time since 2016.
20% more latinas voted for Trump than 2020. Trump has steadily gained Latina votes since 2016. 5% more Asian women. Trump gained support from women and people under 30 and most men. His biggest gains are probably the Latine and youth vote. Latinos shifted tremendously in their support of Trump.
Anyway, the point is, it seems as though an anti-woman political platform actually increases women’s support for that candidate. Obviously it’s probably reasonable to conclude there are other compelling issues, but the idea that targeting women in a political platform actually decreases overall support from people with higher levels of education, but not from women themselves.
- Comment on Would Kamala Harris have won the 2024 election if Latinos didn't shift hard to the right? 3 months ago:
Hmm. An article quoting Pew: “a majority of white women (53 percent) did vote for Trump in the 2024 presidential election, up from 44 percent in 2020 and 39 percent in 2016 per Pew.”
but I think you’re right, those numbers sound like all women. I’ll edit the post.
- Comment on Would Kamala Harris have won the 2024 election if Latinos didn't shift hard to the right? 3 months ago:
Latines make up 20% of the population. They are the largest “minority” population. They make up closer to 30% of under 18 demographics. If population trends continue, they will be the largest ethnic group in the country in about 25 years. That’s three eight-year presidential terms.
They’re a minority ethnicity, but the largest one and the second-fastest growing one behind Asians, who, despite one of the lowest birth rates, have proportionally the highest rate of immigration. Trump also gained 12% in the Asian electorate as well. I would say these voting trends, if they continue, look extremely promising for Republicans in the future.
All that said, Black, Asian, and Latine men and women voters combined comprise roughly 29% of the voting public in presidential elections. White women alone comprise 38%. Latino men are 5% for comparison. White women are the largest voting demographic by far.
In 2016, 39% of white women voted for Trump. In 2020, 44% of white women voted for Trump. In 2024, 53% of white women voted for Trump.
I’m all for blaming minorities for the democrats sagging support (I’m not), but if we’re looking for someone at which to point our fingers, if white women had voted like they did in 2016 when Trump was elected the first time, every single Latino man (I realize that’s redundant) could have voted for Trump, and Harris would have still received more total votes.
- Comment on If the democrats executed the same fake electors scheme trump tried to execute, wouldn't Republican opposition be admission of trumps guilt? 3 months ago:
I’ve got good and bad news for you: it’s an edge-lord adult. They’ve got strong “I would be embarrassed if people knew what I look like and what my life is like” vibes.
- Comment on If the democrats executed the same fake electors scheme trump tried to execute, wouldn't Republican opposition be admission of trumps guilt? 3 months ago:
He’s just a moron that plays video games all day, so his game of reference is a fictional world. He seems to think being obtuse online makes him appear strong and therefore smart. He’s basically a Trump voter that missed a memo along the way.
- Comment on If the democrats executed the same fake electors scheme trump tried to execute, wouldn't Republican opposition be admission of trumps guilt? 3 months ago:
- Comment on If the democrats executed the same fake electors scheme trump tried to execute, wouldn't Republican opposition be admission of trumps guilt? 3 months ago:
Sounds like a brilliant plan. “They’re being fascist so we have to be fascist!” has worked so well in history.
- Comment on If the democrats executed the same fake electors scheme trump tried to execute, wouldn't Republican opposition be admission of trumps guilt? 3 months ago:
You can’t beat fascism with fascism.
- Comment on If the democrats executed the same fake electors scheme trump tried to execute, wouldn't Republican opposition be admission of trumps guilt? 3 months ago:
The problem is that the democrats are playing the game called “democracy.” The Republicans stopped following the rules of the game because they don’t want to play it anymore. If the Democrats do what the Republicans do, then the game is no longer be played. You can’t really give up on democracy and then bring it back. It rarely ever works that way.
If you cede the ground of democratic norms, rules, and policies just to win, you ultimately lose because you no longer have a democracy. In many respects, getting the Democrats to start doing the same thing is precisely what the Republicans want. Because that means they can finish burying democracy, and they’re better positioned to win the game called “fascism.”
- Comment on [Game Threads] 17 NOV 2024 - NBA CUP 3 months ago:
They get a trophy and it has no effect on the season playoffs, or finals. It doesn’t really seem to add much excitement, but the nba has been pretty exciting this year, so maybe the excitement about winning a meaningless trophy is being lost in the noise.
- Comment on [Game Threads] 17 NOV 2024 - NBA CUP 3 months ago:
I’ve been an NBA fan for like ten years. Can someone explain to me wtf the NBA cup is and why it matters?
- Comment on What positive things do you expect from Trumps upcoming four years? 3 months ago:
Yeah totally. The mass of white liberals is going to suddenly revolt and start a revolution lol.
They’re going to do what they always do: put their head down and rationalize the oppression of the poor, racial minorities, and women. That, at least, has will stay consistent.
“I DID my part! I took ten minutes out of my day to vote! What else could you possibly expect of me??”
- Comment on Donald Trump's sentencing was postponed to after the election to avoid any assistance of election interference. Can he be sentenced while he is President Elect? 3 months ago:
He won. Get over it.
- Comment on What is Trump going to do to social security since he is now going to be president? Just wondering because my mom gets SS and she does not want me to support here? 3 months ago:
Yes, nothing, which means not fixing it. Which means it will be depleted in mine years. I guess it depends on how long his mom plans to stay alive.
- Comment on Did Trump vote? Could he have? 3 months ago:
Who cares.
- Comment on Is there a conversational AI chat bot that isn't... So horny? Preferably free, but I'll pay a little bit of it's good. 3 months ago:
Literally any of the major LLMs.
- Comment on [Game Threads] 04 NOV 2024 3 months ago:
Atlanta still has a basketball team? Woah.
- Comment on What percentage of lead gets washed off the fingers of a typical human after handling lead solder? 3 months ago:
Avoid and mitigate fumes. Buy a jug of D-Lead hand soap and laundry detergent and use it. Get regular blood tests for lead levels.
If you have or are regularly around small children, you need to be extremely diligent about the above. That goes for all you idiots obsessed with guns as well. Primers use lead styphnate and create lead vapor everytime you fire. Worse with rifles because your face is closer to the expelled gases.
- Comment on Business execs just said the quiet part out loud on RTO mandates — A quarter admit forcing staff back into the office was meant to make them quit 4 months ago:
Sure, you can frame it however you want, but the reality is that companies are using people’s attachment to WFH as a tool to cut costs and churn out employees more cheaply. By pushing return-to-office mandates, they’re nudging people to leave without having to call it a pay cut or layoff—it’s a workaround that makes it easier for them to replace folks with new hires who’ll take the conditions they’re setting.
Whether you want to call it a “rescinded raise” or not doesn’t change the fact that this tactic is all about control and cutting down labor costs. And unlike an actual rescinded raise, there aren’t as many laws and rules about notification, etc. So it’s fine to think of it that way as long as you don’t convince yourself RTO has the same provisions required of a pay cut, which is why it’s being used in the ways I described previously.
- Comment on Business execs just said the quiet part out loud on RTO mandates — A quarter admit forcing staff back into the office was meant to make them quit 4 months ago:
Yes for sure. Be prepared for a “no,” or even to have the offer withdrawn if competition is particularly robust, but getting as much into pre-hire contract language is absolutely a good idea.
- Comment on Business execs just said the quiet part out loud on RTO mandates — A quarter admit forcing staff back into the office was meant to make them quit 4 months ago:
Perhaps. Were I you, I wouldn’t be so confident that this are going to work out just the way you’d like them to. But, I’m not, so carry on – and good luck.
- Comment on Business execs just said the quiet part out loud on RTO mandates — A quarter admit forcing staff back into the office was meant to make them quit 4 months ago:
RTO is becoming more widespread, WFH positions are becoming more rare and competition for them is dramatically increasing due to the increase in RTO. Additionally, RTO is a cheap and easy way get rid of employees. If you look, you’ll often see the same positions offered as WFH with less pay and less total positions. Because competition is so fierce for WFH, companies are generally able to cheaply reduce their workforce, attract high-quality talent, and reduce labor costs.
WFH is fully a tool to manipulate and manage workforce expenditures at this point. People will literally quit a job out of a RTO mandate because they’ve decided they’re never going to work in an office again, and then they face the cold reality that many, many people are trying to do the same thing. If they’re lucky, the end up with a worse position and/or worse pay with WFH, which inevitably only buys them time until RTO happens for the new position as well. That’s not true for everyone bailing because of a RTO mandate – some get extremely lucky and end up in something better – but it’s the case for most people. And this cycle of WFH-RTO-decrease pay for same WFH position-RTO cycle will only increase in prevalence.
Part of the problem is, again, competition for WFH positions. People also tend to overestimate their unique value and contribution to a company. Unfortunately, most people are able to be adequately replaced fairly easily. Very often, as I noted, they’re replaced with a higher-skill worker who takes less pay. There are no shortage of workers aggressively seeking WFH jobs.
- Comment on Why are people doing this at voting locations in the USA? 4 months ago:
- Comment on Which adjective should come first, modular or versatile? 4 months ago:
It’s not uncommon to change the order for branding. It makes people notice it more – even though they’re noticing it because it “feels” incorrect, it tends to force a reader’s attention. Alternatively, it might be a non-english company.
- Comment on Why are people doing this at voting locations in the USA? 4 months ago:
Show a rabid Trump republican a picture of voters at a polling place in a democratic stronghold and record what they say. I’ll wait.