- Comment on Anon doesn't like simps 8 months ago:
They struggle with finding a good/the right man to keep long term, but simply getting a date takes half an hour on tinder while they can choose between 50+ guys in their immediate neighbourhood.
- Comment on Is it more energy efficient to charge a phone/tablet using a desktop/laptop while your computer is being used vs using the charger? 8 months ago:
It was a bit of a hyperbole, I have no idea about the exact amount.
Let’s say you charge your 2000mAh battery every day and your PSU is 10% more efficient than your charger (the difference is most likely not even this big).
2Ah × 5V x 356d= 3.56kwh
3.56kwh × 0.1 = 356Wh
356Wh would be the difference per year, that’s about 12ct per year.
Now estimating the power usage for fediverse messages is very hard to do since it depends on a lot of different factors (your device, cellular or WiFi data, amount of hops needed to reach you, general state of your nearby network, your instances infrastructure).
The only even remotely similar thing I could find was emails with pictures producing about 20-40g CO2, which only slightly increases with more recipients, and Reddit usage comes at about 2.5g per minute. Comparing these two numbers just shows that all estimates done are pretty much useless for us since we have no idea how they are done.
But if we go with a low estimate of 0.1g (slightly above SMS and somewhere around spammail level) per user seeing it and a few hundred to a thousand users seeing this even if they just scroll past, we reach the CO2 equivalent of 1kWh pretty fast without even talking about long term storage and future indexing. Not to mention that comments produce something too since they need to be federated, albeit not so much as the post itself.
So while 10 years was a bit much, 2-3 years would be very much in the realm of possibilities, but no one knows or can even properly estimate the actual numbers.
- Comment on Is it more energy efficient to charge a phone/tablet using a desktop/laptop while your computer is being used vs using the charger? 8 months ago:
Not to discourage such thoughts in the future, but your single post asking here used up more electricity than what you would save over the course of the next ten years.
- Comment on Chicken vs Egg 9 months ago:
Not really, it still doesn’t answer the question.
Is the first chicken egg the one the chicken hatched from or the first egg a chicken laid.
- Comment on Glorious Victory 9 months ago:
I’d be somewhat ok with Kernel anticheat if they would work, but the simple truth is that they do nothing of value. COD has Kernel anticheat with Riccochet and is flooded with cheaters. Valorant has only slightly less cause riot updates Vanguard more often.
But guess what, it usually takes 1-2 days for new cheats to reach the relevant forums, maybe a few days more until they are more widely aviable. At most cheaters have to spend another 5€ every 6 months, but that’s it. They don’t care, the amount of money spent on accounts every other month is already way higher.
The only two things anticheat like vanguard protects you from is script kiddies that google “valorant cheat .exe” and Linux only players. And the former could just as well be filtered out without Kernel level.
- Comment on I just want to play my game... 10 months ago:
Live service and always online are two entirely different things, and the former isn’t inherently malicious, unlike the latter.
I’d, for example, consider all Paradox grand strategy games as live service with major updates dropping once or twice a year (followed by like twenty bugfix patches cause they fuck up every time, but that’s besides the point). Sure, every major update comes with a new dlc that isn’t exactly cheap, but you also get a lot of free content with each release. All their major titles are entirely different games now than they were at the 1.0 release.
What ubisoft does is just a tacked on battle pass that gets a few worthless items/skins so they can call it live service and have a justification for their always online verification model. That’s purely an anti piracy measure that fucks legitimate players more than pirates.
- Comment on Adobe putting spam in notification tray on Windows 11 months ago:
You got Hyper-V approved on a work desktop? Man I wish I had that much luck.
- Comment on Windows 10 and its shortage of "Never shove this screen in my face again" buttons 11 months ago:
Most Windows issues and annoyances can be fixed pretty easily with registry tweaks. This specific issue requires you to go trough the major effort of changing a single 0 to a 2.
As long as its still easier to completely debloat windows instead of debugging Linux, your so called win is still far away.
- Comment on VMware Kills Off 56 Products 1 year ago:
More like “broadcom kills off 56 VMWare Products”
- Comment on New solid state battery charges in minutes, lasts for thousands of cycles 1 year ago:
They are improving a few percent every other year, but never in big jumps like these headlines would suggest
- Comment on Epic is giving away 17 games as part of its holiday sale 1 year ago:
Games that are sold on GOG are usually also DRM free on steam. Sometimes the steamworks DRM is required, but that’s so easy to trick that the games can still be considered DRM free.
The only thing GOG does is pre-filtering for DRM free only.
- Comment on Epic is giving away 17 games as part of its holiday sale 1 year ago:
Other posts about this topic have similar claims. No idea who started the idea, but it gets mentioned a lot that ticking a box is all that’s required
- Comment on Facepalm 1 year ago:
Non-personalized ads pay a fraction of the money targeted ads can get you.
Non intrusive ads are pretty much just amal banner ads on the side, they pay near to nothing.
Youtube barely makes any money as is, if you introduce even one of these changes they are far into the red again.
Now if we also remove any tracking, then Google has no reason at all to keep it going and will just shut it down.
I despise Google too, I avoid them like the plague, my phone is deggogled and all my apps come from third party storefronts. But YouTube simply is not a profitable business without personalised ads and tracking.
- Comment on Disney Mocked for Ludicrously Fake CGI "Actors" in Crowd Scene 1 year ago:
I wouldn’t want to deal with additional background characters either even if they played the role for free.
It’s just more contracts to be signed, more people on set, more potential things that don’t go as planned. Its a lot of extra work and organisation needed for something that pretty much no normal viewer would notice.
- Comment on Watching ads while grandma is choking on a fish bone 1 year ago:
One would think that that’s the case, but youtube will happily show you ads on videos they themselves deemed not advertiser friendly. The creator simply doesn’t receive any money.
- Comment on Watching ads while grandma is choking on a fish bone 1 year ago:
The only app revanced has is the “revanced manager”, any finished revanced youtube client you find online is done by a third party and is very risky to use.
- Comment on And now Bezos is trying to inserts ads everywhere 1 year ago:
Most subscriptions can be canceled with a few clicks, usually right after buying it without loosing the paid for time. If you cant manage your subscriptions, that sounds like a problem you should address yourself instead.
Your suggested solution of simply turning off the credit card the subscription is linked to doesn’t cancel said subscription, it just results in a breach of contract from your side. That only works cause most companies can’t be asked to deal with you, otherwise the subscriptions would continue and the incurring cost would sooner or later be sent to a collecting agency, with additional charges for late payments.