- Comment on When shitposting becomes constiposting 6 months ago:
Certain major instances are way worse than reddit ever was.
- Comment on Anon doesn't like Shrek 7 months ago:
Cooking and oral sex
- Comment on So it begins... 7 months ago:
In this case, it could also be a very expensive hairpiece.
- Comment on So it begins... 7 months ago:
This can’t be real
- Comment on Anon doesn't like Shrek 7 months ago:
High court?
- Comment on Anon doesn't like Shrek 7 months ago:
It depends. I have a tiny dick, but that doesn’t case me to buy guns and trucks to compensate, so I don’t feel attacked when someone makes fun of some assholes Truck dick.
- Comment on What if? 7 months ago:
So what you are saying is that we would have flying cars and free healthcare if Big Bird had died in the Space Shuttle?
- Comment on What if? 7 months ago:
- Comment on This Italian "newspaper" wanted to depict the "indian heritage" of an US candidate. Chennai, Cherokee, the same. 7 months ago:
Europeans: Americans are so obsessed with race
Also Europeans:
- Comment on I've heard it clears up again after the first wave of divorces 7 months ago:
The bigger problem is everyone has kids already. But by 45 or so you can start looking for people with adult kids.
- Comment on Anon rides a bike 7 months ago:
Bruh I will literally just stay home if there is that much snow I’m not fucking stupid
- Comment on The food delivery bubble is bursting — and maybe that's not a bad thing 7 months ago:
That’s always how it’s been though. The difference is that in-house delivery is actually optimized for delivery volume, and restaurants which don’t have that volume or workflow just don’t have in-house delivery. When I drove pizza in college, I would take like 5 or 6 deliveries per hour. Turnaround time from getting to the restaurant and back out the door would be a minute or two, and I’d leave with at least three different orders That was good for $50/hr in tips during the dinner rush. Even a regular weeknight would be good for $150 in a 6 hour shift.
With the app ecosystem, it’s just impossible hit that kind of efficiency because you are almost always taking one order at a time, and you end up waiting on the restaurant most of the time.
- Comment on Anon drinks milk 7 months ago:
Sure, if you are a baby cow
- Comment on Dutch toilets 7 months ago:
For an extra 5€ I’ll show you a Dutch Trombone
- Comment on Is this normal for girls or just a extreme edge case? (Serious question) 7 months ago:
- Comment on Outrageous! 7 months ago:
He probably has two baby cows to feed
- Comment on Youtube's web UX team is a joke. 7 months ago:
I have literally never experienced this.
- Comment on Texts from Dad 7 months ago:
Arise chicken
- Comment on Conflict in Literatue 7 months ago:
Metamodern: man vs perception, man vs language, man vs epistemology
- Comment on Anon faces his greatest challenge 7 months ago:
Filth is a state of mind and sleeping in it isn’t the first stage.
- Comment on Anon faces his greatest challenge 7 months ago:
People who go to bed without showering are disgusting. Change my mind.
- Comment on Flowchart for STEM 8 months ago:
Yes of course there are syndicalist models as well but these things are still fundamentally different approaches to harm reduction. Capitalism is a boogie man bad word for a number of different economic forces which are inevitable in the face of scarcity. Don’t get caught up in linguistic pigeonholes. The point is that we seek to meditate and mitigate these forces, not that we worship some particular dogma which pretends they can be eliminated.
- Comment on Flowchart for STEM 8 months ago:
Yes, that’s exactly what I am saying, but this is what MLs tend to believe.
- Comment on Flowchart for STEM 8 months ago:
Have you actually been to rural China by any chance?
- Comment on Flowchart for STEM 8 months ago:
It’s almost like that’s one way of measuring economic output and not the only way.
GDP is meant to drive down variance by being a relatively simple thing to measure, and therefore provide a consistent means of tracking long term trends.
- Comment on Flowchart for STEM 8 months ago:
The assumption of capitalist-like structures is for a good reason. Because there is literally zero practical evidence that scarcity can exist without them in scalable economies. If you require scalability in the presence of scarcity, you will have markets, you will have currency, you will have competition, you will have investment, and so forth. At best these things can be mediated by centrally planned state capitalism.
The overwhelming consensus of the past century regarding Marxist economic theory is that it is incomplete at best because it takes a very naive view of scarcity. Where Marx requires revolution and then a bunch of hand waving, modern revisionism requires harm reduction and the gradual whittling down of scarcity over time. Historical materialism is certainly a pretty useful economic lens, but Marx really goes off the rails in the prescriptive conclusions he draws from that analytical framework.
- Comment on A picture is worth 1000 words 8 months ago:
I’ll take two
- Comment on Anon is an anthropologist 8 months ago:
You don’t have to be an atheist to believe that the earth is more than 9000 years old. You just have to not be an idiot.
- Comment on Anon is an anthropologist 8 months ago:
Right, the history of human progress is literally the history of human cooperation. As the scale of human cooperation has expanded so has the scope of the problems we can solve.
We are actually quite close to having something resembling global consensus on a bunch of issues. It is only a handful of notable holdout states which are standing in the way of humanity effectively being able to draw down arms and focus on bigger issues.
- Comment on Anon is an anthropologist 8 months ago:
Yes if the cynics get their way