- Comment on They said the packaging would be discreet! 2 hours ago:
Death threats aren’t funny. Grow up.
- Comment on They said the packaging would be discreet! 2 hours ago:
Of course it’s a joke.
The jokes you tell are a window into your personality and this one looks rotten.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 hours ago:
Militant vegans are mildly infuriating but easily ignored.
- Comment on They said the packaging would be discreet! 7 hours ago:
Station owner sounds like a fake tough guy who cries about DEI.
- Comment on End-To-End enshittified 1 day ago:
- Comment on Was Donald Trump ever cool? 2 days ago:
He’s always played a stupid person’s idea of what a rich person acts like. Back in the 1980’s he was showing off his golden toilet.
- Comment on End-To-End enshittified 2 days ago:
No speaky ze deutsch
- Comment on Masaki Kashiwara, Japanese Mathematician, Wins 2025 Abel Prize 2 days ago:
Mathematician’s haircut
- Comment on Hehe 3 days ago:
Where are the other 12? What a shit post.
- Comment on Finally, FINALLY! SENPAI NOTICED ME! 3 days ago:
Probably fishing for leads on a romance scam.
Later they’ll ask for money.
- Comment on Finally, FINALLY! SENPAI NOTICED ME! 3 days ago:
Probably fishing for leads on a romance scam.
Nicole needs money to come visit you.
- Comment on Civilization 7 Outlines Crucial 1.1.1 Update as It Struggles to Compete on Steam Against Civ 6 and Even the 15-Year-Old Civ 5 3 days ago:
Our words are backed by NUCLEAR WEAPONS.
- Comment on Why there are few video games with a lot of mythological pantheons? 1 week ago:
The Elder Scrolls series has 20-something gods each with their own personality.
- Comment on Where to find help for a game name 1 week ago:
It was Duke Nukem Forever
- Comment on Why can’t HVAC be made smarter? 1 week ago:
Most thermostats do not have an external thermometer or internet connection.
They achieve comfort by setting a desired min/max temperature that ignores outside temp because that has nothing to do with indoor comfort.
I have an Ecobee that is set to heat to 68°F and cool to 78°F in the daytime. The only time I care about the outside temperature is when I could open a window to save money.
- Comment on Jury Finds Greenpeace Liable for Hundreds of Millions in Damages | lawsuit claimed Greenpeace had played a major role in protests against the Dakota Access Pipeline a decade ago 1 week ago:
What a ridiculous double standard.
If anyone who organizes a protest is liable for the actions of participants, why was Donald never prosecuted for his failed coup?
- Comment on The gentrified forest near me removed the bins. .. From their café/picnic area 1 week ago:
You eat the spoon?
- Comment on The gentrified forest near me removed the bins. .. From their café/picnic area 1 week ago:
Or the park could invest in basic services instead of criminalizing guests.
- Comment on The gentrified forest near me removed the bins. .. From their café/picnic area 1 week ago:
Why can’t they have a dumpster with lid?
People are just going to litter if they didn’t plan ahead to bring a trash bag.
- Comment on "There comes a time when we all declare the war is over": Former PlayStation Studios boss Shawn Layden on the future of video game consoles 1 week ago:
Can someone make this make sense?
You know the Sony fanbase gets really upset whenever a game comes out on PC
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
As a yoga retreat site, what is your unique selling point? It’s a crowded market and that looks like plain old farmland to me. While peaceful and quiet, why would I stay there and not somewhere more scenic?
- Comment on absolute lifestyle 1 week ago:
- Comment on Which game is it? 1 week ago:
There was this spreadsheet masquerading as a space conquest 4X game called Stars!
- Comment on absolute lifestyle 1 week ago:
I thought it might be a sex thing
- Comment on absolute lifestyle 1 week ago:
- Comment on Weyouns, Ranked 2 weeks ago:
Of course Weyoun 6 is best Weyoun.
But who is best Coombs?
- Comment on Dead reddit theory 💀 2 weeks ago:
The built in failsafe is federation.
- Comment on This whole "Sign in to prove you're not a bot" thing is pissing me off 2 weeks ago:
Excuse me but what sort of DDOS is being mitigated by requiring a CAPTCHA before allowing login?
That’s giving a middle finger to your existing users right at the front door.
Authenticating a registered user is so quick there’s no good excuse except laziness and indifference to user experience.
- Comment on This whole "Sign in to prove you're not a bot" thing is pissing me off 2 weeks ago:
Then why the fuck do some sites require a CAPTCHA before letting me log in?
- Comment on Did sites end up making money from API restrictions? 2 weeks ago:
Right, the metrics they’ll look at are hosting costs went down 5% and ad revenue went up 10%.