- Comment on Anon is jealous 4 months ago:
Honestly, I back the hustle. Even catch me outside chick. If that gets you ahead, fair does. Men have been espousing far more damaging rhetoric and making a buck. Go for it. Disclaimer: I’ve not listened to her podcast so she could be a Nazi for all I know. But young people, cost of living - if it works and it’s not hurting you or the community, then go for it.
- Comment on [Même] Which movie was this for you? 4 months ago:
FGF came out when I was a teenager. Me and my mates would’ve watched that over a hundred times. I can quote pretty much the whole movie. It has its place.
- Comment on Cognitive Biases 5 months ago:
I tripped and fell spectacularly walking in a supermarket. I was annoyed that no one helped me up or checked if I was okay (I didn’t need help but it made me think less of my fellow man) and that my partner was waiting in the car and didn’t witness it, because it was actually really funny.
I left embarrassment in my 20s. Don’t have the energy or interest in it now. And I know I’m not the main character - everyone’s living their own lives, the impact you make on strangers is minimal. At worst someone said when they got home from the shops ‘i saw this chick stack and it was kinda funny’.
Reminding yourself that no one really cares about people that don’t know is a helpful way to shut down the negative self talk.
- Comment on Anon loves sunny days 5 months ago:
No particular hat obsession that I’m aware of. Think you just knew a weirdo.
- Comment on Anon loves sunny days 5 months ago:
All of those things can be avoided by following Australia’s public health messaging that all kids have learnt since the early 90s. It started as Slip, slop, slap.
It’s now:
- Slip (slip on a t-shirt i.e. Cover your skin in the sun)
- Slop (slop on sunscreen and make sure you reapply)
- Slap (slap on a hat, ideally a wide brimmed sunhat)
- Seek (seek shade - you shouldn’t spend too long in direct sun)
- Slide (slide on some sunnies - protect your eyes).
While the country does periodically catch on fire over here, I love our summers. But to enjoy them, you basically have to remember that you’re made of meat and if left under the grill in the sky, you will cook.
If you’re morbidly obese I can understand summer being very uncomfortable. But for most people, taking simple steps can make even a 40°c day comfortable.
- Comment on Anon races against the jock in P.E. 5 months ago:
You’re… Yucky
- Comment on Soup 5 months ago:
I fucking love his little face and resting arms
- Comment on Which are the lesser-known movies that are well worth seeing? 5 months ago:
The book is so much better.
- Comment on English Ivy 5 months ago:
Playing whack a mole with my neighbours ivy. Keeps popping up on my side of the fence. Fuck whoever brought it to Australia.
- Comment on This might also apply to conferences. 5 months ago:
Back for me because I have a pretty disgusted, annoyed resting face. If I sit too close I’m focusing too much on keeping a pleasant listening face that I don’t pay enough attention to the material and give myself a tension headache.
- Comment on jealousy 5 months ago:
Oh mine got the memo. They lay peacefully, horizontally in my jaw, like little Saddam Husseins until they decided they wanted to visit other parts of my jaw and make friends along the way.
- Comment on Pancake rolls 5 months ago:
- Comment on How to Monetize a Blog 6 months ago:
This was great, thanks for posting!
- Comment on Regain Control in my ass 6 months ago:
Be together in my ass
- Comment on The Moral Implications of Being a Moderately Successful Computer Scientist and a Woman 6 months ago:
Uh yeah… Some did say things to that effect.
And there are other behaviours that can demonstrate that mindset.
But thank you for mansplaining my lived experience, champ. Couldn’t have navigated that one with my pea sized, woman’s brain.
I go through life making snap judgements of people I hire and don’t at all try to find common ground or empathise with their position, because I love pissing money up the wall and endless recruitment processes. Just floats my boat, you know
- Comment on The Moral Implications of Being a Moderately Successful Computer Scientist and a Woman 6 months ago:
Used to work in digital design. By pure happenstance the foundational initial team on a major project was all women and we recognised that wasn’t a good balance in terms of external perception but also in terms of getting different perspectives on design approaches.
We managed to recruit some great blokes, but they were hard to find. So many of the new dudes didn’t work out because it was so obvious how inferior they perceived us women to be. Very few of them had the skills to warrant any level of arrogance, let alone full blown superiority complex.
It was disappointing.
- Comment on Anon learns how to lucid dream 6 months ago:
I’ve never tried lucid dreaming. I’m an insomniac so I’m just chuffed if I manage to get any sleep, let alone control my own universe.
But often when I do dream, I die in my dreams. Usually violently - gunshot or blunt instrument sort of deaths that I’m cowering from prior to. So I’m in genuine terror and horror before my death…And I swear, the millisecond before it happens (and I always wake up at the time of death) I feel the pain of it.
It’s pretty fucked, tbh. I’ve lived a peaceful life with very little violence in it, and guns certainly aren’t a thing here. So I don’t know my brain can’t just chill out.
Anyway - it’s why I’m a little frightened to try lucid dreaming. At least in spite of the fear there’s a sense of inevitability about my deaths in these dreams (i.e. my murderer has found me in my hiding place), somehow I feel like it’d be worse if I was trying and failing to fight back, or if I prolonged the inevitable death by trying to outsmart the person? Or could I just shut down that plot completely?
Thanks for the session, do I just pay the receptionist on the way out or will you just invoice me?
- Comment on Glowworm 6 months ago:
Might not be a live specimen
- Comment on Anon gets a good look at Steve-O 6 months ago:
Haha wut
- Comment on Anon gets a good look at Steve-O 6 months ago:
Yeah probably in school. Children are children.
Well rounded adults don’t spend their time obsessing over thee size of people’s genitalia.
- Comment on Anon gets a good look at Steve-O 6 months ago:
You said women
- Comment on Anon gets a good look at Steve-O 6 months ago:
You’re the only one who mentioned it mate
- Comment on Anon gets a good look at Steve-O 6 months ago:
You started with ‘people’ but now you’re just saying women … Dude
- Comment on Anon gets a good look at Steve-O 6 months ago:
Most people??? Are you hanging around museums listening to people commenting?
I think you’ve invented something to get upset about
- Comment on That's a big burger 6 months ago:
That’s hauntingly beautiful
- Comment on What does dying from all causes mean? 6 months ago:
Wounds heal poorly for smokers. People who smoke after getting a tooth extraction can get dry socket.
I know someone who ate some rancid food, and was subsequently very, very unwell because they literally couldn’t taste or smell that it was off.
It affects your cardiovascular health so good luck outrunning danger.
Everything is worse if you smoke, in real time and in terms of what it does to your body’s ability to heal or respond to trauma.
Don’t smoke. And if you do, try and quit.
- Comment on Twitter loses World Bank ads over pro-Nazi content placement 6 months ago:
In the, admittedly terrible, movie Moonfall (2022) they use his tech and one of the main characters keeps saying things like “God I love Elon”. I guess it was under development in years previous but we long knew that he was a babyish edgelord (see behaviour over the rescue of the Thai soccer team in 2018).
Seems shortsighted to make him such a focus.
- Comment on Wet Time 7 months ago:
Yep the rule is always to bleach the things that need it and do everything else while you’re waiting for the wet time to pass.
- Comment on What's everyone favourite Nic Cage movie, and what do you think is his biggest hidden gem? 7 months ago:
Con Air and The Wicker man.
Pig broke me and I’ll never watch it again. But it was great.
- Comment on Camera reels 7 months ago:
My dog had stomach issues for ages that took us a while to work out. My partner and I were monitoring his poos for some time, so if we were walking him solo we’d send a photo to the other as an update.
So yeah, memories of dog shit in varying textures.