- Comment on What is a TV show that was one of your favourites, but just went on for far too long? 19 hours ago:
Supernatural. I know it supposedly gets better with the latter seasons, but I binged straight through and I burned out around season 11 or 12. The angel espionage shenanigans were weird. The whole good brother evil brother flip flop is a bit overplayed. Meant to pick it back up but never did.
- Comment on What is a TV show that was one of your favourites, but just went on for far too long? 19 hours ago:
Walking dead is just so damn repetitive. Hey we found a safe place. Oh no rick fucked it all up. Repeat like 5 times and that’s the show. I did read some of the comics and I really appreciated how they kept negan’s character intact - and what a fucking character he is - but the show as a whole just drags on.
- Comment on New spikes to protect us from politicians have been installed! 3 days ago:
They’re bleeding money! Tens of dollars per hour!
- Comment on 3's grip looks the most comfy 3 days ago:
I love Bic but those particular ones have never done well for me.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 days ago:
- Comment on Anon is waiting for Japan 1 week ago:
They have 2d waifus, who needs women?
- Comment on Sounds logical to me 1 week ago:
Awful mutton chops 2/10 would not bang
I kid, but seriously he would look better without the chops.
- Comment on Anon is waiting for Japan 1 week ago:
- Comment on Anon is waiting for Japan 1 week ago:
The last good year. Truly they are the most intellectually advanced society.
- Comment on Anon gives a former president some feedback 1 week ago:
War on Drugs - reduce minority voice in government
And increase incarceration of certain people to expand legal slavery under the 13th amendment.
- Comment on Anon gives a former president some feedback 1 week ago:
It’s never been about defeating those things, it’s about expanding power using them as an excuse.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
Hire one single dude to ask tourists whether they get to the cloud district very often.
- Comment on Is 33 cents a small amount of money? 1 week ago:
Don’t need one. The amount of times I’ve had to explain how fucking tax brackets work, I wouldn’t be surprised if the numbers were even more skewed towards the wrong answer.
- Comment on Anon is a reader 2 weeks ago:
Jesus christ the legs. They really wanna fuck horses huh?
- Comment on Anon is a reader 2 weeks ago:
That’s like a quarter of lemmy.
- Comment on Meow_irl 2 weeks ago:
Fuggoff I’m stuffed
- Comment on Science has not gone far enough 2 weeks ago:
The real play is to get a soft fluffy pillow that you can adjust by moving the fluff around. I can virtually flatten it if my neck is bugging me, or stuff a bunch in one side for side sleeping. Mine is a sealy and I don’t think I’ll use a different brand again.
They got 2 packs at Costco.
- Comment on What is the point of the Nicole spam? 2 weeks ago:
I had one Indian scammer use my name so I was interested. Then he asked if my email was still current and gave an email that I used like 20 years ago in middle school. I laughed and told him he paid for shitty info. It was a goddamn Hotmail account to give you an idea.
- Comment on What is the point of the Nicole spam? 2 weeks ago:
Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted. I always love talking to Indian scammers when they call about my student loans that don’t exist.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
Alright kids, say goodbye to gam gam.
- Comment on Not a single word about the Wildfires 3 weeks ago:
Imagine holding on to that for 30 years. Holy shit.
- Comment on Wanda and Cosmo 3 weeks ago:
Before or after you learn the lore?
- Comment on In the jar you go 3 weeks ago:
And that it’s popular enough that that word was included in a song sung by John delancie (voice of discord in MLP) about the bronies.
- Comment on Celebrating my 1000th comment. Here is a shitpost. 3 weeks ago:
There were also several instances of reddit tankies infiltrating other leftist subs to try to take them over.
- Comment on Would you rather be trapped in Groundhog Day or the Truman show? 3 weeks ago:
Eh, who’s gonna hold me responsible?
- Comment on Ultra Gullible 3 weeks ago:
Wasn’t the hard cap for 7 like 64gb? Anyway I’m imagining ram smashed into pci-e slots.
- Comment on Is this green or blue? 3 weeks ago:
Lies and slander. Cyan is a much better color.
- Comment on Has no soul 4 weeks ago:
They even have two separate articles for Trump, each from the complete opposite perspective.
- Comment on Anon was someone's first case 4 weeks ago:
When your man is on the spectrum
- Comment on Anon was someone's first case 4 weeks ago:
Mutual friend got my girlfriend a book about being in a relationship with someone on the spectrum as a joke. Turns out it’s been a huge help in communicating with me. Oops.