- Comment on European mind cannot comprehend this 11 months ago:
Jokes on you, I’ll have bankruptcy from rent first!
- Comment on You did it. The crazy son of a bitch, you did it. 11 months ago:
I dumped seltzer water into the ocean so now some of it is carbonated, boom earth unflattened.
- Comment on Anon watches LOTR 11 months ago:
Rise of Skywalker neither showed nor telled (told). Supposedly the story behind Palpatine coming back was told in a temporary series of missions in the Star Wars Battlefront video game (and Squadrons had some hints in their too if I recall). Of course that was a big failure so now the TV show writers are filling in the blanks because at least they are fans first and money-makers second.
And of course RoS was a giant overreaction to Disney panicking over a vocal minority of perpetually displeased fans didn’t like Star Wars being taken in a new direction in TLJ, so they asked JJ Abrams to take a wet sack of memberberries and turn it into a movie (again).
- Comment on United Scams of Assholes 11 months ago:
Another reason why, if any type of landlord exists, they should be an actual person who lives within what I affectionately call face-punching distance.
You can’t punch an anonymous conglomerate of soulless suits.
- Comment on United Scams of Assholes 11 months ago:
A bat is harder to hide.
- Comment on Want to lose weight? Poverty can help! 11 months ago:
Depression in combination with poverty, sure.
- Comment on me too 11 months ago:
Will also accept being turned into land critters. Just as long as they are mountain dwellers.
- Comment on money 11 months ago:
Eye contact is cheaper than having to look at his hands. For the right price I’ll even stroke… his ego by comparing him to Edison. Fortunately for me I’m sure he’d take that as a compliment and not realize I’m calling him a talentless hack that steals from Tesla.
- Comment on California law would give employees the 'right to disconnect' during nonworking hours 11 months ago:
None of these laws would be necessary (I would hope) with a proper safety net (universal healthcare, UBI, etc). A job does something shitty, you can afford to leave! When we support people we empower them to stand up for themselves.
At least, these are the things I think about as my “no one wants to work anymore” boss rants at me about how everything would be better if the government wasn’t involved in capitalism.
- Comment on if the bird flu started spreading between humans, how long would you need to stay quarantined before it was safe to come out?? 11 months ago:
If the government provides living expenses, as long as it takes. If it provides less than one month’s living expenses over an 18 month period, you don’t need to quarantine at all, dying will be cheaper.
- Comment on I'm working on it, ok? 11 months ago:
I tried that but my landlord said if I didn’t pay the rent they’d kick me to the street.
- Comment on This is the way 11 months ago:
I wouldn’t call myself… I’d send an email.
- Comment on I have unlimited cellular data on my phone but not if I use it as a hotspot. 11 months ago:
Doesn’t change anything. If I go to a sandwich shop that advertises sandwiches with meat, but I go during the lunch rush, they don’t get to sell me two slices of plain bread just because it’s busy. Even if their advertising includes in microscopic text the words “up to”.
And the legality of these practices is irrelevant. We’re making the argument that it’s morally wrong and therefore should not be tolerated.
- Comment on Handy temperature conversion scale. 11 months ago:
You don’t need decimals for everyday measurements. No one can tell the difference between 60 and 62 degrees F. With Celsius 10 or 5 degree ranges is all you need to know for weather purposes, and it falls into much more logical ranges.
Below 0 = cold, limit time outside 0-10C = wear a coat 10-15 = wear a jacket 15-20 = comfortable 20-25 = shorts 25-30 = hot 30-40 = limit time outside 40+ = thank you global warming; don’t live here.
- Comment on Handy temperature conversion scale. 11 months ago:
So he fudged the science so the product would be easier/cheaper to make? Why does this feel like such a common story?
- Comment on Dr 4Chan's Medical Advice 11 months ago:
Donate 100% of blood, then fast. You’ll be microplastic free for the rest of your life!
- Comment on Windows 10 and its shortage of "Never shove this screen in my face again" buttons 11 months ago:
YouTube shorts are my latest annoyance. They give you an x to hide it then says we’ll try again in 30 days. Shorts were a dumb idea on vine, a dumber idea on tiktok, and just about the dumbest idea on YouTube. If I wanted a sub-30 second clip I’d watch a gif.