- Comment on 'vegetative electron microscopy' 3 hours ago:
I think we’re saying a similar thing, but I understand your point better.
I have read plenty of research essays where you can feel the emotion, you can surmise the position and most of all passion of the author.
Exactly! That’s what I mean. There’s so many subjects I expected to be incredibly dry, but the writing reminded me it was written by a person who obviously cares about other people reading the text. One can communicate any subject without giving up their soul.
But that’s what I meant by cardboard as well, I think we might be in agreement:
We expect to see a lot more writing that comes across like “This is what writing should look like, right?”
Writing that understands words, and “averages” the most likely way to convey information or fill a requirement, but doesn’t know how to wield language as an art to share ideas with another person.
- Comment on 'vegetative electron microscopy' 1 day ago:
This is how I was taught to write up to highschool. Very “professional”, persuasive essays, arguing in favor of something or against it. (Assignment seemed to dictate LOL.) Limit humor and “emotional speech.” Cardboard.
I was taken aback in my first political science course at the local community college, where I was instructed to convey my honest arguments about a book assignment on polarization in U.S politics. “Whether you think it’s fantastic or you think it sucks, just make a good case for your opinion.” Wait, what?! I get to write like a person?!
I was even more shocked when I got a high mark for reading the first few chapters, skimming the rest, and truthfully summarizing by saying it was plain that the author just kept repeating their main point for like 5 more chapters so they could publish a book, and it stopped being worth the time as that poor horse was already dead by the 3rd chapter.
It was when it hit me, that writing really was about communication, not just information.
I worry about that these days: That this realization won’t come to most, and they’ll use these Ai tools or be influenced by them to simply “convey information” that nobody wants to read, get their 85%, and breeze through the rest of their MBA, not caring about what any of this is actually for, or for what a beautiful miracle writing truly is to humanity.
- Comment on Trump supporter Rick Fuze was arrested in CA for using a stun gun on peaceful protesters outside a Tesla dealership. The woman kicking this guy’s ass is a retired professor with 16,000 citations. 3 days ago:
More studies are required before we come to any certain conclusions. We require concrete evidence…and rebar evidence…maybe carbon fiber evidence…or…
- Comment on Fossils on Fossils 1 week ago:
…something like 50% of our calories are going to our brains.
Dang, I’ll have to remember this next time my ADHD pushes me to hyperfocus and I risk skipping meals again. O.O
- Comment on DR HANKS 2 weeks ago:
Yeah, Etymology! How’d you know?
- Comment on Musk shares post that Hitler didn’t kill millions, public workers did. Union rages 2 weeks ago:
To be fair, records show that this wretch emerged from some sulphurous stinking hole that appeared in South Africa somewhere, so surely some of our friends there might know the incantation to send him back?
- Comment on The billionaires and politicians did it 2 weeks ago:
Of course the financial economist types gotta say “It’s a big 'ol mysterious mystery.” They’ve got their lives tied up in stonks that are supposed to quadruple in value every single quarter forever and ever.
How can they do that if workers get paid? Lol
- Comment on The billionaires and politicians did it 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on fuck this asshole 3 weeks ago:
“But I em le’ tiiiired…”
"Zen take a nap…ZEN FIRE ZE MISSLEZ!!
- Comment on fuck this asshole 3 weeks ago:
I love the quote by Victor Saltzpyre in Vermintide 2:
“Do not be tempted to compare evils, lest you be tempted to cleave with the least of them!”
- Comment on fuck this asshole 3 weeks ago:
America sure does love its extra, pointless middlemen. Lol
- Comment on fuck this asshole 3 weeks ago:
That’s why he wears that stupid bright red hat all the time, so even a rookie would know what to line the dot up with.
- Comment on LIVE! 3 weeks ago:
Metroid be like: "You found the morph ball! Press B to conglobate .
- Comment on fireflies 3 weeks ago:
Me neither!
… Although I live in a desert and haven’t seen fireflies anywhere else in ages… Lol
- Comment on nets 3 weeks ago:
This but in Oregon you’d get yelled at for doing it yourself. :p
- Comment on GARBAGEOLOGY 3 weeks ago:
And I think it was Blair before that. XD
- Comment on GARBAGEOLOGY 3 weeks ago:
Look we made a bunch of overblown jokes against the French for a while…
…then they got BASED organizing ferociously for their workers’ rights…
…Then we stopped joking so much…
…and now they’re not doing so hot again.
I think there’s a causative effect here. Should the jokes continue to spur them to greatness once more, if only out of spite?
- Comment on I hate this image because idiots will see it, not understand what its showing, and make up some crazy shit based on it. 3 weeks ago:
Because of course now they’d start just quote-pulling from a book there’s no way they’ve read. Can we go back to when they were just pseudo-scientific?
- Comment on only 100% dry cotton cleaning 4 weeks ago:
KommandoStore if anyone’s interested lol
- Comment on I love the future. 4 weeks ago:
If only it didn’t fund more of it. Wish they could spend it on mental health or education instead. :(
- Comment on I love the future. 4 weeks ago:
That’s always the struggle, just like marching up to the manager’s office to demand better. Yeah you all get fired up and heated in the break room, but when you actually hit the stairs, can you trust them to follow? Or do they just want to complain and keep the status quo?
This irritating effect of individualism and mistrust is why we struggle to cooperate. There’s so few unifying ideals anymore.
The other problem is a simple matter of logistics. How do you actually make your stand to do something good, and not just be a group of easily snuffed rabblerousers that get easily snuffed out, or worse, hurt the people you’re fighting for?
Idiot fascist movements seem far easier to motivate because you simply need to ask “Hate something? Hate everything? Blaming someone else? Show up and scream something to feel like you matter! Violence not guaranteed but encouraged.”
True, we’re collectively against President Musk and his weird little orange purse poodle, but nobody understands practical tactical leadership to actually gain any kind of momentum. Everybody’s just trying to simultaneously shout over the crowd or worse, infighting each other over superficial ideals.
It’s bleak.
- Comment on I love the future. 4 weeks ago:
That freak show might actually believe the shit he spews.
He may, he may not, but the brain worm does, and he’s given to its will.
- Comment on I disagree. 4 weeks ago:
- Comment on I guess we are fucked now 1 month ago:
That’s how it works in the Planescape universe. Lol
- Comment on Wobble Wobble 2 months ago:
Edit: sorry for the rant. Morning Adderall and lots of thoughts on the subject. :)
I think a lot simply don’t know what they can effectively do about it. As is usually the issue with lefty causes, it’s a lot more brain-work and more complicated than chanting a petty slogan and/or a vague willingness to raid a capitol with no actual goal or understanding in mind.
Right now, beyond just trying to hustle the next dollar to keep existing while under this stupidity, it’s very difficult for us average working-class folk to understand how we can actually punish these powers responsible. Corporations and their fascist backers have become hydras.
If there was some kind of “Here’s how you can effectively ruin these bastards’ day for a better tomorrow without risking prison” playbook we could agree on, I’m sure a lot of people would be willing.
We mock neoliberal masses for buying EVs thinking it’s saving the planet, but at the same time, buying something is one of the few levers the average person is allowed to pull, and they were told it would help. I’d like to think they mean well even though they’re being manipulated.
They try to recycle and try to vote and try to stop buying stuff on Amazon, then sigh and keep trudging along when that obviously doesn’t change anything. They probably get tired of being told they’re not doing anything, especially without some sort of unifying “do this instead.”
Some radicals block traffic and make a general nuisance of themselves occasionally and we watch as nothing happens.
Schoolkids appeal to liberal politicians to stop a doomed future and get chuckled out of the room. Nothing happens.
Whistleblowers expose corporate plans too evil for Saturday morning cartoons and end up conveniently killing themselves. Nothing happens.
I think we’re past the point of diminishing returns on silly stunts for “Raising awareness”.
Enough people know. Although complacent, they care. But give them a week off work to stop climate change and they still don’t know what options they have available to them. Or where their allies are.
Furthermore, generally we tend to want to be good people who don’t want to ruin our lives by openly warring with powers that be.
The Right gets away with their BS because they don’t negatively impact profits. They’re sock-puppet proxies for an astroturfed holy-war that’s ultimately about cutting labor and drilling more oil, so even treason charges aren’t enough.
But if we could finally stop arguing theory and get pissed off enough to march on Washington together or whatever, 2nd-amendment toting or not, we’d definitely be met with force for wanting to shut down the slave-driven garbage machines.
So besides “beg your reps” and “stop buying stupid things from evil companies” (almost everything at this point)…
What’s our rallying cry?
How do we engage? Who’s going to step up and lead?
- Comment on I don't think they understand. We're interviewing them too. 2 months ago:
What a toxic choad.
Upvoted for bringing back a most classic insult. Lol
- Comment on Humans included* 2 months ago:
Username checks…out…? 😂
- Comment on U.S. drivers lost 42 hours—a full work week—to traffic in 2023: Congestion 'hinders economic growth,' expert says 2 months ago:
It feels a bit radical but I feel the same way. Maybe not before I leave my home, because then they’d wanna tell me what I can do with that time, but commuting? Heck yeah.
It’s like paying for shipping and handling. I wouldn’t otherwise be expending resources to go do this thing, and I’m being compelled to do it by currency. Sounds like employees need to tack on a “transportation fee.”
- Comment on U.S. drivers lost 42 hours—a full work week—to traffic in 2023: Congestion 'hinders economic growth,' expert says 2 months ago:
Yeah as they say sitting for long periods physically doing nothing is similar to smoking for cardiovascular health.
…I shudder to think of the effects of being stuck in traffic while breathing in everybody else’s fumes.
- Comment on A job well done 2 months ago:
So, so far ahead of his time. What a genius.