Joker 2. Laughing my ass of to all the people complaining about how it ruined the image of the joker for them.
[Même] Which movie was this for you?
Submitted 4 months ago by to
Comments 4 months ago 4 months ago
I liked it as well, they just did remarkably poor with the expectation management prior to screening it.
Or they knew what was coming and wanted to grab the money. 4 months ago
One thing I had to learn quickly was that my preference towards anything cultural was not in line with what my peers found good/cool, so I strode down the road of enjoying what I enjoy and let others enjoy whatever they enjoy.
Here’s a short list:
The 13th Warrior
Both Ewoks movies 4 months ago
Open up your heart and let the Patrick Swayze Christmas in
Both Ewok movies
I remember seeing the first one in the theater when I was a kid and I later saw a letter my Mom was writing where she said it was a dumb movie, but the kids liked it. I was offended! 4 months ago
My tastes may be questionable but that is too much even for me.
I remember seeing the first one in the theater when I was a kid and I later saw a letter my Mom was writing where she said it was a dumb movie, but the kids liked it. I was offended!
The movies can be considered bad, for today’s standards but for what I care, it was a great way to spend some time. Where else could we se cannibal Care Bears? 4 months ago
Wait people didn’t enjoy the 13th warrior? I loved that one as a child! 4 months ago
I still enjoy the movie today.
And I once found it in book format but the text was too riddled with errors and typos to be enjoyable and worth the asking price. 4 months ago
Roadhouse is a classic! I don’t think it counts here.
I very much liked 13th warrior, just watched it again last week! It’s on YouTube free with ads right now 4 months ago
It may be considered as such today but it panned as not worthy of the time for many years.
The 13th Warrior was another of those movies that got thrown into the grinder by critics and cinephiles for being not worth the effort just to develop a cult following in response.
Which remebers me of another panned movie: Pathfinder
And while we’re at it, let’s add both Dredd movies (the second is the best) and the Demolition Man. 4 months ago
This was 16-year-old me with The 13th Warrior. Thought it was pretty good. I have never watched it again, so I wonder if today’s me would say the same. 4 months ago
It isn’t bad actually. 4 months ago
It has Antonio Banderas in it, how could it not be good? 4 months ago
Watched it a few months ago, still a great movie. 4 months ago
I thought Battlefield Earth had a cool concept when I was like 13. I watched it again a few years ago and it’s hilariously bad. 90% of the movie is Dutch angles 4 months ago
I had no idea what a “Dutch angle” was, so I googled it and was pretty tickled to find that it triggered a Google easter egg :)
Maybe I am one of today’s 10,000 but I had never heard of that particular one! 4 months ago 4 months ago
I’ve known about the Easter egg for years, but I honestly assumed it wouldn’t work in the mobile app.
Turns out it does! 4 months ago
There’s lots of them but one that hasn’t been mentioned is Sucker Punch. It’s 6.1 on IMDB and 22% on Rotten Tomatoes and I loved the visuals.
Also, Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets is terrible but everyone needs to watch the opening sequence 4 months ago
I remember Sucker Punch being visually pretty, it was the story and overall vibe that was awful.
Valerian was pretty cool, I have given it 7 in imdb. Seems like it globally has mediocre rating. For comparison I have given 3 for Sucker Punch. 4 months ago
Yeah, the writing wasn’t good and the vibe was real bad, dealing with extreme mental illness and sexual abuse. But for the visuals and the fight scenes it’s great. 4 months ago
We are probably a decade apart, but sucker punch made me walk away. All of the anime CGI faces and action scenes just had me bored. Maybe I wasted all of my Suspension Of Disbelief on pulp sci Fi novels back in the 90s. 4 months ago
Hey man like what you like. Most reviews are done by people who are WAAAAY to into cinema. 4 months ago
It’s like the first time I saw the movie Trash Humpers (2009), I was thinking to myself: is this a good movie? It isn’t. But, the beauty of that movie is that it exists. There’s no deep hidden symbolism, it’s a bunch of old people in long awkward scenes where they literally hump trash. The lack of a coherent plot adds to the question why they do that. In this world of endless choices and struggling, these people are trash humpers. And that’s respectable in a whole aspect. 4 months ago
2003’s the core. I always loved the semi friendly rivalry between Zimsky and Brazz. And how Keys (the main character) is sort of the glue that holds the team together and I think the cast has a good energy together as a whole. Combine that with genuinely enjoyable yet ridiculous 90’s style end of the world action / world destruction scenes and you got a 10 / 10 in my book. 4 months ago
I like The Core but omg it’s objectively terrible. “Unobtanium” is just a buckyball. The random kid drawing in the notebook just for heartstrings. Them welding power connectors right next to each other on the hull so that even IF their nonsense theory was correct they’d only be 0.01% efficient. Oh, and if the core stopped spinning it wouldn’t get the planet roasted anyway.
But hey, it’s a B movie so I give it some slack. 4 months ago
Batman V Superman from 2016.
My local theatre had an early early show: an early morning premiere, a day earlier than the official release date.
In spite of the, frankly, stupid trailer #2, I was still excited to see the first live action movie with Batman and Superman with my fellow nerds.
We came out of the theatre thinking it was a good movie, with Lex Luthor’s shenanigans aside (mannerisms, maintaining tabs on meta humans with well designed logos, etc.).
I specifically remember appreciating and talking about the movie’s score (Hans Zimmer), cinematography (Larry Fong), and costumes (Michael Wilkinson and Ironhead Studios).
While driving back, one of us checked the reviews and box office indications, and it was abysmal. It was so horrible that there was unspoken agreement between to never talk about it again in public.
I still like the movie, and like the Ultimate Edition even more. But strongly disliked all the movies that followed in that franchise. 4 months ago
as a standalone work, divorced of all context, BvS was a perfectly serviceable movie. I had fun watching it. 4 months ago
Not as bad as watching a movie with friends when everyone else loved it and you were the only one who hated it lol. It feels so much more visceral. 4 months ago
Yep this is the downside of being a discerning film lover with a friend group that watches movies together. I had this experience recently when we saw Longlegs (2024) in theaters. One friend LOVED it (he has notoriously bad taste), two friends thought it was decent, and I thought it was mediocre. 4 months ago
For us the infamous moment was Banshees of Inisherin. I thought it was mid. My wife hated it. Everybody else loved it. 4 months ago
Oh man, an old group of friends didn’t look at me the same after they invited me to see Bohemian Rhapsody, but I said I wasn’t interested. I just despise musicals. The Joker 2 is a perfect example why. They fucking ruin everything. 4 months ago
Van Wilder
Soundtrack is incredible, it’s one of Tara Reid’s best roles, the cast is absolutely stacked, and IMO it’s basically Deadpool without the costume. It’s Ryan Reynolds best movie to date, and if he doesn’t return for a second (the sequel doesn’t exist) his career afterwards is ultimately pointless. 4 months ago
Fun fact: the character of Van Wilder is based on the comedian Bert Kreischer who also went to college for way too many years. You might know him for accidentally joining the Russian mafia 4 months ago
Was a junior/senior in high school when that came out. Me and my dudes definitely wanted to be that guy that never graduated and lived on school grounds forever, without realizing how pathetic that life would be . 4 months ago
I’m British, and I’d say that this was probably my first time acknowledging what college is like in America. We can legally drink at 18, but we’ve usually got a year or so of drinking behind us already, so university for us is basically just studying between drinking sessions at a time when it’s legal (and encouraged).
Van Wilder seemed absolutely wild to me, especially the idea of dorms outside of a first year, and all the events that US colleges have for people. The basketball scene especially is wild, because university sports are (again) an excuse to drink with people that like playing basketball. It kinda seemed amazing to me, but yeah, being an older guy around students would be my idea of hell nowadays… 4 months ago
Kangaroo Jack (2003) for me. It’s not objectively good but I found it silly and fun, and it’s one of my dad’s favorite movies. Never really understood why it’s so panned (9% critic and 29% audience on Rotten Tomatoes) 4 months ago
Haha that movie was showing as a demo at the wholesale store my family would go to as a kid. I watched it in segments whenever I was there- I thought it was super cool + funny. So much so that when I was in college I convinced my girlfriend to watch it with me and wow that movie sucks I’m sorry to say :;( Although I do still quote “I see this is Flying Dingo IV. What happened to Flying Dingos 1 2 and 3?” 4 months ago
The first Silent Hill movie and the Tim Burton Charlie and the Chocolate Factory stand out for me. The consensus seems to be that they suck, but I like 'em. 4 months ago
All of the 3 ninjas movies. I was telling my wife about them and was talking about how great they were (this was like a decade ago) and went to look them up. Like 0-15% on rotten tomatoes depending on which one.
3 Ninjas: High Noon at Mega Mountain is particularly bad at 0% critic score, 29% audience score, and a 3 on IMDb.
I loved all the 3 ninjas movies so much though. 4 months ago
Don’t forget Beverly Hills Ninja: 13% critics, 53% audience. /s
(still a great movie for this list, though) 4 months ago
How do you feel about Surf Ninjas? 4 months ago
I’ve never even heard of it. Sounds excellent though. 😂 4 months ago
The Ice Pirates is a damn fun movie. Very camp 80s sci-fi. 4 months ago
The fucking time machine sequence at the end, oh my God. 4 months ago
Great movie! 4 months ago
Beowulf (2007).
Yes, the cgi aged badly, but everyone panned it for the plot change, which was the thing I liked about it the most! 4 months ago
It has a soft spot in my heart because it was the movie me and husband went on our first date to.
It was enjoyable to yell at the screen with only one other person in the theater.
We had both read the original Beowulf. Although not in the original writing, but I have heard the entire thing read in the original, it was at an entire thing/concert/performance thing for it.
The very obvious 3D things were the best to make fun of. 4 months ago
I thought Speed Racer was visually fantastic, and did a good job capturing some of the feel of the original show while putting a more modern spin on it. John Goodman feels like he can do no wrong. I just had a good time with it the whole time through.
It seems most people didn’t feel the same way I did 4 months ago
To be fair, people are generally coming around to it and it’s kind of on it’s way to being a cult classic now. People say this about everything but it was actually ahead of its time in terms of its visual style and the way it deals with the serious elements within the wild cartoon visuals.
Weirdly, I kind of think Marvel movies like Guardians might have been the thing that tipped the scales. The breakneck editing is still way ahead of anything I’ve seen since though. 4 months ago
Same! I liked it. Like Willy Wonka with racecars. 4 months ago
I love Reign of Fire. And honestly I think the CGI has held up surprisingly well for a 2002 movie (although not at all perfect).
6.2/10 IMBD, 41% critic/49% audience on Rotten Tomatoes. 4 months ago
One of McConaughey’s most iconic characters. The fact he is introduced as a crazy evil antagonist but transitions to badass bro of the protagonist by the end of the movie is genius. 4 months ago
Happen to me recently with “I saw the TV glowing” I tough it was a good movie, not 9 but maybe 8.5, apparently not, 5.5 by the IMDB voters. 4 months ago
I thought it was amazing. But the director is a trans woman and the losers will always try to drag it down with low scores because they are losers. 4 months ago
That’s a lot of A24 stuff tbh. A lot of disagreements between critics and moviegoers, but that’s usually a sign that they’re doing something interesting 4 months ago
The purpose of a Movie is to entertain. If i am entertained, It Is Good. 4 months ago
So much! Movies don’t have to be deep, or meaningful, or insightful, to be good. (Though, obvs, they can be those things, too)
All they need to be is 4 months ago
That’s why I always stay away from Oscar best picture movies. I find most of them too deep for me. Of course there are exceptions. 4 months ago
Freddy got fingered is the most notorious example of a movie with very funny/memorable scenes that got hated.
Palm Springs should have had best movie oscar, much less nominated, is my biggest pet peave. 4 months ago
FGF came out when I was a teenager. Me and my mates would’ve watched that over a hundred times. I can quote pretty much the whole movie. It has its place. 4 months ago
Honestly I think freddy got fingered wouldve done better if released nowadays. 4 months ago
Dude Where’s My Car?
Nothing spectacular but I thought it was pretty funny. I still remember laughing my ass off at individual scenes. I read ten or eleven reviews of it, and all of them except one said it was the worst movie they had ever seen. Not just bad - the WORST movie they’d EVER seen. Wat? 4 months ago
I showed my friends Rubber. It’s a movie about a serial killer tire. I think it’s great. Everyone I’ve showed it to thought it was terrible. 4 months ago
Land of the Lost (2009) 4 months ago
Back in the day before RT, it was Ishtar. My parents loved that movie. 4 months ago
Speed Racer 4 months ago
Deathstalker 1 & 2, although the second is far superior.
It’s completely tone deaf by any standards, let alone modern ones. Watch as a gang rape is interrupted and turned into what can only be described as a “heroic sexual assault”.
The second swaps out the main actor for a much funnier one, and has probably the catchiest out-of-place theme tune of any movie.
You know you’re watching a terrible movie, but they breeze along and you can’t help but be entertained by it. 4 months ago
Observe And Report starring Seth Rogan.
It’s a movie about a mall security guard and it often gets confused for the awful Paul Blart movies by people, which is why I think it gets dismissed. But it’s genuinely darkly funny. It leans into the hero complex of the main character and it gets weird and off putting in the best kinds of ways. If you like Death To Smoochie, you will probably like it. 4 months ago
Joker 2 Ant-Man 3 I Saw The TV Glow Leave The World Behind 4 months ago
Usually the opposite is true for me these days. 4 months ago
Great thread … now I have a new movie list … thanks