- Comment on Will AI Startups End Up Like Blockchain Startups? 1 week ago:
Old man here… The first online bubble was probably the bubble of the late 90s, when lots of people first went “This internet thing is amazing and we’re all going to make millions!” I remember being one of the first high-profile crashes, but pretty soon a lot of that first wave of internet retail businesses folded, with notable exceptions like Amazon, of course.
- Comment on Psychology 1 week ago:
Psychology gets unfairly singled out wrt replication but the same issues are found in a lot of other disciplines, such as biomed.
- Comment on The Proposal 3 weeks ago:
She’s crying because she knows he’s about to say “Tibble” and their relationship will be over
- Comment on Labour is wilfully ignoring that the climate crisis is at a crunch point. 3 weeks ago:
Oil extracted near the UK doesn’t get used in the UK - it goes to the global market.
- Comment on Labour is wilfully ignoring that the climate crisis is at a crunch point. 3 weeks ago:
All oil goes on the global market. Drilling for it here doesn’t mean we use British oil here, and doesn’t meaningfully mean the Saudis produce any less. The only way forward is to wean ourselves off being dependent on oil
- Comment on This seat reservation doesn't reserve any seats 2 months ago:
This ticket is odd by UK standards, and the arrangement you describe isn’t the norm. These seat reservation tickets normally specify a particular seat
- Comment on Smoking ban introduced to protect children and most vulnerable 3 months ago:
Sorry, but no
- Comment on Smoking ban introduced to protect children and most vulnerable 3 months ago:
If they really cared about children and the most vulnerable they’d be taking much firmer action about car pollution, especially near schools and hospitals
- Comment on The Beginning of the End 4 months ago:
I’m guessing that’s Venus
- Comment on I just opened an overpriced can of fancy soup and on the label, along with the expected stuff like 'gluten-free' and 'GMO-free,' was 'mustard free' and 'celery free.' Is that a thing now? 4 months ago:
Now imagine that, but onions
- Comment on Ticketmaster to be investigated by watchdog over 'dynamic pricing' of Oasis tickets 5 months ago:
Apparently the surge pricing reflected what touts would have charged. Makes you want to grab somebody and shout HOW IS THAT A JUSTIFICATION?! Yeah, and if somebody steals a car they’ll sell it to me cheaper than the dealer - so it feels like TM logic means the dealer should sell it to me cheaper too because that’s what the black market is priced at?
- Comment on Elon Musk shares fake news about England rioters being sent to Falklands 6 months ago:
The thing is, they’re now just using platforms owned by Meta and Microsoft, both arguably awful corporations in their own way. Choosing Zuckerberg over Musk is out of the frying pan and into the fire in my opinion. They really should go to Mastodon, I guess?
- Comment on Why do Olympic medalists bite their medals? 6 months ago:
At this stage it’s a trope that people imitate, perhaps without really thinking about it. Originally it was almost certainly an ironic joke about the value of the medals, playing on the old-fashioned bite tests that would be used for for items of dubious worth
- Comment on Humans didn't invent agriculture 7 months ago:
I suspect the serious answer is that we produce mucus and sneezing as a natural response to microbes, and that’s the environment within which microbes have evolved to take advantage of the mucus and sneezing
- Comment on Humans didn't invent agriculture 7 months ago:
Makes total sense: who’s working for whom? Is wheat making an effort to till the soil and find fertiliser to help us grow, or is it the other way round?
- Comment on Are Tetra Paks actually recyclable? 8 months ago:
“can be” is doing some heavy lifting here. I confidently predicted amount actually recycled is a fraction of one percent
- Comment on Trying to buy right size bicycle wheel online 8 months ago:
If anyone finds themselves in this position, you should ignore everything else and just look at the ERTO size, which should be on the tyre itself. This is a standard way of measuring tyres and wheels, and is much better than the old ways
- Comment on Fck it, we ball 8 months ago:
- Comment on Swoletariots of the World 8 months ago:
m’=m-45. Fixed it for you
- Comment on The current state of auto insurance: shit that belongs on a shady Kickstarter from 2013 8 months ago:
Hark at Simeon Stylites here
- Comment on Rishi Sunak announces 4 July general election 9 months ago:
I’m not sure people in this thread get the significance of the song. If they don’t remember 1997, they might simply be taking the song title literally
- Comment on How come hotel check-in time is always 3-4? 9 months ago:
If you ask, some places can do early check-in. You might have to pay for it, because it disrupts their routine
- Comment on Why does Sync not display some comments? 9 months ago:
Thanks. I’ve never blocked anyone, so it won’t be that. Could be the other thing
- Comment on Why does Sync not display some comments? 9 months ago:
It’s not just Sync, I find. I’ve had this issue with other Lemmy apps yoo
- Comment on Why does Sync not display some comments? 9 months ago:
I’ve just tested this and it didn’t work. I think this issue, of posts saying there is 1 comment when there are none, is some sort of Lemmy-wide issue. It drives me crazy, as it’s impossible to know whether posts have a comment or not without looking at each individually.
- Comment on Why is "Dear X" considered more formal than "To X" in e-mail/writing? 10 months ago:
I wonder if my colleagues have picked up on the fact that when I start an email “Dear-” rather than “Hi-”, it means I’m annoyed with them
- Comment on Broadband boss hits out at rivals over mid-contract price rises 11 months ago:
One of the most annoying bits is that these increases are always inflation plus a bit (eg current rate of inflation plus 3%). But… inflation is calculated using, among other things, broadband prices. So this practice guarantees that inflation will be pushed up
- Comment on Windows 10 and its shortage of "Never shove this screen in my face again" buttons 11 months ago:
The other annoying thing they (esp. MS) do is pop up messages like “The whole process of saving files has changed while you were asleep [learn more][got it]” and here, when you need it, there’s never an option for “remind me later”. So you either have to stop what you’re doing and go and read a massive blog entry that’s not actually relevant to the task in hand or you need to dismiss the message and never be able to find it when it’s actually relevant
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
- Comment on Can videogames trigger a heart attack? 1 year ago:
Don’t ask online strangers for medical advice. Go to a doctor if you’re worried