- Comment on >meme arrows 1 day ago:
I’m not checking either, but it’s funny
- Comment on ^_^ I just think skibidibi sounds neat :3 1 day ago:
so whatever happened to that lawsuit against valve for using skibidi assets in half life?
- Comment on "Avengers: Doomsday" is officially in production 1 day ago:
A number of different quotes come to mind:
“Can robert downy jr do for marvel what robert downy jr did for marvel?”
“You’ll be doing this until you’re ninety”
I’m not hype for this, especially after deadpool+wolverine was just an endless parade of HEY IT’S THAT THING YOU LIKE, YOU LIKE THIS. Nothing to make me want to watch it a second time, at least not without a lot of alcohol. Nothing I’ve seen recently gives me high expectations for the next movie.
- Comment on Civilization 7 Outlines Crucial 1.1.1 Update as It Struggles to Compete on Steam Against Civ 6 and Even the 15-Year-Old Civ 5 2 days ago:
also no hotseat multiplayer
- Comment on Civilization 7 Outlines Crucial 1.1.1 Update as It Struggles to Compete on Steam Against Civ 6 and Even the 15-Year-Old Civ 5 2 days ago:
Civ6 still isn’t in a state that I’m happy with playing it over civ 5, or even civ4. What makes them think I’d give civ7 the time of day?
- Comment on If you think that you are always right remember you could actually be stupid and not know it 4 days ago:
be me do awesome work that is well done and makes perfect sense derp shows up “Hey anon, what dipshit did this?” points at my work “This is stupid.” I explain the what and why. derp still thinks it’s wrong and stupid. I finish my work, with time to spare. Later, derp does the work. Takes him twice as long as it took me and it all looks like shit. Derp leaves at the end of his day, the work isn’t actually done and I have to clean up after him. I explain the above to Herp and Gerp, both think that Derp was right and I was wrong. Anons, am I the stupid?
- Comment on Pineapple was never the problem 1 week ago:
I don’t know if you know this, but the pineapple pizza thing is a trans allegory. I didn’t decide that, it just is. Making jokes at the expense of a persecuted minority is not ok. Good comedy punches up, not down. My bad for forgetting again that internet communities don’t do subtlety.
- Comment on 6 years and 1 prolonged delay later, Xbox is still calling "incredible" Hollow Knight: Silksong one of its "upcoming games" 1 week ago:
are they still working on it? yes? then it will come out when it comes out. There’s enough content in my backlog to keep me occupied for another 5 years at least, and more new games release every day. I can wait.
- Comment on Pineapple was never the problem 1 week ago:
for fucks sake, just let people enjoy their damn food. This existing doesn’t affect you. You can just, not eat it.
- Comment on Anon uses Windows 1 week ago:
with how thoroughly I’ve seen my friends and family fuck up their pcs, the above story does not surprise me at all. I myself have had obscure issues with windows that other people find unbelievable.
- Comment on Anon uses Windows 1 week ago:
doesn’t bother me because anyone snooping deserves to be traumatized. However, it’s linux, I’m sure there’s a setting for that.
- Comment on Anon uses Discord 1 week ago:
And I’m not looking forwards to the effort it is going to take to get my friends to migrate away from discord. It was hard enough to get them on discord in the first place.
- Comment on Before you act, is this right for the company? 2 weeks ago:
that would be equity, not equality
- Comment on Anon needs help to solve the mystery 2 weeks ago:
Sadly, there’s a lack of formal studies to determine how often is too often. I think “pay attention to your body” is generally good advice. If anything is sore or hurting, it’s probably time to take a break. Kegel exercises also help keep the sphincter from weakening over time, useful advice even for people who aren’t into butt stuff.
- Comment on Anon needs help to solve the mystery 2 weeks ago:
That’s why hard plugs are for short periods of fun times, and soft plugs are for all day / all night usage.
Speaking from experience.
- Comment on I am at a loss on words 3 weeks ago:
this is how you rickroll the youth
- Comment on gigachad 3 weeks ago:
so I totally forgot that I commented on this, and was coming in to make a comment about how aesthetic is so much more important than graphical fidelity, then saw that I had already made a quippy comment.
- Comment on gigachad 3 weeks ago:
I also frequently lie to myself.
- Comment on gigachad 3 weeks ago:
not only based, but also gay.
because gay is good, therefore the original point is good.
- Comment on gigachad 3 weeks ago:
It’s better if you look at games that are not 3d.
- Comment on gigachad 3 weeks ago:
i’ve got an old version of FCEUX that I boot up all the time to run The Guardian Legend. One day, I’ll do a full run in one sitting. Then, maybe I’ll speedrun. I can dream.
- Comment on Murica 4 weeks ago:
I’m more confused as to why my upvote took 4 seconds to do the thing instead of the usual instantaneous. Is it because the US has become a fascist dictatorship without the populace noticing?
- Comment on Murica 4 weeks ago:
because the US sucks ass and the entire world just does what the US does is also sucking of the ass.
It’s not that I disagree with you, it’s that we can do better and we’re not.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
finally, a good use for ai
- Comment on I'll take a liberal. Just 86 the tofu. 1 month ago:
if there’s one thing that communists and fascists agree on, it’s that everything is the liberals’ fault.
- Comment on What year is it 2 months ago:
- Comment on Skyrim teaches a Lemmy user about fascist propaganda 2 months ago:
As someone who kinda liked morrowind, and was disappointed with oblivion, skyrim just fell flat for me. The engine got better, but there just was less and less substance to it each game. Ignoring the content, just the base mechanics were stripped down to almost nothing.
I’ve got a friend who is experiencing oblivion for the first time after years and hundreds of hours of skyrim. They’re becoming increasingly upset at skyrim the more they learn about what was in oblivion but was removed.
- Comment on Anon buys a TV without researching 2 months ago:
I just bought this dumb tv. Couldn’t be happier.…
It’s not a good tv, but it’s the biggest one I could fit on my desk and it has absolutely no “smart” features.
- Comment on I never realized this 2 months ago:
The important part is that it is her choice to do so or not. My suggestion is just one possible solution that could be used by those who choose to do so. I’m not pretending that it’s the only solution, nor am I pretending that it’s even the best solution.
- Comment on I never realized this 2 months ago:
If a woman is committed to the idea, she could break the patrilineal naming convention simply by creating herself a new last name, and encouraging her children to take that name instead of their father’s.