- Comment on Definitely didn't waste half an hour making this 16 hours ago:
Number 2 is the only one that can write effectively on wood. I may not build a lot, but when I have tried to use a mechanical pencil for marking wood, it was a total fail.
- Comment on The Simple Act of Buying a Graphics Card Is the Defining Misery of PC Gaming in 2025 2 weeks ago:
Others were saying $2k… I am thankfully under $2500. Though I forgot insurance is wrapped in my monthly payment. So maybe I am under even $2k. I know rent around here is between $1k and $2k a month for a two bedroom apt though.
- Comment on The Simple Act of Buying a Graphics Card Is the Defining Misery of PC Gaming in 2025 2 weeks ago:
I wish my mortgage was that low.
- Comment on Call Them. Replace Them. 2 weeks ago:
I agree we don’t owe them anything. And if being uncivil will make a difference, I am all for it. But if it won’t help, then let’s stay civil. In this specific case, if the floor of the house becomes a circus, people will start voting for clowns intentionally. Because it will become a required skill. I would rather it not. We already have too many clowns in there as is. And someday I hope it can go back a bit toward what it is supposed to be. A place for compromise. Though I do admit that I don’t have a lot of hope.
- Comment on Call Them. Replace Them. 2 weeks ago:
Well a big part of it all is that the interruption doesn’t really make a difference. It’s a show, likely done to get attention on himself. If it were to be something very effective, that would be another story. But it will start us down a path where the chamber will resemble a WWE production. The original point though was that if the constituency of the dems that voted yes, support that vote, then they did thier job in representing thier voters. So that’s okay. If every vote follows strict party lines our government will be even more of a pendulum than it currently is. Swinging wildly to which ever side currently has the power.
- Comment on Call Them. Replace Them. 2 weeks ago:
I know it feels like it. But you could be in North Korea. That’s pretty close to rock bottom with very little hope of ever improving.
- Comment on Call Them. Replace Them. 2 weeks ago:
I think an awful lot of people around the world would argue we are nowhere near the bottom.
- Comment on Owing your home today is nearly impossible, but even if you did the ever increasing property taxes will bury you 2 weeks ago:
I’ve read otherwise on the costs of services per person and density. A fire station can only reasonably cover a certain amount of space. So low density housing means you need more fire stations for the same amount of people. And of course you need more road per person in general.
- Comment on Call Them. Replace Them. 2 weeks ago:
There is a case to be made for not joining the race to the bottom. But likely these people constituents would be in favor of them voting this way. And in the end, that is who they are supposed to represent.
- Comment on Owing your home today is nearly impossible, but even if you did the ever increasing property taxes will bury you 2 weeks ago:
While I do think there should be some relief for some people as far as property taxes are concerned… living in a town or city gives a person access to many local government subsided services. Firefighters, and ambulances are some simple ones that everyone uses. Roads as well. And the cost of that does increase over time. Basing a person’s contributions to paying for that based on the value of thier property is just easier for local governments, and more stable. But it doesn’t really corelate with the use of those services. Nor with income or ability to pay.
Life necessities really shouldn’t be taxed at most levels. Food, shelter, water, heat, medical care. Most already aren’t. But housing still is. Investment properties should be taxed of course, but an average primary residence really shouldn’t be. - Comment on Billionaires shouldn't exist 3 weeks ago:
wrong buzzer noise They don’t have lots of “money”, they have lot’s of assets. In the US they can get loans at very favorable terms based on those assets. Which is how they avoid taxes. What the german rules for this are I don’t know, but probably not the same.
- Comment on Why do i see so many americans obsessed with the concept of "this is a thing that [Ethnicity] does" 3 weeks ago:
It ain’t just race. Pop into one of the nuerodivergent (sp?) Subs on like reddit. So many posts like “I do X. Is it because I am Y”. And “why do we all do Y”. And “I hate that NT people do Z”…
- Comment on Bluesky 3 weeks ago:
I think it is fair to say that the two are not the same. The trump thing probably had millions of views. They didn’t have to look hard to find it. Now I agree, they need to do better with moderation that involves kids, especially. Such things should actually be stopped before they are even posted. But I am not going to ding them for taking quick action on something that was brought to thier attention.
- Comment on meirl 4 weeks ago:
So it’s federated like lemmy? Interesting. So you pay an instance I assume. But does that get you access to all other instances like lemmy? That seems odd, but possible.
- Comment on meirl 4 weeks ago:
I’ve heard of usenet. Never understood how they can exist legally. Or how people pay them legally.
- Comment on meirl 5 weeks ago:
My understanding is that not everything is available that way though. I had a friend say they tried to get star trek the motion picture. And while it was there. A month later he still only had half of it. Thats a pretty big name movie to be so hard to get.
- Comment on I feel my life is empty. Is there any way to stop this? 5 weeks ago:
Books, podcasts, niche youtubers, video games. Jusy keep trying different subjects until you find something that interests you. Learning is usually a draw for a lot of people. You could also try volunteering in some way. Maybe that will be more fulfilling.
- Comment on How likely do you think there will be a run on the banks? 5 weeks ago:
I was really surprised that didn’t cause major issues. I guess they all figure BS comes out of his mouth a lot. So maybe they are waiting for the second time to react. I dunno, not sure how he dodged that bullet.
- Comment on How likely do you think there will be a run on the banks? 5 weeks ago:
It’s not that he wouldn’t do it… but that it would hurt rich people, so they would litterally kill him. Then Vance would come in and assure everyone that the US would make good on them all.
- Comment on Erasure 5 weeks ago:
Seriously though. Publicity doesn’t make you a person. You know who else thinks it does. Trump. And thinking that way gets us more people in control who care more about image than doing anything. A better ending to that post would have focused on the accomplishments, not the person. Like noting that it was that easy to make womens accomplishments dissapear or something like that.
- Comment on Gimme some evidence that anyone at all in the government is pushing back on Trump with any effectiveness at all. Someone throw me a bone here. 😬 1 month ago:
The next election will be very interesting.
If trump is still functional (in the goes to rallies for a successor sense), will there be someone he can or will transfer his popularity to. I kind of doubt it. Anyone able to take on that popularity is a threat to him. Maybe he would do it for one of his kids, because he might think he could control them, but I still doubt it. So he might submarine his own party.That would open the door for another boring centrist from the democrats that “plays ball” with the party elites.
If trump is too feeble to do any rallies and such. That would allow a trump like replacement to pick up the republican torch. This would push the dems toward needing a progressive trump like populist to try to win. The dem “party” (the people behind the scenes) would fight that. Just like they did when Bernie was up against Hillary. And could end up handing it to the new trump like person. This would be the path to your future one party system.
The third scenario would have trump die in office somehow. Vance would “play ball” with the rep party elite in a heartbeat. And he is more like a pre-trump politician. We saw that in the vp debate. But the party elite would probably back him. It could end up with the return of the pre trump days with boring poloticians who just do what the party elite say, with the party elite m9ving back into the shadows.
- Comment on Gimme some evidence that anyone at all in the government is pushing back on Trump with any effectiveness at all. Someone throw me a bone here. 😬 1 month ago:
You can’t push back against the person who doesn’t care. These “trump” things aren’t likely coming from trump. All he wants is attention. So as long as someone spins an idea to him that will get him attention, he will sign it. He hasn’t had an original idea in decades. So you won’t see push back in public much. It will happen between the people behind the scenes.
- Comment on How do I realistically get out of the US? 2 months ago:
Incorporating is just the legal paperwork that brings a corporation into existence. Never done it, but I bet it is just paperwork and money.
- Comment on Coffeezilla does a third part of his CS:GO gambling expose...where he squarely puts the blame on Valve 2 months ago:
I looked deeper are read up. Everything I can find says the age verification function is not anonymous. There is an anonymous login function, but that doesn’t seem to include age verification.
- Comment on Coffeezilla does a third part of his CS:GO gambling expose...where he squarely puts the blame on Valve 2 months ago:
Yeah, something like that. But while your device can validate the cryptographic sig for the app, the site requesting proof of age can’t, since it isn’t running on the same device as the app. The best I can guess, the app could request verification from the state run site, and specify what information it wants (based on what the requestor site asked for). The state site could use a private key to encrypt the response and give it back. The app could use a piblic key the state makes available to decode and confirm that only the intended information is present. Then the app can pass that to the requestor, who can get the public key from the state site and decrypt the information. But, the gap there is how does the requestor know the app it is talking to hasn’t been modified. I don’t think there is a way that it can. Only the device the app is on can verify that. And the requestor can’t trust the device either.
Some Authentication that I remember has a component where the requestor would then talk to the state to confirm the info it got from the app was requested from the state by the same app the site is talking to. This prevents using someone elses response as your own. But in this case, that would tie the site to the request which means the state would have both peices of info, who and what site. So I don’t know what there solution here could be that wouldn’t result in the same problem. - Comment on Coffeezilla does a third part of his CS:GO gambling expose...where he squarely puts the blame on Valve 2 months ago:
My bad, I had the german government mixed up with probably the brits who are constantly saying they need to be able to read everyone’s messages. That said. It’s hard to know what the intelligence arm of a government is really doing. So if they give themselves a backdoor, it’s hard to ensure only they come in. And the government is always only one election away from dramatic policy changes.
- Comment on Coffeezilla does a third part of his CS:GO gambling expose...where he squarely puts the blame on Valve 2 months ago:
Now you are starting to sound like you know what your talking about. But I’m not convinced yet. So when the app sends just the requested data to the site, how does the site verify that the data is legit. A person could fork the app and hack it. I am sure they thought of this, I just don’t know what thier solution is. And I can’t read german.
- Comment on Coffeezilla does a third part of his CS:GO gambling expose...where he squarely puts the blame on Valve 2 months ago:
You can trust them to create the ID because it benefits them. But to guard you anonymity… that actually hurts them. So you can be sure they won’t.
- Comment on Coffeezilla does a third part of his CS:GO gambling expose...where he squarely puts the blame on Valve 2 months ago:
Sounds like it is only anonymous if you fully trust the app. That app has all your information, and the site you are trying to access. And I bet it is completely closed source. It also likely has logs about what sires it is giving information to. Not who’s info in that log. But elsewhere it probably has logs on who’s id it verified. Get access to both, and software can start to crunch the numbers and figure out who went where. That if course is assuming they don’t decide in the future that it is worth just keeping that data together in one spot. There is just no entity that could manage that app which wouldn’t have a motive to use the data and power it has.
- Comment on Coffeezilla does a third part of his CS:GO gambling expose...where he squarely puts the blame on Valve 2 months ago:
In this arena, more regulation is needed. Anonymous age verification is a good idea, but I question the actual anonymity. It usually depends on trust of some entity. And I just can’t fathom an entity that can really be trusted.