Can’t wait to graduate so I don’t have to run Respondus and keep dealing with this crap
Scumbag design: cave in now or get pestered again in a few days
Submitted 11 months ago by to
Can’t wait to graduate so I don’t have to run Respondus and keep dealing with this crap
Scumbag design: cave in now or get pestered again in a few days
“It’s important we give our users a choice.”
“… and then just keep giving them that same choice over and over again for as long as it takes for them to finally do what we want.”
The floggings will continue until morale improves.
Literal malware techniques. MS learned well from viruses
This is a thing that annoys me and it’s not just Microsoft doing this: there’s never a “No” button, it’s always “Not now” or “Maybe later”. As if i’m going to reconsider. As if it’s an honest offer worth thinking about and not a pop-up.
This is what life is like for women. So many men are taught to not take “no” for an answer, and just keep pressuring her, waiting for her to wear down and give in.
Also the story of almost all Hollywood romcoms.
They should rename “remind me later” to “nag me later”.
In the history of pop-ups, I’ve never wanted to be reminded later.
If anything, I’m even further disincentivised to log in if they’re threatening to remotely copy my hard drive. That just sounds like a scam.
With the current Windows 11 installer this doesn’t work anymore.
But you can download the ISO, use Rufus to create a USB boot stick and disable all the requirements (account, RAM, TPM, CPU generation) in Rufus’ options. Also lets you auto-deny all telemetry options and create a user account without prompting.
It’s like an annoying kiosk salesman at the mall but he’ll show up in your livingroom when you least expect it.
I guess “no” implies “this is your only chance to permanently decide”.
“Remind me later” is obviously going to be an annoying reminder.
“Maybe later” or “Not now” indicates it can be changed later, but might also come with annoying reminders.
Can’t wait to graduate so I don’t have to run Respondus and keep dealing with this crap
Well, I’ve got some bad news depending on what industry you’re going into: the business world runs on Windows.
And the tech world will often force you to use a macbook, as well. As if Windows wasn’t locked down enough.
God I hate not being able to change FN and ctrl on a locked down mac that work gives me , also all the other limitations
Yeah but it pesters your sysadmin in your stead
Yeah this seems like a complete non-issue… All software has its problems and annoyances. Whether it’s Linux, MacOS or Windows they all have different levels of shit and annoying things you have to do.
windows is absolutely the worst of the bunch.
Linux, bro.
Linux mostly works. It’s both fun and frustrating learning how to operate it. There’s only a couple things I can’t get to work on Linux which is annoying, but much less annoying than having to deal with MS.
The logic I always subscribe to is, issues in Linux can be fixed maybe not by you or me but someone at some point in the future. On a long enough timeline we win. Where as it’s not an issue, but a business decision to annoy you and thus can never be fixed.
It’s both fun and frustrating learning how to operate it.
This should be emblazoned somewhere in the initial Linux setup. I’m not in tech by trade, just a hobbyist nerd, and playing with Linux is like if a soulslike game were an OS. I had a terrible time figuring out how to get both monitors to work but eventually did and that felt like a huge win when it finally happened. Had an equally bad time trying to figure out how to install some game software but finally got that sorted and it felt like another big victory. But I still dual boot for now because some days I’m just not ready for the heartburn of dealing with my own ignorance in Linux
At some point Lemmy is going to track me down and murder me because I’m only running Linux on home automation and media servers, not my daily drivers.
Linux and a windows virtual machine with a dedicated nvme hard drive and GPU using PCI pass-through. Windows is boxed in but easily accessed when you need it, and the performance is 95% of native, or more. And because of the dedicated hard drive, you can still dual-boot it like normal if you want.
Also, I recommend installing windows 10 enterprise in the VM, minimal bloat.
At this point the EU should just set a timer for complaining that Microsoft uses Windows’ large market share to force services on their users. I do like efficienct governments.
EU has, so Microsoft basically made an EU version
How about Roku’s “Consent or we brick your TV?”
Meanwhile I’ve been trying to turn off all the news, bing smart AI, and BS popups in windows 11 on the computers where we clock in for weeks. No such luck.
My coworker opened edge when they added the new ai bullshit and thought the desktop was infected by a virus and started panicking.
They ship a version of Windows 10 without any of those included. It’s called Windows 10 LTSC (Long Term Support Channel).
Try installing that to never be bothered again.
I am not the network/sys admin so I can’t but I will pass it along to them. Thank you. What’s funny is we use windows ten for our work laptops because of some software and I don’t have this problem with those. Just the desktops where we clock in and out and do online training.
Sounds like a waste of time and effort lol
I’m the one who has to deal with these popup every time I login in order to clock in on time. Worth it to me, but perhaps not to everyone.
Get WinAero Tweaker. It's a tool that applies dozens of registry and group policy settings to kill stuff like this. I ran out once ages ago and never gave had to deal with stuff like your screenshot.
They said they can’t wait to graduate, so I’m assuming that means they are using a Windows computer from their school, and depending on what the CIT department’s policies are like there, WinAero may not accomplish much
If the computer is owned by a company or institution they shouldn’t see this anyway. They should either be using Microsoft work or school accounts or they should be using local accounts and the admin should set the required registry settings for them.
I think that they could be using their own computer but they have to use Windows to be able to use whatever Respondus is.
Every time you open anything in office applications you get these small pop-ups
Oh my god those popups for new features drive me insane. Yes teams, I know I can do account switching now because you’ve told me the last 10 times I opened the app.
Graduation unlocks all the white collar career paths, and your inevitable induction to enterprise IT spyware and power tripping local admins.
Better yet, become a power tripping admin.
Literally the only way my Windows PC is usable at work is with admin rights.
The policies at my work are really backwards IMO.
I have full administrative access to our prod hypervisor (including inside the VMs running on it)… but not my own dev machine 🤦♂️🤦♂️
if your workload works on linux id recommend it, im not aware of any distro that pulls that bullshit.
… Hide all notifications from OneDrive.
That shut up the ‘backup’ prompt.
Once you graduate, this will be the least of your annoyances.
Can’t wait to graduate so I don’t have to run Respondus and keep dealing with this crap.
Install it on ReactOS, lol.
Casually watching Windows users complain about Windows when I’ve been shilling Linux for 10 years strong.
Wait, are universities still using Respondus?
I feel for you. It was used a lot during the beginning of the pandemic, but I thought it was dropped by now.
I got a BACK UP WITH ONE DRIVE window yesterday on my Windows 10 PC, but it had an option to remind me again in 1 year…
Probably, because I’m from the EU…
I have the notification system completely disabled and I still get certain notifications once in a while after an update. And yesterday when I turned on my PC, it had added their bullshit Copilot AI to the bottom right of the taskbar which had its own notifications. 😡
Removing all the popups at work about scheduled updates, news, ads in a workplace with 8 desktops and zero people who speak English is my favourite past time. Thanks Microsoft.
Also that post prompted me to remove windows from all my devices that still run it. Not that I didn’t think of it yesterday.
I’m familiar with debian-based Linux distros and run Xubuntu on my travel laptop. It occasionally freezes and needs a forced reboot but otherwise runs ok. Any suggestions on what to install on this more powerful one? I use it for gaming but play older games.
I have to use windows at work, which is the absolute worst place for it. When I’m busy and trying to keep up with getting shit done it makes me really stressed out having get past all these popups, which always seem to happen at the worst possible moment.
It feels like I’m in Takeshi’s Castle or something.
Why don’t you use a debloat script?
I’ve used one of those twice on different pc I’ve configured (for two friends), and it is pretty slick.
Find the binary which produces the prompt and remove the execute permissions.
Respondus used to work on Linux. Maybe reach out to their support? It involves copying a DLL somewhere and using Wine, but that’s how I did my exams 11 months ago
This whole rapey lingo needs to fucking die already.
No means no, corporations. Not “maybe later”, not “remind me later”…it’s a yes or a no.
Every company does it now and I’m sick to death of it. Even for the free trials like YouTube Premium. I don’t want your fucking shit. Leave me alone. 11 months ago
YouTube shorts are my latest annoyance. They give you an x to hide it then says we’ll try again in 30 days. Shorts were a dumb idea on vine, a dumber idea on tiktok, and just about the dumbest idea on YouTube. If I wanted a sub-30 second clip I’d watch a gif. 11 months ago
I don’t think shorts are bad, but they aren’t the reason I go to YouTube at all. They are just in the way. 11 months ago
I would argue that they were a good idea on Vine. It allowed them to stay away from other platforms. 11 months ago
The other annoying thing they (esp. MS) do is pop up messages like “The whole process of saving files has changed while you were asleep [learn more][got it]” and here, when you need it, there’s never an option for “remind me later”. So you either have to stop what you’re doing and go and read a massive blog entry that’s not actually relevant to the task in hand or you need to dismiss the message and never be able to find it when it’s actually relevant 11 months ago
Linux/FreeBSD and piracy are like the only way to mostly avoid this crap now lol. 11 months ago
Which will make you see it anyway in any consumer product or service other than the computer OS. 11 months ago
Every shopping site now wants you to sign up for some kind of discount or offer as well.
Instead of “No thanks” or “No, I don’t want to subscribe”, the reject button always says “No, I want to pay full price” or “No, I don’t like savings” and other manipulative bs.
Makes me not want to shop there. 11 months ago
And a lot of them don’t even wait for you to find something to buy, you just show up and it’s “HEY DO YOU WANT A DISCOUNT?” 11 months ago
We need a community! I am really annoyed by this, it is rapey and gaslighting and abusive. Another one they started to do is “You are almost finished with your updates”, updates that i didn’t request nor allow.
We need words, customized pitchforks and a leader to recover dignity! 11 months ago
There’s already one. it’s called the linux community 11 months ago
Just use Linux 11 months ago
Maybe widely name-calling this practice for what it is could help steer companies away from this disgusting pattern.
Should we start refering to them as something like “rape-ups”? 11 months ago
I’ve also felt the “impossible to say no” lingo is awful. “remind me later” fuck off 11 months ago
Yes! It really is that. Just like how so many men are taught to never take “no” as an answer from a woman, and to keep pestering her until she gives in.