- Comment on I don't think they understand. We're interviewing them too. 2 days ago:
They did say with competent management, which may be a fictional state.
- Comment on I don't think they understand. We're interviewing them too. 2 days ago:
Even in medium cities it can be unclear, just lower priced. I paid 34/month to park in a lot they owned.
- Comment on The cost of college in USA makes no sense anymore 4 days ago:
There are reasons to pay 350k for a degree. Facebook only exists because Zuck went to Harvard. It wasn’t the education though, it’s the exposure to rich people. If you don’t do the networking though it’s a huge waste.
- Comment on Do you think I'll get a reply? 1 week ago:
Yep the no alcohol makes no sense, public drunkenness or alcoholism are different, but alcohol use is pretty common. It’s not just the water to wine thing, there’s also the last supper where he essentially gave a toast of “continue to toast in my name.”
- Comment on Par for the course 1 week ago:
Masculinity has been defined as toxic by default for many.
- Comment on Do you think I'll get a reply? 1 week ago:
Again the miracle was a beer run for a wedding, soni think celebration and drinking can go together.
- Comment on Do you think I'll get a reply? 1 week ago:
For the alcohol thing, it’s mostly about excess. Otherwise you have to ignore the first miracle Jesus performed was essentially a beer run.
- Comment on Yet they know what dishware I'm looking for... 1 week ago:
Somewhat fortunately modern technology solved most of this. It’s just a matter of asking the right company to provide proof.
- Comment on Who benefits from the "14 Min Read" estimates popping everywhere? 1 week ago:
It’s a great heads up that something is a longform piece and will have a couple interesting paragraphs followed by 10s of garbage ones that are nothing, then a couple useful points, then more garbage.
- Comment on Lifehack 2025 1 week ago:
Seems reasonable price wise, Walmart sells a smaller pack from the same company for about $20.
- Comment on There is a fee to close my HSA account 1 week ago:
It’s an HSA, keep as much as you can in it. Use it for medical if you have too. Let it become functionally an IRA when you hit 65.
- Comment on Anon doesn't wash 2 weeks ago:
It’s a leftover practice from days when standards were lower. Just like cooking pork to 165, it’s not necessary anymore, but habits die hard
- Comment on Anon comes up with filenames 2 weeks ago:
Actually pretty common as most people would subconsciously hit the same areas each time.
- Comment on ‘Worst People on Earth’: Biden Announces Presidential Medals of Freedom for Hillary Clinton, George Soros 2 weeks ago:
You need to be dead 20 years to qualify for sainthood.
- Comment on Capricorn Two 2 weeks ago:
In the 50s id be surprised if there was more than one piece of equipment in the state that could move that thing. Even today I’d be shocked if there were more than a handful of capable machines in the state.
- Comment on Age of Empires designer believes RTS games need to finally evolve after decades of stagnation 2 weeks ago:
It’s been a while since I played but from what I remember build/train/upgrade command each had a second page you had to tab to, so some things took 3 buttons instead of 2. This felt really awkward instead of having dedicated basic/advanced buttons.
- Comment on Age of Empires designer believes RTS games need to finally evolve after decades of stagnation 2 weeks ago:
I think the second level in immortal makes it less intuitive.
- Comment on Age of Empires designer believes RTS games need to finally evolve after decades of stagnation 2 weeks ago:
The ultimate casual RTS is a moba.
- Comment on Age of Empires designer believes RTS games need to finally evolve after decades of stagnation 2 weeks ago:
If they pull off what they are promising, it could be interesting, but it doesn’t look like that will happen.
At best it did a good job with the quick macro system. It’s a good way to allow players to have better macro without hurting the skill ceiling for pros.
- Comment on Age of Empires designer believes RTS games need to finally evolve after decades of stagnation 3 weeks ago:
Even as an RTS fan, I’m starting to think the genre is dead. AOE 3 actually had some nice updates to the genre, they abandoned most of it though. Sc2 improved on the DoW2 campaign, but it’s been nothing since.
Part of the problem is the focus on competitive formats. Pretty much everyone admits it’s the least popular format, but it also gets the most attention. Campaign, comp stomps, and co-op are by far the most popular formats, but they get little or no support. Part of it is the pressure to release so early, and competitive is just easier to focus on while fleshing out mechanics and factions. Another problem is listening to pro players of other games, they don’t know shit about making a good game, they know what they like about an existing game and want that as much as possible.
Another big problem is focusing on players of well established games. The people still playing ladder on SC2 or AOE2 aren’t moving anywhere, there’s probably 20x players that have stopped with those games that would love something new. Instead all that gets released are shallow copies trying to get players to move off a game they’ve played for a decade.
- Comment on How do people end up winning lawsuits against companies due to a missing label or sign? 3 weeks ago:
Approximately 90% of not liable for X signs have no legal basis. It’s purely a deterrent.
- Comment on Sure, WSJ. Next do an article on Selection Bias 4 weeks ago:
It’s also just math working. The older millennials should be millionaires or close to it in order to be on track for retirement. A 401k is going to make people look wealthier than a pension.
- Comment on Can I preserve this binder clip? 4 weeks ago:
If you have clear nail polish that would probably work. Otherwise I’d buy a clear acrylic spray paint, probably glossy finish, but any would work.
- Comment on But of course we don't want to poison our child. 4 weeks ago:
I missed that small detail.
- Comment on Is it worth investing if I can only contribute $50 a month? 4 weeks ago:
Yes, saving is like a muscle you need to do it to get better with it. It’s far easier to turn 50/months into 200/month as your income grows, than starting at 200/month.
- Comment on But of course we don't want to poison our child. 4 weeks ago:
She went outside to smoke, so that’s good at least.
- Comment on Broccoli, cheese, and MILFs 4 weeks ago:
It reads like a 1 star recipe review
- Comment on "You can't have our trash because we don't have a way to charge you for it" 4 weeks ago:
If you want trimmings from a big chain talk to the butcher that does the cutting. You’ll likely get better results.
- Comment on What are some keto meals that are easy to make in bulk? Bonus points for stuff that can be frozen. 4 weeks ago:
I used ruled.me and cavemanketo.com for most of my keto recipes. Ruled me is good for fancier dishes if you want something a little different, some can also be made for a week or frozen. Caveman has lots of simple casseroles that are great for portioning out and freezing or eating over a week.
- Comment on Evil 4 weeks ago:
There are parsing libraries, maybe not as many or as open, but they exist.