It’s gonna take twice as long as Starfield all to contain the same jank in an even larger, more barren, world where nothing is interesting and you’re just going through the motions because that’s what Todd Howard thinks games are.
Today, it has been 6 years since The Elder Scrolls 6 teaser
Submitted 9 months ago by to
Comments 9 months ago 9 months ago
It really does feel like Starfield completely killed any excitement for Bethesda games, everything since Oblivion has been a step in the wrong direction IMO. 9 months ago
Including Oblivion. I enjoyed it but it was a huge disappointment to me coming out of Morrowind. Bethesda reputation for me has been on Morrowind credit this whole time. 9 months ago
People have actually made it through Starfield? I tried so hard, but couldn’t make it past 20 hours (which isn’t a lot for a Bethesda RPG). The story is just so damn BORING. 9 months ago
The story is just so damn BORING.
Oh boy, you’re lucky. I trudged through for 70h out of sheer morbid curiosity. The boring main story goes straight into “icecream on forehead” when the starborn show up. The ending is just a shit cherry on top of that, with Emil Pagliarulo’s best “fuck you for asking questions” ever 9 months ago 9 months ago
I don’t believe, they’re actually 6 years into the development. Back then, they just announced that at some point, there would be a TES6, but they’ve been busy developing Starfield since then.
As part of Starfield, they did do some engine upgrades. You know what that looks like… 9 months ago
Their announcement for the 30th anniversary implies that it is in early pre-alpha right now. Chances of it running on the same exact engine as Starfield are practically 100% 9 months ago
Elder Scrolls especially Morrowind will always have a place in my heart but I’ve moved on. If they ever release a better game I will come back. What ever is running Starfield won’t be it.
I’ve found New World and as far as MMOs go, it’s the best I’ve played in comparison to Elder Scrolls Online and Guild Wars 2 (in depth) and a few others (<40 hours).
But New World has the lore, baby. That’s what seals the deal. Superior gameplay: check. Great art design: check. The lore is the final block and New World is so interesting. I didn’t think a fantasy setting could have new and interesting lore but they succeeded.
How the Lost came into creation from
Tap for spoiler
trying to cure the Corruption
is so tragic. I’m still learning what Angry Earth is all about tho.
And it’s just fun! Like, I would have never guessed that I’d enjoy running around in a pilgrim hat getting killed by a giant turkey with laser eyes. And who would have guessed you could successfully merge the giants from Nasusicca Valley of the Wind with 1500s Caribbean aesthetic?
But if you’re thinking: “We’re talking about single player games, dumbass.” Yea, I know, I like New World so much that I wish the same dev team would make a proper single player game in the exact same setting. 9 months ago
If they take too much fucking longer I’m gonna look for my RPG fix Elsweyr. 9 months ago
Don’t worry, in five years it will launch with the same physics tick rate bug and the dearth of anything interesting that is customary of any Bethesda Game Studios game. 9 months ago
Welcome to the place washed by Iliac waves
There’s two and a half peasants with the same ugly face
You’re not into small towns? Check out big-ass plains
Fifty times the size of Skyrim’s, twice as many pointless caves! 9 months ago
And there’s even one new cave variation! 9 months ago
Normally, I would say that I don’t care when a game comes out, as long as it’s a genuinely good, complete experience. But knowing Bethesda, it’ll be another 5 years before we see anything, and then we’ll get an embarrassingly buggy title, that hasn’t innovated on anything since Fallout 3 came out.
I used to forgive them for anything, knowing that the modding community would just patch things anyway, but we’ve seen how Starfield was rejected by a ton of people with skills. 9 months ago
I think too many people forget that Skyrim was actually popular enough without mods to bring enough modders to the table to fix the rest of it. Bethesda seems to have forgotten that they actually have to deliver a mostly fun and mostly playable game for a proper modding scene to take root. 9 months ago
That really is a pretty substantial part of it too. Modding at its core requires a good game, and everything else comes from people wanting to change parts of it, that aren’t necessarily to their liking. Bethesda somehow assumed that people would be willing to reimplement half of the game at launch. That just won’t slide anymore, for 70$ 9 months ago
It didn’t help that Starfield didn’t release with any of the normal modding toolset for Bethsda games. It literally didn’t get it until this month. 9 months ago
1 dev of the skyrim together mod. 9 months ago
Shadow of the Erdtree DLC comes out this month after begging developed for 2 years. Even amazing games take forever to develop, I’m certainly not waiting half a decade for fucking Starfield… 9 months ago
That’s the difference. I would wait a decade for a follow-up to Elden Ring. It was a genuinely incredible game in every way. 9 months ago
Starfield didn’t have modding, but was it an embarrassingly buggy title that hasn’t innovated on anything since Fallout 3? 9 months ago
They could take 30 years to make it, but it would still be made by Bethesda and it would still suck. 9 months ago
I have great memories of Morrowind 9 months ago
I have great memories of Skyrim. And FO3. And New Vegas. And Fallout 4. And Fallout 76 actually got not bad. And Elder Scrolls: Online had one of my favorite quest chains in a game. And… 9 months ago
It was still a glitch fest, but at least the world was top notch. 9 months ago
I also liked Skyrim and oblivion. Not sure how people can think they suck. 9 months ago
I liked Daggerfall, too, despite serious glitch issues. I just saved a lot and it was fine. 9 months ago
and then they’d re-sell it a bunch of times after that too. 9 months ago
Because it was such a bad game that people gladly bought it again? 9 months ago
God what a fucking boring and wrong opinion to be have 9 months ago
They literally said Starfield was in the making for 25 fucking years. And you see how that ended up 9 months ago
I like the bugs. The Giant Space Program was nice 9 months ago
I want to be positive and I’m trying to remain optimistic, but somehow I just know it in my bones that they’re going to further Fallout 4 the franchise and strip away even more skills and attributes. Hell, maybe they’ll get rid of dialogue entirely. 9 months ago
Indeed. I would love to have a “modernized Morrowind” experience – an RPG game that really nails the role-playing part of RPG, but without the cheesy parts of Morrowind like the unintuitive combat system – but all of us know that it’s just not gonna happen. 9 months ago
The combat in Morrowind is intuitive if your previous RPG experience used dice and paper. 9 months ago
but all of us know that it’s just not gonna happen.
Certainly not by Bethesda, but in truly typical fashion, Bethesda games are are held together and made fun by modders (and sometimes, even fully built, as is the case with Enderal). Only trouble is that can take a wild and/or completely unknown amount of time. 9 months ago
Hell, maybe they’ll get rid of dialogue entirely.
100% they’re going to try to do AI NPCs and you’re going to get cartoonishly awful dialogue that will be great for memes and terrible for any kind of actual gameplay. 9 months ago
ES6 will have a voiced main character. 9 months ago
An AI voice with zero emotion 9 months ago
Just in terms of timeline, Dragon Age 4 was teased at about the same time with the same level of teaser trailer. It’s releasing this fall.
So a full modern RPG being fully developed in that time by a smaller studio, and for elder scrolls we haven’t heard squat.
Who knows how DA will turn out, but we know modern Bethesda quality thanks to starfield. Not having any news in 6 years proves this trailer was made just to shut fans up 9 months ago
Who knows how DA will turn out, but we know modern Bethesda quality thanks to starfield. Not having any news in 6 years proves this trailer was made just to shut fans up
Pretty sure they flat out said this was true 9 months ago
“Bethesda and Todd Howard announced Elder Scrolls 6 when they did because of fan demand, or in the words of Skyrim’s lead designer Bruce Nesmith, because ‘the pitchforks and torches were out.’” Source
Elder Scrolls VI exits pre-production, development begins (August 2023) 9 months ago
Often times trailers that early are used as a hiring tool, too. Cyberpunk’s original CG trailer was back in like 2012, and that game came out in 2020, but we know from an interview at E3 before The Witcher 3 came out that there was a very small team working on Cyberpunk before Witcher 3 was done, and Cyberpunk at that point was mostly just design documents. 9 months ago
And DA4 got almost remade to remove the live service features
What’s Bethesdas excuse? 9 months ago
they were working on starfield? 9 months ago
I wouldn’t dare to call Bioware a smaller studio. 9 months ago
The teaser itself is some generic terrain with procedural grass anyone could do in blender in 3h 9 months ago
They just released this teaser to shut everyone up at the time 9 months ago
Excited for the special edition of the trailer 9 months ago
Yay, six more years til they release a biggy mess 9 months ago
I used to be a Dragonborn like you, but then I got a fire arrow to my dedicated graphics card.
Now nothing newer than Oblivion will ever run on that 9 months ago
Well, at least they won’t need to make “thousands of planets” worth of “content”, so the game might at least look consistent
Still, after Starfaild, my expectation is for TES6 to have something that kinda almost resembles Dark Messiah of Might and Magic’s melee combat; only Archery, Melee, Magic and Armor skills to level up; Emil Pagliarulo’s “greatest” story yet with double the time travel and multiverse bullshit; twice the amount of stories that get nowhere and that nobody in the world cares about; removal of stealth 9 months ago
Shut up. 6 years!? 👴 9 months ago
It was 5 years and 8 months between the release of Oblivion and Skyrim. Oblivion was released on March 20, 2006, and Skyrim was released on November 11, 2011. 9 months ago
Probably working out how to add stealth archer mechanics to a MTX. 9 months ago
Wow, thought it was like 2 years if you asked me 9 months ago
It’s just the time necessary to figure out how to create a ladder climbing animation 9 months ago
Got to do better than Star field and come close to BG3 , dark souls, elden ring. Chances are they hit the reset button after it became apparent they couldn’t coast on the mod community 9 months ago
After the reviews on Starfield, maybe this is for the best.
You really want to see what shameful AI slop they try to shoehorn into this game? Or how much of it is shamelessly cribbed and rehashed from Skyrim, the last good thing Bethesda ever did? Do you really want to play “Morrowwind But If It Was Designed By Houston’s Urban Planning Team?” Enjoy an hour and 30 minute commute to your next quest, plus traffic, you stupid idiots.
Now with a bug patch that’s labeled as DLC! 9 months ago
They can keep it. Bethesda sucks 9 months ago
Meanwhile me with shitty laptop & Skyrim LE be like… Nah…i don’t need that thing bc my Skyrim already perfect 9 months ago
Is there literally a single opinion in this thread that doesn’t reek of entitlement and rage? 9 months ago
They should just release a new game with the graphical fidelity of Fallout 4, but with better performance and animations. They could probably cut their dev budget in half if they made a game with Skyrim’s scope and FO4’s graphics.
No one plays Bethesda games for their graphical fidelity so they really need to stop wasting time there. 9 months ago
Anyone else not like the capital E in Elder? Looks like a G.
Can’t wait to play this in 2030. 9 months ago
Since they announced that it will be PC and XBOX only- I stopped giving a shit. I refuse to buy a new hardware that once was accessible without having to. 9 months ago
It would not surprise me at all if we are another six years away. 9 months ago
I personally think if something is in pre-production you shouldn’t announce it at all. 9 months ago
I hope they’re using this time to learn lessons from their Starfield flop and gather the talent and budget needed to improve upon Skyrim. A modern engine probably wouldn’t hurt.
However, my expectations are very low at this point. 9 months ago
They haven’t learned from Oblivion, Skyrim, or Fallout 4. Probably others.
Or really, they learned they can just keep releasing games on a hacked-up Morrowind engine, and make huge piles of money. So that’s what they’ll keep doing. 9 months ago
Yup. ES6 is going to sell like condoms on an STD themed swinger convension no matter how many bugs are going around.
And the saddest part is that too many have learned nothing about AAA titles, and will preorder the game, making the game a massive financial success even before releasing anything of quality. 9 months ago
Don’t forget they learned they can charge for mods, too! 9 months ago
They haven’t learned from 3 of their best and most popular games? 9 months ago
Image 9 months ago
The budget for Starfield was twice that of Baldur’s Gate 3. Throwing more money at it isn’t going to do a lot if they’re allocating it poorly. 9 months ago
I’m not suggesting that a big budget alone is sufficient to make a good game.
However, appropriate budgeting (in terms of both money and time) affects things like code quality and writing talent. It’s kind of important. 9 months ago
The real number is Morrowind had something like 10-20 writers that worked on it. Modern Bethesda games have 1. 9 months ago
It’s a tricky balancing act. They need to recover the investment as early as possible to pay less in capital costs but doing that will mean that later on when the product is sub-par it will cause problems and extra work.
Since the engine, game logic, art, story, testing is so heavily coupled together changing the engine a little bit could cause a month of work down the line.
I think personally the best way is to start by making an engine or taking one off the shelf and then write a mini version of the game with shit art that has a lot of bugs.
At the same time making models with hitboxes that all have the same physical properties otherwise, dialog content and recordings and all other content that can be done separately.
Once that is fun to play then you can start working creating a slightly bigger system with a single short storyline to have a cohesive experience and will have the genaral feel of the game.
Once everything above is done setting up a closed beta is the way to go. Take some feedback, add features and redo the small story to be more fun.
Then once everything is a fun experience but people just want more you do the whole everything. 9 months ago
If it does not have similar levels of moddability then it will absolutely hurt. 9 months ago
I think it’s safe to assume they know that and would bear it in mind when choosing or building an engine. Their games are famous for modding, after all. 9 months ago
I think we’re only ever see a new engine once Todd is no longer part of the company. Because the quote him out of context ‘it just works’ 9 months ago
Thanks, I needed that laugh. 9 months ago
I’m replaying Starfield, and on my second playthrough, I’m noticing the depth they put into this game. Sometimes a single dialogue line you said days ago will have an effect on NPC attitudes through an entire side story. I’m not going to argue that it’s not a regurgitation of their lame formula they’ve milked for the past 15+ years, but they do need to reevaluate where their money/dev time goes to. 9 months ago
Replaying as well, doing side quests I put off and surprised they actually go interesting places. Just did the one where zero G kept turning off and on at the space station that got taken over. 9 months ago
I like Starfield. 9 months ago
Sshhh that isn’t an approved opinion for Internet use 9 months ago
Image 9 months ago
The only thing Bethesda is motivated to do, frothing, absolutely chomping at the bit, is figure out a way to successfully monetize modded content. 9 months ago
Yes, will probably make a monthly subscription that walls off ability to download mods.
(Also, it’s “champing” at the bit. Sorry for the correction but it’s a small pet peeve seeing chomping so much now) 9 months ago 9 months ago
bait 9 months ago
We all know that all they are going to do is re-release new versions of their old games on devices we largely don’t care about. 9 months ago
as long as they don’t have space travel between every objective and hundreds of barren procedurally generated planets it will be fine.