- Comment on Why does it seem like every TV series I've ever watched gets cancelled/rushed/incomplete ending, while movies (even those in a film series/trilogy) rarely face the same problem? 1 month ago:
“who wants to shoot a billionaire?”
Which network is this on? I don’t usually like reality tv, but this sounds fascinating
- Comment on We need to go back! Back to the terminal! 2 months ago:
Doc was a physics nerd from the 1880s into the 2010s. He didn’t do cli, he did lower level than that.
- Comment on Hypothetically, if you are a witness or whistleblower who's adversary was a very big corporation (such as boeing), what measures could you take to prevent yourself from being "suicided"? 2 months ago:
But why bother holding back in the first place. If this is whistleblower information like Boeing safety issues, there’s no point in setting up a dead man’s switch. You want to release it all immediately in the first place, because keeping it to yourself undermines the point of blowing the whistle
- Comment on Hypothetically, if you are a witness or whistleblower who's adversary was a very big corporation (such as boeing), what measures could you take to prevent yourself from being "suicided"? 2 months ago:
With whistleblower information, why hold it back in the first place? Wouldn’t it be better to release it immediately if they might kill you either way?
- Comment on Phone noises 2 months ago:
As someone who has had 8 different cats over the years, I can verify this is not necessarily true.
In my experience it usually meant the cat preferred running water over standing water in a bowl. Sometimes it meant the cat didn’t like the shape of their bowl.
Sometimes it means your cat is a defiant nut who doesn’t like things you put out for him, but will gladly drink out of the dog’s bowl, a glass of water, or the toilet.
- Comment on As a human, here is my human take on unions 2 months ago:
I remember feeling this way when I was 18. I thought “well the laws already cover me, so why am I paying for this?”
Anyway, I grew up since then.
- Comment on The average life of a Blu-ray collector 2 months ago:
All you need is kill
- Comment on AND THEY DIDN'T STOP EATING 3 months ago:
Don’t worry, he’s died like 5 times
- Comment on Doctor: noone has passed this test before! 3 months ago:
Which leads me to wonder what they do that test for. You failed, and they just… Scratched their heads in confusion?
Wouldn’t this be an indicator of a neurological issue?
- Comment on [Même] Which movie was this for you? 3 months ago:
I thought Speed Racer was visually fantastic, and did a good job capturing some of the feel of the original show while putting a more modern spin on it. John Goodman feels like he can do no wrong. I just had a good time with it the whole time through.
It seems most people didn’t feel the same way I did
- Comment on Just over here trying to make him proud 3 months ago:
It upsets me, how many people spell his name wrong.
But Mister Rogers would let it go.
- Comment on Beware 4 months ago:
Stop fucking Larry
- Comment on Vinegar 5 months ago:
Nothing about this outcome was a surprise
- Comment on Is the Federation "Communist" or Socialist? 6 months ago:
There most certainly is a Federation President. There is definitely government, authority, and laws, with Starfleet appearing to be the law enforcement.
- Comment on All I Know Is Rejection. When I Was A Kid, My Yo-Yo: It Never Came Back 7 months ago:
Back to School, definitely. Well, not really badmouth, but it was fairly mediocre.
But really I meant to praise his standup and say his movies didn’t do him justice. He was just funnier when doing his own material
- Comment on All I Know Is Rejection. When I Was A Kid, My Yo-Yo: It Never Came Back 7 months ago:
His standup was definitely better than any of his movies
- Comment on spamming 7 months ago:
I see it’s mostly from the user marcus_inferno
It’s a clear pattern of missing the correct context of different communities
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
I think it would be wise to have a partner, first to be a backup child-watcher in case your attention focuses in one direction. And the legal witness isn’t a bad thing to have also.
- Comment on Is everyone here leftist? 7 months ago:
Not everyone. But it’s definitely very overrepresented here, including some large communities of extremists that I don’t typically see elsewhere.
- Comment on Madame Web | A look at what went so incredibly, fascinatingly wrong 7 months ago:
I didn’t hate watching it. If you just enjoy the fun parts and don’t think too hard about how it all works out how it could have been better, it’s not a terrible time.
But I was just putting something on Netflix, I wasn’t really expecting or looking for the highest of quality
I thought Morbius was not as much fun to watch
- Comment on Assange is FREE. Statement from his lawyer 8 months ago:
Received dirt on the American Democrat party from the Russians and released it during the election to help Trump.
He said he received stuff on the Republicans as well, but it was “not interesting” and didn’t publish it. Didn’t really support his stated goal of transparency.
- Comment on oh snap 9 months ago:
I don’t know, I think Thanos should have worn a suit
- Comment on [Discussion thread] Fallout 10 months ago:
Good show. Excellent writing, excellent sets and props, the actors were fantastic, all of them.
The creatures left a bit to be desired. Some of the CGI stood out, and that gulper looked pretty lifeless, like a rubber mold. The best looking feral ghoul was stuck in a chair, only moving its head like a puppet
The actors and their performances more than made up for those issues, especially Walton Goggins.
The finale was very good, but it honestly felt like we only got half the season. Only 8 episodes is a very short season, but if this is where it begins, I’m very exited for season two
- Comment on Anon is embarrassed by their steam library 10 months ago:
You don’t have to share your library with your friends. You can keep all that shit to yourself
- Comment on the internet 10 months ago:
What exactly are they arguing over? I probably shouldn’t ask, but I’ve been fortunate enough to not encounter any of this controversy on my social media
- Comment on Cow 11 months ago:
You’re excused. Anyone else?
- Comment on The Karen of Lemmy 11 months ago:
Bro aren’t you on
You’re already defederated from Hexbear, you don’t have to ignore it
- Comment on How are you doing ? 11 months ago:
Job interview round one went well
- Comment on Portal Paradox 1 year ago:
Gates can be moving, but not at faster than light. SG1 had the bit where they tossed an active gate into a sun to blow it up, and Atlantis had straight up orbital space gates with stabilizer rockets on them
There was some explanation about how the gates had to be calibrated to a general part of space in order to participate in the gate network which is why they couldn’t use it in hyperspace. That, and probably some physics mumbo jumbo about why wormholes can’t connect from within subspace or whatever
- Comment on Creamy centres 1 year ago:
Don’t you even take the bones out?