- Comment on Anon gives up on Bitcoin in 2010 9 hours ago:
your electricity, my bitcoin.
- Comment on Anon gives up on Bitcoin in 2010 9 hours ago:
You could understand the potential without psychic skills.
- Comment on Anon gives up on Bitcoin in 2010 9 hours ago:
It might have taken days to get 50 btc… on a laptop back then.
- Comment on Far-right Romanian presidential candidate wants Ukraine to be divided and part of it taken over by Romania 2 days ago:
West likes pro NATO right wing extremists only. Actually same for centrists and left.
Poland had media excited at start of war for taking their share of Ukraine. Russia recently has invited Poland, Hungary, Slovakia historians to come discuss what rightful shares they might “deserve”. Romania was not on the list.
- Comment on What would happen if somebody kidnapped the president? 2 days ago:
We don’t negotiate with terrorists/kidnappers. VP stays. VP motivated to organize this, maybe.
- Comment on Permabanned from Reddit? 4 days ago:
AI ban evasion detection.
- Comment on Is there a better sequel than Terminator 2? 5 days ago:
This is 40 as sequel to knocked up.
- Comment on Colombia's Petro will not allow US planes to return migrants 5 days ago:
I’m confused how they fill the planes that quickly. If someone tanned didn’t bring their citizenship papers to school on day of surprise raid, what happens?
We were told “first they would come for those with criminal records…”
- Comment on Trump administration fires members of cybersecurity review board in 'horribly shortsighted' decision 1 week ago:
Unclear on purpose. May be a political agenda of committee members to stop blaming the “usual foreign actor” suspects. Maybe if hacks aren’t publicized they don’t matter, but maybe if US government agencies should be freer to do the hacking for partisan purposes, or replace comittee members with loyalty vetted members who will blame GOP favoured hacking on the “usual foreign actor” list.
- Comment on Is there any way our of the US political spiral? 1 week ago:
Do you hate Russia and China? How about Iran, North Korean, Cuba and Venezuela? If yes, then politics funding warmongering are certain to prevail. Past US military budgets + interest on those deficits are sufficient to account for all US debt. Trusting the government and media telling you who to hate, keeps them elected. Netanyahu telling you Iran is the US’s enemy, or Iraq has WMDs, is why you hate them and support war.
The DNC can’t save you if they love Netanyahu just as much as the GOP candidate, because the GOP won’t try to balance pandering to anti-genociders. Trump has no qualms in Kent State-ing university anti-genocide protesters. He is better for Netanyahu, and then the Zionist single issue lobby that determines election results.
Your tolerance for war is your tolerance for politicians that will give you war. Progressives for war do not get much progressive stuff done. Though oligarchist bribery money rains when they are close to a majority to get some small stuff done.
UBI is path out of the spiral. UBI redistribute power not wealth, and prosperity grows significantly to the benefit of everyone including the rich. War becomes unpopular because we could all just have more cash instead. Nationalist “war preparation”/tariffs unpopular because we could have cheaper stuff instead.
- Comment on Wobble Wobble 1 week ago:
No. Well at least the first 2 weeks of the year are the warmest on record. A polar vortex just moves warmth elsewhere. It’s fair that a few days of snow cover is increased albedo for a few days, but it’s a drop in the bucket. A blanket of snow also keeps the ground warm.
- Comment on Wobble Wobble 1 week ago:
- Comment on Wobble Wobble 1 week ago:
Poor word choice. It is more profitable to build renewables today. Oligarchist power to protect their existing assets, is not “rational capital allocation”, but is what we get from power to corrupt capital allocation.
- Comment on Does the US really have no instruments in case a newly elected president immediatelly and openly exposes he's a nazi? 1 week ago:
The CIA is right
leaningwing globally and at home - Comment on Does the US really have no instruments in case a newly elected president immediatelly and openly exposes he's a nazi? 1 week ago:
The US empire chooses to ally with any group who opposes Russia or uses mineral/oil wealth as significant public welfare enhancement instead of enriching their rulership or privatizing for cheap bribes to US national champions, and not being a US weapons customer. This already makes the US empire a demonic evil fascist force. It calling apartheid ethnostates of Ukraine and Israel “great democracies”, and all elections that go against it “rigged” is an ultra fascist view. Control over colonies media is control over their democracy, and control over their people to ensure subservience of allies. Internally, to US, there is always money for the empire and the oligarchy, never for people.
The veneer of democracy and “rules based world order allies” is a BS that helps with its demonism. But removing the veneer to demand more tribute from colonies, and Americans is not change. It simply removes the emperor’s veil/clothing. If voting could change anything, it would be illegal.
Trump can help Americans realize this. But if you were praising US democracy/values before this, you simply were not paying attention closely enough.
Is the army really not constitutionally obliged to step in and save the day?
The constitution is no protection against the Army. A military coup does not necessarily mean a more militarist US, or anti-American, anti-pluralist/liberty government. Asking the military to depose corrupt leaders should be based on that corruption, not looking up whether a nation’s constitution permits it (they never do).
- Comment on Is there any non-zero possibility Musk was not doing a Hitler Salute? 1 week ago:
There was this period before WWII when stuff started happening to reduce the rights of minorities, but they weren’t being killed blatantly. Is this where we are?
None of that changes/happens with an exuberant salute. Embarassing for him, but you can ask him what were the good ideas Hitler had.
Americans and world will be genocided because oligarchy can see a path where slaves are a hindrance if they don’t just die quietly instead of being genocided. Oligarchs could instead choose to be richer, which happens when there are more people to make stuff for them and buy their workers’ stuff, but using wealth for power is a simpler thought.
The only viable politics is UBI, but we could only get warmongering neocons as “the opposition”, and you will suck up to the same again.
- Comment on EU tells Trump’s America: We have other options 1 week ago:
Very proud of her statement. Previously, everything she said was consistent with CIA/NATO direction. America has always been your fucking enemy, you dumbasses. This is a step to normalizing trade/relations with Russia, that Europe also needs. It can return to negative interest rates and the growth it fosters especially in energy transition, only after abandoning its support for supremacist nationalist ethnostate’ warmongering. China trade definitely a path to lower inflation, lower interest rates, high job rate, and Europe a good life quality. “Establishment”/moderate/liberal rulerships have a chance if Europe abandons NATO and anti-Russia policies.
Subhuman pigfilth French and Polish leaders saying draft and more military spending, are certain at least for France, to get them exterminated from political relevance, and even somehow getting Musk to weigh in against them.
- Comment on Russia warns Trump against snatching Panama Canal 1 week ago:
Other sub upvotes full Russia derangement syndrome to say “Putin owns Trump” and is unserious about actual international law. Russia has no use for Panama canal as it has access to both oceans.
That doesn’t mean Russia is going to defend Panama, just as they did not sink US carrier fleet off coast of Israel to protect middle east. The desperately sycophantic are the ones staying silent over this, and the ones offering higher colonial tributes to stay abused, instead of closer relations to Russia and China as counterbalance to this blatant evil.
- Comment on Who are you, who are so wise in the ways of SCIENCE? 1 week ago:
Thank you for link. Interesting. It did show language evolving/changing quickly. Any expectation that they would reinvent ASL or Aramaic independently would have been an absurd expectation.
- Comment on Who are you, who are so wise in the ways of SCIENCE? 1 week ago:
This was perhaps done to “prove a hole in Adam and Eve story”? They were manufactured as adults, but might then lack the childish capacity for language learning. If created with fully developed language capacity, then why not create them with full understanding of obedience to God’s will. It would take a lot of time and patience to teach God’s language at a pace suitable for undeveloped beings.
- Comment on Who are you, who are so wise in the ways of SCIENCE? 1 week ago:
Apparently there’s enough comments to convince me this was serious. Generations would invent language, but it’s a tough ask for children to do it, and expect that it matches any existing langunge. Why cats and dogs are not called meowsers and woofers in a language I know is beyond me.
- Comment on Woloolooloolool 1 week ago:
Ermegeeerd… her da berders
- Comment on Russia rearming faster than thought ‘for possible attack on Nato’ 1 week ago:
Russia is in a war for its survival, and NATO beligerence through Ukraine is a wake up call. Ending the war, with the condition that Russia tones down its defense production, is far better for planet than EU increasing defense spending by 150% (to get to 5%), and far better for EU. EU did far better economically when it was neutral/friendly to Russia.
- Comment on Why Trump's new love of TikTok is dangerous 1 week ago:
It’s far more important for “us” to love disinformation demonizing China, than some right wing disinformation, or actual reason for ban, information critical of Israel/US empire.
- Comment on DJI will no longer stop drones from flying over airports, wildfires, and the White House | DJI claims the decision “aligns” with the FAA’s rules. 2 weeks ago:
Seems as though “more terrorist incidents/arrests” are a good thing, if rules in fact promoted this. Not clear on any other explanation.
- Comment on For a group that considers .world to be Reddit 2.0 and a "CIA propaganda front" they seem to get awfully mad whenever it comes up 3 weeks ago:
Mobile infantry has made us the country we are today.
- Comment on For a group that considers .world to be Reddit 2.0 and a "CIA propaganda front" they seem to get awfully mad whenever it comes up 3 weeks ago:
Elgin air force base administrates most programs. You probably have to do basic training, but you may be able to work form home. Recruiters will promise that none of the fine print that enslaves you to mobile infantry role will ever be applied to you. After all, if we are successful in fighting humanity over here, we won’t need you to fight it in Ukraine or Russia or China, and citizenship requires service.
- Comment on Do you think I'll get a reply? 3 weeks ago:
FYI, the sin of envy has its roots in the 10 commandments.
Yahweh, one of El’s Cananite god sons, as an invention of protector of the Israelites, has Moses declare that no god is above him, and the “though shalt not covet” commandment is an order to kill all Cananites and destroy their idols instead of taking them for their gold and silver value. Israelite hasbara evil was born.
- Comment on TikToker’s trip to China: The influencer or the influenced? - How Beijing's network of influencers across various platforms try to shape narratives on issues critical to its foreign policy 3 weeks ago:
the phenomenon of Western influencers profiting from spreading Chinese misinformation and disinformation is not new.
There are documented videos of Xinxiang being a bustling prosperous region with luxurious mosques. There are no videos of concentration camps. Instead of calling it misinformation to counter the narrative US empire prefers you to believe, it is not unreasonable for China to try and correct that narrative.
Its not as if western whinning/misinformation comes with any progress metrics for it to stop using it as an excuse to demonize China.
- Comment on Anon is devilish 3 weeks ago:
Devilish: in order to brighten a child’s life, deliberately steal resources from your corporate masters, torturing their knighted/blessed control and absolute authority over all of society.