An invincible wolf man, who is like a wolf in every regard save for the fact that he can fly.
(Note: This might be misinformation)
- Comment on Blobfish 7 hours ago:
I feel like if there’s anyone out there who would use this new information to make right by the Blobfish, it’s him.
- Comment on Day 249 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games l've been playing until l forget to post Screenshots 2 days ago:
I remember at least liking it a fair bit because it played a lot like Halo 1. I was a huge fan of the original and never cared as much for the sequels. I remember all of my friends got really into ODST, and I hated the direction it had taken the gameplay. So when Reach came out and felt comfortable in my hands again, I was stoked.
- Comment on ‘Good Burger’ star Jan Schwieterman dead at 52 (he played Mondo Burger owner Kurt Bozwell) 4 days ago:
Let this serve as proof that overconsumption of Mondo Burgers in the '90s is directly linked to death.
- Comment on All things have a right to grow. The blossom is brother to the weed. 1 week ago:
My rule has always been simple. It I’m in it’s house (outside), it’s not my business. If it’s in my house, I have to make a choice. That choice was always smash (I’m arachnophobic), but my daughter has led me down the paragon path and I now save more than half of all spiders inside of my house.
- Comment on What’s a movie nobody can convince you is good? 1 week ago:
Lol, I know you deleted this comment (fair), but it still showed up in my inbox. But I get it. Everyone loves that film, so I’m in a very fringe minority here. It’s weird, too, because I love the post-apocalyptic genre, but I don’t know, man. I just really disliked Fury Road.
Conversely, I really enjoyed The Northman in the same way everyone else does Fury Road. I thought it was a really fun, over-the-top Viking rampage revenge film, with cool cinematography. But everyone hated it.
- Comment on What’s a movie nobody can convince you is good? 1 week ago:
Mad Max: Fury Road. I thought that was dumbest, most caveman pleasing trash that has ever received that much acclaim. Truly, the entire movie is executed to make a caveman go, “OOhhhH!.. WwAaHh!.. FFIIRE!.. DwWoOah!.. HaHhh!”
- Comment on Anon experiences freedom 3 weeks ago:
Make sure you cum on your ID first as tribute.
- Comment on Day 223 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games l've been playing until l forget to post Screenshots 4 weeks ago:
There was so much magic in this game. That soundtrack and overall atmosphere was incredible. I remember trying it in little bite-sized pieces at Toys R Us and the McDonald’s lobby and being really blown away.
- Comment on Cool Dog 4 weeks ago:
I’m formally launching the #tellthem campaign.
- Comment on You must be doing something right 4 weeks ago:
My five-year-old daughter just climbed over my, stopped to stare at this pic, and said (in a goofy voice) “Wuut da heeeyyck?”
- Comment on Cool Dog 4 weeks ago:
I maintain that if drug-sniffing dogs actually knew what it was that they were doing, none of them would be drug-sniffing dogs.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
I fucked my wife in the bathroom window of the Hyatt in Calgary, in front of a beautiful, sprawling downtown core. The trick was to leave the lights off inside the room.
- Comment on Spicy Candy 1 month ago:
When I was a kid my dad told me not to fuck with the insulation. I fucked with the insulation. I should not have fucked with the insulation.
- Comment on the woke left is always like “we need less shootings” gun control so kids can’t commit domestic terror. but the right says i get wolf pussy so they win. 1 month ago:
Not that dry.
- Comment on the woke left is always like “we need less shootings” gun control so kids can’t commit domestic terror. but the right says i get wolf pussy so they win. 1 month ago:
Wolf pussy just sounds dry as fuck.
- Comment on My marxist big pharma shill of a “doctor” keeps trying to tell me i have a “testicular torsion” i told him my balls are red from my carnivore diet and are “swollen” because of my lively high t sperm. 1 month ago:
This is problematic because you can no longer use your balls as a proper door knocker for your asshole.
- Comment on If I'm not ready, I won't be ready! 1 month ago:
I muttered this exact phrase today out of the blue, and now here it is.
- Comment on blast from the past 1 month ago:
Damn, that was a good period, too. They just don’t make 'em like they used to.
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of January 20th 2 months ago:
No problem. I don’t know what it is about 6am bathroom time that makes me write novels.
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of January 20th 2 months ago:
It functions well enough that I haven’t noticed anything off, save for maybe two occasions in 40+ hours where I was unlucky enough to have bandits spawn in near me. Once out in the woods, and one time they literally appeared sitting in chairs in the room I had just passed through, then attacked on my way back through it. You can’t help but laugh when it happens, but it’s nowhere near like it was on release.
I know that several of the squads I encounter in the wild have been artificially spawned in just outside of my exclusion radius, but they move organically enough that I’ve never had my immersion broken with the impression that these aren’t just stalkers on their own mission. Sure, if I reload a ways back and travel the same route, it may well be a different assortment of them, no one at all, or maybe bandits or mutants the next time, but rather than feeling tacky it keeps the Zone feeling unpredictable. Retracing my steps after reloading often results in a wildly different experience from Point A to Point B, so I can’t cheese my way through much of anything.
I’ve also encountered large, roaming packs of mutants who, when avoided, travel well outside of my exclusion radius and continue to be heard far off in the distance (Flesh are a good example) even though they’re no longer rendered on my screen. I’ve traveled in that direction a short time later just to run into the same pack having changed direction, so there definitely are some persistent A-Life doing their thing out there. It’s just sprinkled with some chance encounters.
All in all, the A-Life isn’t exactly where they/we want it to be, but they’ve taken enough corrective steps that I find it very enjoyable, and I say that as a long-term fan of the originals, as well as hardcore versions like Anomaly. Honestly, the only thing I truly dislike about STALKER 2 is the number of bloodsuckers. They’ve become a lot easier to dispatch, but if I’m ever going to run into three bloodsuckers in the wild, it should be like one time. But there are times where I encounter packs of them several times per day, and I’m Veteran difficulty that is absolute bullshit.
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of January 20th 2 months ago:
STALKER 2, and I haven’t felt this frightened to climb down into the basement of a decrepit waste processing station since the original trilogy. So in short, it hits just right.
- Comment on It's Wednesday my dudes...? 2 months ago:
Wish I could fuck that butt. That toad is the perfect shaped woman.
- Comment on Well you see, gam gam... 2 months ago:
“Mom, is it because it’s hetero sex talk, mom? Mom, this is me, your son, mom.”
- Comment on True love 2 months ago:
“AWWWROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOuuugula on your healthy salad because I know you love it!”
“AWWWROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooster crowing in the morning 'cuz baby, I bought you a farm!”
- Comment on Choosing pink is chaotic evil? 2 months ago:
I have a debilitatingly shy bladder in public washrooms, and I don’t know if pissing loud as fuck would be boon or a curse.
- Comment on I'm seriously proud of this 2 months ago:
- Comment on Pornhub Is Now Blocked In Almost All of the U.S. South 2 months ago:
They all have cousins, so…
- Comment on what was the last game you played in 2024? 2 months ago:
- Comment on Stream Fatigue? Americans Spent 23% Less on Streaming Services in 2024, Study Finds 2 months ago:
It’s all too fragmented now. I don’t want to commit to any of it. Each platform is 80% garbage and 10% good. You basically have to pay for ten services now just to have a wealth of good content available. It’s easier to just fill my thumb drive up with the content I want.
- Comment on Trump trolls Trudeau by promising Canucks he'll lower taxes if Canada becomes '51st state' -- and backs hockey legend Wayne Gretzky as PM 2 months ago:
Great, then our public services can be as abysmal as they were during my thirty years living in that shit-hole to the south. Maybe folks will finally get their wish of living in a low-tax wonderland.