- Comment on Why did Nvidia stock drop with R1 hype? 4 weeks ago:
DeepSeek showed you can do the same work with less cards so Nvidia is going to sell less cards.
- Comment on With Every Fiber Of My Being 5 weeks ago:
To me the small red mark on the head is a gunshot/headshot and thus pretty clear.
- Comment on Would Kamala Harris have won the 2024 election if Latinos didn't shift hard to the right? 3 months ago:
White people voting for the right is the problem. Like how can we go on here and blame Latinos for shifting when such a high percentage of white people voted for him? Especially when you factor in the population size and not just % left or right.
I am ashamed of my peers.
- Comment on What are your favorite 1000+ hour games? 3 months ago:
World of Warcraft
- Comment on Going out the way he lived 4 months ago:
You fools! It wants live sacrifices! You have only emboldened it.
Jokes aside that is absolutely metal and a great way to honor him.
- Comment on What's your favorite controller? 5 months ago:
I couldn’t care less about the D-pad. All that matters is how it feels in my hand and access to the primary controls like joysticks, triggers, and face buttons.
- Comment on Caption this. 5 months ago:
Advanced facial necrosis
- Comment on What's your favorite controller? 5 months ago:
X-Box 360. I have an old official one for my PC. I played Dark Souls with it so it is now ingrained into my body. Also all the years of Halo.
I really dislike the X-Box One controller. Feels too big in my hand and just off.
I fear the day my wired one breaks since they stopped making official wired ones for PC.
- Comment on No thanks. I'm good. 6 months ago:
Cows naturally produce milk, I am sure there is no unethical practices there.
- Comment on Anon visits his dealer 7 months ago:
Might be more than just a weed dealer, but yeah.
- Comment on Space Marine 2 Devs Cancel Beta To Focus On 'Best' Possible Launch 8 months ago:
My guess is that the game gets really repative because that is kinda the Tyranid style. Waves and waves of teeth and claws. Maybe some variations, but how long can you send swarms of the same guy before its boring.
I guess Vermintide and 40k version (can’t remember name) make it work but they are very different games.
- Comment on Clay content 8 months ago:
On any particular side there are two lines that connect to each number. But you follow the line alighted with the number on that axis towards whatever point inside the triangle.
Go from the axis to the point instead of the point to the axis.
Although, you can still figure out which line is for which axis based off the angle of the number.
For example, the numbers for clay are horizontal and are associated with the horizontal lines.
- Comment on Clay content 8 months ago:
Follow the lines that match the angles of the numbers.
- Comment on To all you outside of the US... 8 months ago:
For his voters, his lies and fabrications are the truth. They don’t listen to fact checking because they are conditioned to see it as fake and a goverment ploy to fool them.
- Comment on ELDEN RING - Update 1.12.2 (Rebalanced Scadutree Blessings) 8 months ago:
I absolutely suck at it too. Was a good time to practice
- Comment on ELDEN RING - Update 1.12.2 (Rebalanced Scadutree Blessings) 8 months ago:
Don’t use the tools then. On my mage I specifically don’t use Comet or Mimic Tear because I think they are too strong. From software didn’t remove any tools from the game that let’s you make it challenging.
All the other games had OP shit too. DS1 had BKH and Chaos zweihander. So easy to get super strong wepons. DS2 had some crazy dark magic BS. DS3 also had crazy dark magic BS with greater soul dredge. I killed nameless king with like 5 casts in NG+.
They didn’t sacrifice anything in Elden Ring, they made a great series more available to everyone.
- Comment on ELDEN RING - Update 1.12.2 (Rebalanced Scadutree Blessings) 8 months ago:
Not to start a war about hardest boss and haven’t beaten DLC yet but Elden Ring has what alot of people would say is the hardest boss in the franchise. Like Elden Ring did open things up to more people with the open world making it easier to go around or bypass walls, but it isn’t easier.
Like there isn’t a single boss in DS1 or 2 that comes anywhere close to fighting Melania. IMO Bloodborne and DS3 have contenders but if you are 100%ing the game Elden Ring is just as hard as any other souls game. Although the horse and teleporting does make some of the zones easier to explore, there are still difficult dungeons.
I think alot of people remember DS1 being much harder because we were also learning the system, how it plays, how to win.
- Comment on ELDEN RING - Update 1.12.2 (Rebalanced Scadutree Blessings) 8 months ago:
If you would like tips I beat him with parries. Basically all his attacks other than his special wind slash and follow up can be parried. I Basically never used parry before and found he was a good enemy to practice until I was consistent.
If he wips out the crossbow stay at range and run to a side when he fires. Don’t need to roll and don’t want to close the distance until he is done.
I have seen other people use big wepons to pancake or stunlock him too.
- Comment on Caption this. 8 months ago:
Choice cuts
- Comment on Transformations 8 months ago:
deleted by creator
- Comment on This is not a record to be proud of. 9 months ago:
Oh boy do I have news. God agreed with you and in 2010 “Touchdown Jesus” was struck by lightning and burned down. They replaced it with a more traditional version. Personally I liked the orgional more.
- Comment on if you had to choose one 9 months ago:
There was a post/meme asking women if they would prefer to be alone in a forest with a bear or male stranger. Idk if a real poll or what, but I have seen it saying most women prefer the bear. People came out of the woodwork talking about how dangerous bears are and why are they afraid of strange men to the point they started proving why women would would pick the bear.
- Comment on Anon moves on 9 months ago:
I see it more as like a deviation from the mental picture of someone you have/hanging onto in your head. Not saying its healthy but like the guy hadn’t moved on yet and is still hanging on to the memories of them together, being faithful, and dedicated to one another. Learning about multiple new partners further solidifies that their time is over and the real person isn’t the same as the person you knew them as. Coming to terms with that can be stressful. I personally think you can feel this way without actually believing you “own” the person.
- Comment on Anthropology 10 months ago:
This made me realize that if we encounter aliens there is a non-zero chance there will be alien weebs that become obsessed with our culture and think it is superior.
- Comment on This concept for budget double decker airline seating 1 year ago:
This design is similar but not the same as OG post. Although still shitty, its quite an improvement over the orgional.