- Comment on How come in most school in the USA (at least mine) they teach Spain Spanish instead of Mexico Spanish? Would not Mexico Spanish be an obvious choice to teach? 8 hours ago:
Oh it’s absolutely different enough to count.
- Comment on What’s a movie nobody can convince you is good? 1 day ago:
Good Lord some of the answers in this thread. I first thought this was like an unpopular opinion community. Is this all just Edge Lords trying to say the most popular and well regarded movies they can?
- Comment on Do you think the US will actually log its national parks? 1 day ago:
I think every single acre of public land will be gleefully giving away to billionaires yes.
- Comment on Is it a common thing for people who have left authoritarian countries to still feel the fear of their now-former country? 1 day ago:
Of course it is, sometimes authoritarian governments track you down and murder you with an ice ax in Mexico City.
- Comment on Next Xbox Rumors Surface; No Devkits Available to Developers Yet (aiming for 2027) 2 days ago:
That’s an impressive ability to ignore an extremely widely known issue. Hey by the way just as a heads up there’s also this thing going on called climate change.
- Comment on Next Xbox Rumors Surface; No Devkits Available to Developers Yet (aiming for 2027) 3 days ago:
Well I’ve had three of thier controllers die due to stick shift so there seems to be a fucking reason to me.
- Comment on What's your favourite classic movie you think everyone should have seen once in their life? 3 days ago:
Oh okay when you said original I thought you might be referring to the movies that came out before the Jackson ones. Also by original are you saying you want the theater cut instead of the director cut? Because if so I don’t know why anyone would be that wrong on purpose.
- Comment on What's your favourite classic movie you think everyone should have seen once in their life? 3 days ago:
- Comment on What's your favourite classic movie you think everyone should have seen once in their life? 3 days ago:
What do you mean when you say LOTR original trilogy?
- Comment on From the trailer of Wolfenstein: The New Order (2014) 5 days ago:
How could they know the future of space x so long ago?
- Comment on Does it make sense to buy a lifetime supply of honey? 6 days ago:
Carry it around? You just find a tree. Nice hollow tree and hide it in there. Everyone knows it’s how you store honey.
It’s not. The 90s was basically ruled by the east. A good chunk of the 80s too. These things go in waves.
- Comment on dear republicans, what's the point of alienating every single ally of the US? 1 week ago:
Yeah this line of reasoning doesn’t really gel with actual reality considering Trump is now talking about repealing the chip Act. He’s not actually trying to bring back Manufacturing. Trump has never cared about that. He doesn’t give a shit about Outsourcing manufacturing jobs and his boss Elon Musk certainly doesn’t.
- Comment on Amazon MGM's Best Bet to Protect James Bond's Legacy: Hire Christopher Nolan 1 week ago:
With the last few Bond movies dark and dull enough?
- Comment on Trump says in social media post he plans to pardon the late Pete Rose 1 week ago:
- Comment on Marlow: Musk Thinks Half of Government Is Waste and There’s Proof Backing Him Up 1 week ago:
I know I should not expect much from Breitbart, but even I expected them to at least to go into some detail on the claim of there being proof. Just something perfunctory at the very least.
- Comment on Emulating PS2 for my Steam Deck, would love any recommendations! 2 weeks ago:
Any of the Suikoden games really. Legend of legaia 2
Ephemeral Fantasia for an extremely underrated gem.
- Comment on Trump and Musk aren’t the first to make deep cuts. Clinton-era Reinventing Government saved billions 2 weeks ago:
Does it though?
- Comment on Trump and Musk aren’t the first to make deep cuts. Clinton-era Reinventing Government saved billions 2 weeks ago:
I don’t know if tying yourself to a Administration that deregulated to the point that it caused one of the most devastating and massive Financial collapses in American history is really a winning strategy.
- Comment on Is it a pattern that every time a movie, show or animation that doesn't have a white person as the protagonist is attacked by right-wingers? 2 weeks ago:
We can quibble about whether or not a second character merits the title lead or not, however it’s still inaccurate to use it as an example of a counter to the raised point. The show’s main lead was a white male character. That’s inarguable.
- Comment on Is it a pattern that every time a movie, show or animation that doesn't have a white person as the protagonist is attacked by right-wingers? 2 weeks ago:
Isn’t the dragon Prince’s lead a white guy? I’m almost positive. Also a lot of these are probably too obscure to really raise a stir. I’m kind of shocked even brought up dragon Prince much less the Gundam show you mentioned.
Also your ability to wall yourself off from the Star Wars “controversies” is rather impressive.
- Comment on where we putting these? 3 weeks ago:
Literally everywhere
- Comment on Anon compares Harry and Ron 3 weeks ago:
So much writing has been done about how Cho Chang is a perfectly reasonable name that I don’t even understand how it’s still out there. It’s amazing how disinformation Never Dies.
- Comment on How did people end-up agreeing on the name of rivers/mountains and seas ? 4 weeks ago:
Typically starts by wiping out the people that had other names for it.
- Comment on Many workers would take a pay cut to work from home — some would forgo at least 20% of their salary 4 weeks ago:
Fuck that
- Comment on I am required to pay taxes to the US government, not elon musk running a fraudulent government agency, why should I pay? 5 weeks ago:
It wouldn’t be so sure about getting that refund
- Comment on What do you think of anarchism? 5 weeks ago:
To your point though diminishing returns. When is it worth it. You’ve just a conceded that enforcing said laws don’t actually prevent the crime. I would say enforcement never prevents any crime and enforcement is about punishment not prevention. So when is it worth it? What level totalitarianism an authoritarianism is worth it? How much abuse and Injustice is necessary to assuage your fears about the other? Surely you’re not going to sit here and tell me only fear of punishment is what stops you from murdering people?
- Comment on What do you think of anarchism? 5 weeks ago:
They’re enforced now but murder still happens.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
To put it very simply and probably too broadly, capitalism. Our whole system is built around taking advantage of people.
- Comment on Is there any way our of the US political spiral? 1 month ago: