- Comment on I'm sure dolphins will fuck it up in their own special way. 6 days ago:
Crows can use tools and won’t need vehicles to travel. Dolphins don’t stand a chance.
- Comment on How much progress have we made on climate change? 3 weeks ago:
So we’ll have green energy but capitalism will be as strong as ever. A solar dystopia. At least there will be a future for us to be shadowrunners in.
- Comment on Why Are Conservatives More Susceptible to Believing Lies? 4 weeks ago:
My parents are those college educated conservatives and their mental gymnastics are Olympic level. They also donate to charities and do volunteer work like meals on wheels. They don’t make any sense to me.
- Comment on Skyblivion, the fan remake of Oblivion in Skyrim's engine, nears completion 4 weeks ago:
I’m waiting for skyrim and oblivion to be remade in OpenMW
- Comment on Hold on! 2 months ago:
Oh wow, I never thought of it that way!
- Comment on U.S. Employee engagement sinks to 10-year low 2 months ago:
How did you get into contract work? I’d love to be able to work when I need/want the money but have the option to step away for a while. I’ve been burned by too many “family” like workplaces
- Comment on Do rhymes make sense to deaf people? 2 months ago:
It also doesn’t help that spellings started to standardize at the same time the great vowel shift was happening
- Comment on Hubris 2 months ago:
It’s funny that this distinction needs to be made every time biscuits are mentioned in the post. There were some very confused non-Americans in the comments of a biscuits and gravy meme the other day
- Comment on Nom nom 2 months ago:
I still have to mentally sing the alphabet song to double check I got the order right.
- Comment on A ton of bollocks, more like 2 months ago:
I bet Reagan made “soccer”, the British slang for association football, popular among Americans in his youth.
- Comment on Don't forget Big 3 2 months ago:
I’m the opposite for the same reasons. I just like the phone on the right since it’s easier to reach with my main hand. Although, reaching across my body for keys can be awkward when carrying groceries and stuff
- Comment on Black Myth: Wukong producer on The Game Awards top prize snub: "I came all the way here for nothing!" 3 months ago:
Not the journey to the west he had hoped for
- Comment on This will definitely make you smile 3 months ago:
“Thanks for feeding me your poop, mom”
- Comment on meow_irl 3 months ago:
The body is round
- Comment on wood 3 months ago:
Where are the bodies, Garth?
- Comment on [Même] Which movie was this for you? 4 months ago:
I thought Battlefield Earth had a cool concept when I was like 13. I watched it again a few years ago and it’s hilariously bad. 90% of the movie is Dutch angles
- Comment on Wednesday it is, my dudes. 5 months ago:
Oddly enough croak is likely also onomatopoeia (imitative)
- Comment on Why is voting before the deadline in US elections referred to as 'early voting'? 5 months ago:
I found it to surprisingly easy to read. I knew about the characters beforehand but never saw them used extensively in words I understand. Let’s bring ðem back
- Comment on Asian Beauty 5 months ago:
It has to be if your name is on it
- Comment on Asian Beauty 5 months ago:
Now the day I was born The nurses all gathered 'round And they gazed in wide wonder At the horror they had found The head nurse spoke up Said, “Leave this one for dead” She could tell right away That my bones were bad
My bones are bad My bones are bad B-B-B-B-Bad B-B-B-B-Bad B-B-B-B-Bad
My bones are bad
- Comment on Hungry Lions 5 months ago:
I wouldn’t want to hunt anymore either if I survived the brutality of male lion adolescence
- Comment on Phew 5 months ago:
Nevermind the bolder, what is going on with random boxes on the ceiling? Did the architect forget to include the ductwork in their design or something?
- Comment on Anon tries to connect with a coworker 7 months ago:
I the like the Han dynasty because it was run by a sole smuggler
- Comment on Dutch toilets 7 months ago:
Did you have the light switch outside the bathroom too? That way your friends can make you poop in the dark
- Comment on Texts from Dad 7 months ago:
Arise now, arise, Riders of Théoden! Dire deeds awake: dark is it eastward. Let horse be bridled, horn be sounded! Forth Eorlingas! Arise, arise, Riders of Théoden! Fell deeds awake: fire and slaughter! Spear shall be shaken, shield be splintered, a sword-day, a red day, ere the sun rises! Ride now, ride now! Ride to Gondor!
- Comment on I'm all of them 7 months ago:
Physically bobbing and weaving to avoid swords in Dark and Darker
- Comment on JD Vance: 7 months ago:
I’m standing at an Amtrak station right now. Quit teasing me with these steamy pics
- Comment on Anon is an anthropologist 8 months ago:
Except we won’t have the sentient or even good AI
- Comment on Anon is an anthropologist 8 months ago:
A lot of the comments are talking about writing being the game changer but it took generations of selective breeding crops and livestock to make them viable for domestication. We haven’t found any evidence of domestication prior to about 12k years ago in archeology or genetics. There were many civilizations who built large cities and never needed a writing system.
- Comment on And they don't fold well either 8 months ago:
I usually sleep on my back but if I sleep on my side I always use a pillow. I have a pretty big head so if I’m lying flat with no pillow my neck is straight and not bending backwards