- Comment on *agressively keeps pressing 0* 2 months ago:
Reposting here: I worked phone support for a few companies for a few years, this is how to Karen: Try to bait the ai, companies are liable for promises made by their hallucinating chatbots. Chat support first, who wants to talk to people? If you do need to call, enter identitng information once, then repeatedly press 0 to get human support. Ask tier 1 support, if they say no then flex that Karen superpower “I’ll need to speak your manager”; those people are individuals just collecting a paycheck. If the floor manager (many have a 3x request policy) can’t see the situation from the human perspective and resolve/waive, they will only care if someone above them gets upset, the ways to do that are threaten legal action. No sovciet bs, but it helps to use contract terminology like “agreed upon terms”, “failure to meet industry standards” and “breach of contract”. If they don’t get jostled immediately, your next escalation is tag the intern on social media with a negative sentiment; or Google the company name followed by email for the office of the president. This is the pr address, CEO assistant or community director which again have the power to step in and resolve. You can also think outside the box and leave negative play store reviews (different intern).
Each conversation should be less then 2 minutes + wait time and if that can’t resolve it, you need to close your account (which might take you to retention!) or potentially move. You can justify 1 more call during a different shift. There is no need to get mad, state that are you upset and are looking for resolutions. Use an I feel statement, and be sure to ask to leave notes on the account regarding your conversation. They have a UI with comment fields in the ticket that are displayed while you are on the phone and it helps sell the situation with comment history.
- Comment on Phone noises 3 months ago:
Buzzkill checking in, this means your pets water bowl is empty
- Comment on Anyone know of any good cheap/free trivia party games? 4 months ago:
My list for zoom party games:
- Jackbox on steam. You host and users join a lobby to play via browser.
- pictionary
- group telephone game pictionary
- coop word game
- Comment on sad 4 months ago:
The joke is that a person named Hans Duchtelstein was the previous timelines “Hitler” and after being successful Hitler just stepped in because fate is inevitable.
Reverse: we time travel and kill Hitler, come to the present and Hans Duchtelstein takes Hitlers place but does the exact same thing.
- Comment on What is the current best smart TV software/brand/ecosystem option? 5 months ago:
The simplest solution is Chromecast + device of your choosing. Followed by Apple TV, but I can’t remember if those can cast.
If youll spend a bit more, you can also get an Xbox one. You’ll get access to a multimedia device that has the Microsoft app store for subscriptions, it’s available as a Chromecast device, unfortunately Microsoft is nose diving hard right now, but I rarely play games on mine anymore.
- Comment on Artifical Intelligence 5 months ago:
I’ve never seen a good answer to this in accessibility guides, would you mind making a recommendation? Is there any preferred alt text for something like:
- “clarification image with an arrow pointing at object”
- “Picture of a butt selfie, it’s completely black”
- “Picture of a table with nothing on it”
- “example of lens flare shown from camera”
- “N/A” dangerous
Sometimes an image is clearly only useful as a visual aid, I feel like “” (exluding it) makes people feel like they are missing the joke. But given it’s an accessibility tool; unneeded details may waste your time.
- Comment on Anon's body is a machine 5 months ago:
Relevant reddit story:…/tifu_by_encouraging_female_ejacul…
- Comment on If Biden wanted to could he have people kill Trump since he is in office and SCOTUS said it was ok? 5 months ago:
First off, thank you for that write up. Would you mind sharing your opinion on 1x on trump and 6x justices simultaneously? At that point it’s a coup or a culling, but it’s a very loaded gun I don’t want to hand to anyone.
- Comment on Meatspin 6 months ago:
Fellow 90s kid, my parents were exactly the same. Religious background, fox news constantly, I once didn’t text back within 2 hours and had a neighbor contacted via Facebook knocking on my door in my 30s (to be fair I work on call so it’s atypical). I got lectured at 18 for buying an m rated game in front of them… Police report was a bit much; but I you aren’t alone.
Side note I would recommend this nostalgic song: high fives - 90s kid anthem by Dr awkward
- Comment on The opposite of shopaholic: shopcell 7 months ago:
06:30-02:30 (note the 0!) means 6:30 am to 2:30 am the following day. Anything in pm would be +12 hours. 6:30 pm becomes 18:30; 2:30pm is 14:30. Using this format you want 06:30-14:30 which is 8 hours.
This format is important because it actually solves the problem you are trying to explain (am/pm). Regularly I need to give EST database timestamps for a PST server cluster while living in another timezone myself and speaking to someone in India which is :30min difference in time zones and trying to account for daylight savings. Removing am/pm just makes it easier to track what happens in different places without looking at the wrong time window. Time math is messy and stupid, be specific by using 24 hours instead of 12
- Comment on How come it seems for the past decades the Catholic Church has been plagued with sex crimes especially among young boys? How long has this been going on? Or did I just miss something up. 7 months ago:
Just the latest offenders, but please look at the size of this database:
A common way of manipulating people is to deny them parts of being human. Be wary of any organization that tries to control your food or sex. Fasting and abstinence are massive red flags that the organization is toxic.
- Comment on Anon needs help reading a social situation 7 months ago:
Rooted from “plenty of fish in the sea” and fishings “catch and release” fishing. It’s common to have maximum catch limits while fishing, so you will release fish back into the water if you do not intend to keep it. A catch is anyone that you intend to hang onto, or state steadily. This user is saying they are valuable to date.
- Comment on Google sends emails that 100% look like phishing 7 months ago:
I debated signing in multiple times myself, finally got it validated for a feature that was never enabled. Fuck off Google
- Comment on Xbox Console Sales Continue To Crater With Massive 42% Revenue Drop - Slashdot 7 months ago:
I use mine primarily for media and occasionally play online with friends. They killed gold, and reverted to game pass core, so now I have to pay $10/month to play games I own. They are deleting my purchased games, ea archived an active account for inactivity when I had playtime in the calendar year. There is no new IP, they shut down studios, and raised prices, locked us into a shitty platform and started monitoring and monetizing their paid users.
They deserve this
- Comment on Anon has to pee 7 months ago:
I think the question was more about substituting the toilet with a fridge, than the details around how drinking beer mechanically turns to piss. Interesting read though!
- Comment on Uh oh 7 months ago:
Iirc they have a script to help try to probe for details in case the call is under duress.
- Comment on Anon is an anthropologist 8 months ago:
I recognized that this user is willing to share information and provided the standard teaching method on exponential growth; in the event they need to explain it again. I suppose critical thinking and social skills are characteristics of bots these days…
- Comment on Anon is an anthropologist 8 months ago:
The standard story is “One Grain of Rice”…/grainofrice.html
- Comment on Why do many search engines seem to ignore operators (e.g. exact phrases, term exclusions, OR, etc.)? Is there a good reason for having a dumb 1997-level search logic that I'm not seeing? 8 months ago:
It’s because websites interpret those characters differently because of how coding requires using the physical qwerty keyboard. Essentially “>” gets used as a compator operator in programming languages, which means that it’s used as a tool to instructs the computer how to do things. When we need to display the symbol, we use “>” as an “escaped character” which basically means treat it as the symbol, not the instruction set. Often search engines will use a very powerful tool called a regular expression which looks like this for phone numbers: ^(\d{3})\s\d{3}-\d{4}
And each character represents something, ^ means start with. \d means digit { means 3 of whatever’s in front of me }. Breaking apart the search parameters is pretty complex and it needs to happen FAST, so at a certain point the developers just throw away things that can be a security concern like special characters like &^|`"'* specially for how to maliciously attack the search engine.
For other characters:
- Comment on Blow dart 8 months ago:
They really only work on small flies
- Comment on Ironing 8 months ago:
Ironing is really only required for “dress up” clothing, casual cotton clothing is generally presentable if you wash, machine dry and fold/hang while still warm. You will have a crease and it will resolve itself in a few hours. Polyester blends also come in several utility blends like the stain free, moisture dispersing and wrinkle resistant. I’m realizing reading this thread that some people iron all of their clothing, but in my home we typically only iron our formal occasion attire (rare).
- Comment on Redbox missed a multimillion-dollar payment it couldn’t afford to miss 8 months ago:
As the drone giving that news, it was so bad for TV shows. Someone rented Planet Earth which came in a 4 disc set for $100. If you lose 1 disk, we required ordering another full set. Someone lost the entire collection and was required to pay $400. I loved that job, but they made terrible decisions towards the end.
- Comment on Rockposting 9 months ago:
I tried watching the Jetsons last year and it was pretty painful. The story moved really slow, the mother was claiming to be overworked pressing a button. Everything was a mildly linear improvement from the 1950s and it had very old ideas. It did not age well
- Comment on How many people actually want fully on-site IT jobs? 9 months ago:
Another user was demanding 4x salary for in office, I would consider a 20% pay bump per in office day a reasonable request that likely results in a remote contract. It’s essentially saying it will cost you double to make me come in for that day.
- Comment on Euro bottles are so much better now 10 months ago:
#4 #3 pollutants list every year (p6) separate because the materials have different density and when damaged separate (p10). Feel free to do your own research Lemmy downvotes effort that they disagree with.…/Dutch study on caps_Doppenrappor…
- Comment on Euro bottles are so much better now 10 months ago:
The advertised benefit is that if you throw away the cap and bottle separately, you have 2 pieces of trash to clean up instead of 1. The actual benefit is that bottling companies can charge more for a more complex mold, but the same amount of materials. Lobbyiest lobbied and tada! In reality both pieces end up in the same landfill or in the same water current to garbage island. Now we have an antiquated law and an annoying policy to follow.
- Comment on Day one and done 10 months ago:
USA calls them “take and bakes”. Few fast food chains specialize in it like Papa Murphy’s, but grocery store delis regularly stock them as well.
- Comment on How well can an employer be certain of a remote employee's geographical location? 10 months ago:
Skimmed most of the thread and there are a lot of guesses, the actual answer is presumably impossible given the parameters. Asset management tracking software is pretty much permanent tracking these days, screen idle time, keystrokes per minute, application focus tracking. A lot of higher end devices have gps chips in them by default, your works VPN reports it’s trace route so it will have general geographic location. Microsoft and Google cooperate accounts even offer remote hard drive wipes to protect company secrets, regardless of the location. My work gets reports of where people connect from as part of the RTO policy. We had someone working from their parents house for a few weeks and got emailed by HR asking why they were logging in from an unapproved area. Most places can pull this data, but not all of them act on it.
- Comment on Does anyone speak hairdresser? I need help communicating. 11 months ago:
You can also have a seamless transition, multiple varieties of the fade or a tapered cut. High end barbers also shave art into side of the head. Lots of different options, but generally people do fades.
- Comment on Does anyone speak hairdresser? I need help communicating. 11 months ago:
Highly recommend looking up a guide from a hair cutting chain. From the sounds of it you want a crewcut ~20mm 3/4", “blend the sides” so that it transitions well, they might ask what size to buzz the side, you can just say “shorter than the top”. Crew cut will give you the longest time between haircuts as well, take notes of the actual length or clip size so you can be more precise next time.
I’ll also drop this in case it helps: Image