Buzzkill checking in, this means your pets water bowl is empty
Phone noises
Submitted 3 months ago by to [deleted]
Comments 3 months ago 3 months ago
As someone who has had 8 different cats over the years, I can verify this is not necessarily true.
In my experience it usually meant the cat preferred running water over standing water in a bowl. Sometimes it meant the cat didn’t like the shape of their bowl.
Sometimes it means your cat is a defiant nut who doesn’t like things you put out for him, but will gladly drink out of the dog’s bowl, a glass of water, or the toilet. 3 months ago
I have a “running sink water at bedtime” cat, and an “I demand to drink ‘found’ water outside at first light” cat. We still miss the shower curtain licker.
Nevermind the 5 other dishes in various rooms including a never ending cat fountain they used all of a month before scorning. 3 months ago
nope, not true. some cats simply have a fetish for tap water. you can fill the bowl to a brim but they will still run to the tap the moment they hear someone is there. 3 months ago
They’re showering each other in compliments. 3 months ago
Those cats are from Pawnee 3 months ago
They are calling their humans and demanding food
I want food right meow! 3 months ago
OG modem handshake noise 3 months ago
Essential skills they picked up during their time in prison.