- Comment on My YouTube homepage after I watch one balatro video 2 weeks ago:
I think maybe it’s geared towards people who watch more YouTube. I never have any single topic take over my entire homepage, literally ever. I even watched a balatro video like two weeks ago and I got two tiles on my homepage that showed balatro. But I also watch a lot of YouTube, so any one video doesn’t change much about my watch patterns. Last year my wife decided we were suddenly going to be watching videos about using turkey calls, and we watched about ten of them in a row and then I was getting a good number of recommendations for turkey shit, but still nothing like OP’s homepage.
- Comment on 'Zombie' spiders infected by never-before-seen fungus discovered on grounds of destroyed Irish castle 2 weeks ago:
G. attenboroughii was originally going to be called G. bangbangus — “bangbangus” being a nod to the gunpowder store where the fungus was found. However, the study authors changed the species name to honor Attenborough instead
Only two options.
- Comment on Will getting my drivers liscense renewed mess with my employer checking my driving record? 5 weeks ago:
I very much doubt it would but it most likely depends on country/region.
- Comment on Ok, some nerd please explain the switches on this IRL calculator app 5 weeks ago:
Well he doesn’t have a pi button.
- Comment on Ok, some nerd please explain the switches on this IRL calculator app 5 weeks ago:
For checking F try typing in an irrational number. Like 22/7
- Comment on Dylan is my new soulmate. 5 weeks ago:
The red stuff in raw meat from a grocery store isn’t blood, it’s myoglobin.
- Comment on The lost days 1 month ago:
I had always wondered that
- Comment on what unbiased media sources do you use? 1 month ago:
Everyone is biased, some less so. Use something like media bias checker or Ground News and read what they say the bias is and why.
- Comment on Anon's PC works 1 month ago:
If people are pushing you to buy stuff, they are not friends. Do not listen to them.
- Comment on Anon visits America 1 month ago:
I’ve literally never heard any European say that, and I know a good fucking amount of Europeans
- Comment on Dauntless Devs Apologize for Awakening Update, Promise "Immediate Adjustments" 2 months ago:
Never even heard of this game
- Comment on No one showed up to his party 2 months ago:
Yeah I’ve literally never had anyone bail on a party. If they are they just aren’t your friends (if they’re doing it consistently, things do happen of course).
I don’t agree with the invite everyone thing, but my brother-in-law does that and it seems to work for him. My wife and I hate it though because he always invites the worst people just because he’s trying to make sure people actually show up. So we get terrible ex girlfriends at things like a family camping weekend.
- Comment on Subway lovers posted 2 months ago:
Subway is just about the lowest quality garbage you can get. I think McDonald’s is maybe the only thing lower quality.
- Comment on Just another thing McDonald's ruined! 2 months ago:
So many typos and grammar mistakes that it actually says the wrong thing.
- Comment on Indian start-up Yes Madam fires employees who indicated being stressed in the survey 2 months ago:
As detailed in the cross post, all those stories just reference one source. It’s functionally useless information.
- Comment on Indian start-up Yes Madam fires employees who indicated being stressed in the survey 2 months ago:
I’m very surprised anyone in this community would actually believe this. As several of the cross posts detail, India has better worker protections than this. It’s almost guaranteed fake. Also the text doesn’t match up across the screenshot so it looks photoshopped in some way.
- Comment on What happened to gaming? 2 months ago:
Nope, because I don’t give one shit about those kinds of games. Nintendo and indie games have never cared about graphics and performance. I haven’t owned a PlayStation since the PS2, and I’ve never owned an Xbox. Crazy how if your only console is a Nintendo then you never really care about that stuff. I do have a gaming pc but still play mostly indie games.
- Comment on Update on ConcernedApe's Haunted Chocolatier 2 months ago:
Are you sure you don’t have a dark mode extension on? It was black text for me
- Comment on Why isn't Putin receiving the same level of hate than people like Trump and Elon are? 2 months ago:
Or prefer to talk about what is affecting them, even if they do care about the situation in Russia, it’s pointless to talk about because the only way to affect it is through talking about people like trump.
- Comment on Playing Outside Simulator coming 2025 2 months ago:
Roblox came out in 2006? On what platform?
- Comment on If Open Source is so great... 2 months ago:
LibreOffice is more than slightly worse, but FOSS projects cover the gamut. The thing about them is that the best ones are usually laser focused on exactly what the user needs, rather than what makes the most money.
- Comment on Frog's Gift 2 months ago:
How much is it gonna cost us to create this new “D.O.G.E.” Department and pay Musk? The cost of these studies is completely irrelevant to the situation, like others have said the GOP props up ridiculous situations and makes it seem like they represent the entire situation, and they do it to disguise what they’re doing which is fleecing taxpayers money to private corps.
- Comment on Frog's Gift 2 months ago:
Yeah how much is this “office” going to cost the taxpayers? I would guess a lot more than $100k on a sunfish experiment.
- Comment on How do I download anything from Nexus Mods? 2 months ago:
Calling nexus mods shady is hilarious.
- Comment on Anon tries programming in Java 3 months ago:
Sure thing, but op clearly isn’t a noob.
- Comment on Anon tries programming in Java 3 months ago:
I mean they are lying because Java does support main as a top level function now. If this was written last year, sure. Also IntelliJ will literally install the jdk and manage it for you. Using asdf I haven’t had to touch the PATH for Java in probably over a decade (used sdkman before that).
This entire post sounds like someone that last touched Java in 2010 and wanted to complain about it again. Java is shit, but for none of the reasons in the post.
- Comment on Anon tries programming in Java 3 months ago:
The date of the post is from this week so it’s not accurate at all. Java does support main outside of a class now, and it doesn’t need to be static, or take args. You wouldn’t use JavaFX in this day and age either. Installing the jdk is absolutely nothing especially if you’re using IntelliJ as it will install it for you and manage everything. No library is even close to 3gb.
This entire post sounds like it was written by someone that last touched Java in 2010.
Source: am a Kotlin dev. Java sucks. None of these are the reasons why.
- Comment on Withdrawal is going to make people go mad 3 months ago:
Hawaiian coffee is $25 a pound, at least it was when I bought some there a few years ago
- Comment on [Même] Which movie was this for you? 3 months ago:
I’ve never even heard of it. Sounds excellent though. 😂
- Comment on [Même] Which movie was this for you? 3 months ago:
All of the 3 ninjas movies. I was telling my wife about them and was talking about how great they were (this was like a decade ago) and went to look them up. Like 0-15% on rotten tomatoes depending on which one.
3 Ninjas: High Noon at Mega Mountain is particularly bad at 0% critic score, 29% audience score, and a 3 on IMDb.
I loved all the 3 ninjas movies so much though.