- Comment on THICC 5 months ago:
Like and otter with his favourite stone
- Comment on Centipedes Don't Fuck 7 months ago:
- Comment on Centipedes Don't Fuck 7 months ago:
I think they always have an odd number of pairs, so 96 or 100.
- Comment on Mushroom Guides 8 months ago:
Yeah, I know, that’s like the first thing they teach you at returning school
- Comment on Mushroom Guides 8 months ago:
I think there are surprisingly few poisonous ones out there, and fewer that could actually kill somebody.
- Comment on Liz Truss loses seat as ex-prime minister becomes biggest scalp in Tory bloodbath 8 months ago:
What about the pork markets?
- Comment on Penguins ❤️ 8 months ago:
I didn’t imply they were a gold standard. I just remarked that they certainly weren’t, which is very different.
- Comment on Penguins ❤️ 8 months ago:
And about 200 other species, but only one has exhibited homophobia.
- Comment on Penguins ❤️ 8 months ago:
Pretty sure they get up to all sorts of rape and paedophilia and incest too. This might be a nice fact, but penguins are dirty bitches and certainly no behavioural gold standard.
- Comment on Al-u-min-i-um 8 months ago:
And that is?
- Comment on Al-u-min-i-um 8 months ago:
What does that mean?
- Comment on Al-u-min-i-um 8 months ago:
What ties Nicholas Cage to the situation? How is he relevant to the scenario?
- Comment on Today, it has been 6 years since The Elder Scrolls 6 teaser 9 months ago:
I think Elder Scrolls is one of those properties whose biggest detractors are its fanbase. Runescape is exactly the same, and it’s totally bizarre.
- Comment on Today, it has been 6 years since The Elder Scrolls 6 teaser 9 months ago:
I liked Daggerfall, too, despite serious glitch issues. I just saved a lot and it was fine.
- Comment on Today, it has been 6 years since The Elder Scrolls 6 teaser 9 months ago:
Because it was such a bad game that people gladly bought it again?
- Comment on 2 Many Butts 9 months ago:
Reminds me of that worm that sneezes out its soft palette, and it branches out like veins across the floor
- Comment on Bees v Wasps 9 months ago:
Gotta be tough for carpentry and stonemasonry.
- Comment on Chicken vs Egg 10 months ago:
A lot of what you say can be applied to other, non-religious cultures, not least that of the west, albeit in different measure. Any society will develop an overarching system of rules and standards; it’s necessary to avoid anarchy, which is more inimical to the broader progress of mankind. People naturally band together, it’s an evolutionary trait, so regardless of what intangible strictures those tribes are subject to, there will always be friction between and indeed amongst them. Voltaire said “If God did not exist it would be necessary to create him.” and he was dead right, he just didn’t mean ‘God’ in the strictly theistic sense.
Ultimately, people are people, meaning they need reeling in or things go to shit. Perhaps there exists an ideal set of circumstances under which civilised man can live peacefully without noticeably impinging on his moral objectivity, but let’s not hold our breath. As long as there are groups, there will be some cunts who tighten the shackles for everyone, whether it be by breaking the rules, or making the rules.
So yes, all religions are bad, but in the spirit of catching all, I’d go broader.
- Comment on Chicken vs Egg 10 months ago:
C’mon man Sikhs are fucking chilled out
- Comment on Limericks 10 months ago:
That’s reasonable; I’ll take it.
- Comment on Limericks 10 months ago:
Good story, now back to reality, please.
- Comment on Limericks 10 months ago:
See top comment to kick your fury up a notch.
- Comment on Marvels Rivals requires creators to sign a contract that removes your right to give a negative review to access the playtest 10 months ago:
Good whom.
- Comment on Genetics 10 months ago:
Nobody’s friend says that.
- Comment on pick your side 10 months ago:
A la Trivial Pursuit
- Comment on orinthologists search history 11 months ago:
Only in the mo’nin’
- Comment on Cass review urges ‘extreme caution’ in prescribing puberty blockers to trans youth 11 months ago:
Personally I’d recommend extreme caution in all medical matters
- Comment on Modern beauty standards 1 year ago:
The fallacy your under is that this things are ‘big’ or ‘small’ which implies they’re not actually ideal. That leads to hyperbole like this where the proportions are too extreme.
- Comment on octopus stinkhorn 1 year ago:
Also called ‘Devil’s Fingers’
- Comment on Dave Chappelle’s Obsession With Mocking Trans People Continues in New Netflix Special ‘The Dreamer’: ‘I Love Punching Down’ 1 year ago:
You mean individuals or corporate entities or political parties? Satire in that regard is weaponised, it doesn’t - or shouldn’t - go for all comedy, where ‘punching’ isn’t the goal. Unlike this thing which is just a big ‘fuck off’ dressed up as a stand-up show.