- Comment on Borderlands is no longer the biggest box office flop of the year 6 months ago:
Nah it ain’t
Sometimes I watch Mystery Science Theatre 3000, I have literally no narrative standards.
- Comment on Borderlands is no longer the biggest box office flop of the year 6 months ago:
I didn’t, but I would have gone to see it if I knew.
- Comment on Borderlands is no longer the biggest box office flop of the year 6 months ago:
Because our metric for good and bad is whether or not a large number of people payed to see it.
Hollywood Accounting might see it as a loss, but sometimes they seem to want to kill a project for shits and giggles, like they did to Treasure Planet.
You want to know how to make almost every movie a good movie? Target the correct audiences.
- Comment on Anon plays Metro 2033 6 months ago:
Oh! Oh ho no, boohoo! Mr. Double-Shift-Back-to-Back isn’t able to carry a charger to use at the 176 outlets in his building.
Sounds like you don’t need a good PC, you need a union.
- Comment on Borderlands is no longer the biggest box office flop of the year 6 months ago:
But if they stop going at any point then they stop hearing about it. Its a naturally shrinking demographic.
You need to reach out to new audiences to replace old ones. We need ads at locations and on platforms frequented by youth to see good box office returns for obscure films.
- Comment on Borderlands is no longer the biggest box office flop of the year 6 months ago:
I don’t go to movies very often, targeting ads at people already viewing them regularly seems unsustainable.
- Comment on Borderlands is no longer the biggest box office flop of the year 6 months ago:
I’ve heard about both of these releases for the first time recently and had no idea they were out, so problem number 1 identified.
- Comment on If Russia takes out all the Internet cables like the news is saying. How much of that traffic can be re-routed to satellite? 6 months ago:
A large amount but at 500ms+ latency it might as well be useless for most applications.
- Comment on Anon plays Metro 2033 6 months ago:
So my random reddit thread is bullshit and obscure but your random reddit thread is legit and relevant?
- Comment on Anon plays Metro 2033 6 months ago:
The 18 hours from Mac Book is also manufacturer specificied, and if random reddit comments are proof of widespread malpractice then here:…/battery_problem_on_macbook_pro_m3_pr…
- Comment on Anon plays Metro 2033 6 months ago:
I didn’t say Dell was good, I said your claim was bullshit.
- Comment on Anon plays Metro 2033 6 months ago:
TIL that 18 hours is 2x, 3x, or even 5x the 19 hours you get from a 2024 Dell.
- Comment on Anon plays Metro 2033 6 months ago:
Lmao yessir Ima so poora can’t afford a machine that forces obsolescence every few years, made in a sweatshop, not allowed to repair, made a deal with ARM to kill off competition, walled garden designed, lobbies the governments, preferred by the CCP machine.
- Comment on Anon plays Metro 2033 6 months ago:
Facts about why you should pay more to an unethical company for a use case that doesn’t exist smells like a sales pitch to me.
- Comment on Anon plays Metro 2033 6 months ago:
Oh wow thats so cool, Apple should introduce a way to trade in vital organs to make it more accessible to people of your capacity.
- Comment on YouTube now vs then 6 months ago:
My only problem with this is that YT Shorts aren’t a shitty TikTok clone because TikTok was the worst possible version of Vines.
TikTok was malice incarnate. It was made to be a weapon.
- Comment on Anon plays Metro 2033 6 months ago:
And that was ironically the good ending.
- Comment on Anon plays Metro 2033 6 months ago:
Ha, dude bought a macbook at the end. Scammed twice in one Greentext.
- Comment on So sick! 6 months ago:
Its sad to talk about but
And I completely own all the fault here. I’ve always either had poor quality content and a half decent schedule or half decent content with a really bad schedule, and long periods with no uploads.
- Comment on So sick! 6 months ago:
I ran a YT channel for a decade and it never gained traction, but I always imaged if we had merch then it would be something people would actually want to wear and not just yet another shirt.
Tooled leather vest, belt, stylish vambrace with a little card pocket, etc.
The kind of fingerless gloves you get at hot topic except these aren’t made in taiwan so they survive more than a week of regular wear and an occasional wash cycle.
T-Shirt with some actual content like a crab monster from a videogame we streamed weekly back in the day dressed up as mr. crabs and the hunter slashing it with the speech bubble “are you feeling it now?!”
- Comment on When shitposting becomes constiposting 6 months ago:
I see the mod log is in the description, this community was the one who temp banned a guy.
- Comment on When shitposting becomes constiposting 6 months ago:
Was it the Solarpunk community who did it? That place was fucking swarming with fascists the other day.
- Comment on Planet Of The Apes [spoilers] 6 months ago:
Kylo Ren kills his father Han Solo by stabbing him and throwing him off scaffolding.
- Comment on Our basic assumptions about photos capturing reality are about to go up in smoke. 6 months ago:
The cause being what?
- Comment on How to treat a man 6 months ago:
There is only one true good in this world, Knowledge.
And there is only one true evil.
- Comment on Our basic assumptions about photos capturing reality are about to go up in smoke. 6 months ago:
They murdered thousands of people in cities across China.
- Comment on good shabbos 6 months ago:
What are you going to do about it? Disproportionately bomb me out of existence? Get fucked.
- Comment on How to treat a man 6 months ago:
Alright, tell your kids it’s fine to fuck around with their bodies and people’s feelings and find out, then.
- Comment on How to treat a man 6 months ago:
I wager some experience is still better than none.
- Comment on How to treat a man 6 months ago:
We don’t, but that sounds like a lot of instances yeah. Especially Hexbear and other state run instances who are trying to intentionally radicalize the naive.