The chicken vs egg question has never been about chronology or science.
It’s been about religion vs science.
Science says the egg came first: a chicken laid an egg that was nearly imperceptibly not a chicken, so the egg was a new thing. Then it hatched and one of its descendants laid an egg that was almost imperceptibly not a not-a-chicken. Repeat ad nauseum. That’s how evolution works, with the egg coming first.
Religion says a god poofed a chicken into existence.
That’s the chicken vs egg thing. It’s not a puzzle at all, it’s just science vs religion. 9 months ago
The compression artifacts (from converting B/W line art to jpg) being printed on the page have given me a new pet peeve 9 months ago
Now imagine them being engraved into stone or steel by machine. Turned into literal artifacts for future generations to ponder over. 9 months ago
“The intentional grey diamonds, you see this was a highly advanced society capable of high definition videos and images, represents a loving fealty to that which is complete or known. The imperfections in the art represent an acknowledgement of their societal short falls. This will be on the exam by the way.” 9 months ago
Jpg for photos, png for everything else.
It’s an easy rule of thumb, it hurts that 20 years of repeating it seems to have had zero effect.
Maybe this helps: Jpg fucks up your image, and png doesn’t.
Or: jpg is lossy, png is lossless.
Or: It’s better to save photos as png than cartoons as jpg.
Seriously, I hope some of this breaks through because deep fried images are so fucking unnecessary. 9 months ago
I hear WebP can often offer much better compression than PNG in lossless mode so that could be an alternative. 9 months ago
Are there any downsides to saving photos as pngs? 9 months ago
We have explosive 9 months ago
John Warnock is rolling in his grave right now.