- Comment on 👣👣👣 5 months ago:
How does the old saying go?
Ah, yes: “This is funny because it is true”
- Comment on Excel 5 months ago:
An old meme, with a beautiful new spin.
I’m lovin’ it!
- Comment on Are LLMs capable of writing *good* code? 6 months ago:
Wait, if you can (or anyone else chipping in), please elaborate on something you’ve written.
When you say
That means they can engineer a solution to any problem that has already been solved millions of times already.
Hasn’t Google already made advances through its Alpha Geometry AI?? Admittedly, that’s a geometry setting which may be easier to code than other parts of Math and there isn’t yet a clear indication AI will ever be able to reach a certain level of creativity that the human mind has, but at the same time it might get there by sheer volume of attempts.
Isn’t this still engineering a solution? Sometimes even researchers reach new results by having a machine verify many cases (see the proof of the Four Color Theorem). It’s true that in the Four Color Theorem researchers narrowed down the cases to try, but maybe a similar narrowing could be done by an AI (sooner or later)?
I don’t know what I’m talking about, so I should shut up, but I’m hoping someone more knowledgeable will correct me, since I’m curious about this
- Comment on Are there any popular Star Trek Day traditions? 6 months ago:
You mean like Captain Picard Day?
- Comment on New🤓Paper 6 months ago:
Laughs in posting on the arXiv 😜
- Comment on Logan Paul Sued Me - Coffeezilla 6 months ago:
This is very distressing, but not unexpected… Trying to silence Coffeezilla is the only endgame here, despite claims of his poor reputation being smeared by a thorough investigation
- Comment on First Shift (2024, dir Uwe Boll) 7 months ago:
Guess who’s back behind the wheel?
- Comment on Why am i Blue? 7 months ago:
I’m blue, da ba dee da ba dam…
- Comment on Sub Sampling 7 months ago:
This is so deliciously nerdy
- Comment on Well hello there 7 months ago:
Nomen omen?
- Comment on Cylinders 8 months ago:
That hits too close to home…
- Comment on Algebraic Topology 8 months ago:
I know it’s a meme, but I can’t resist saying that if you check out his website, you’ll see he has all of his books and drafts available entirely for free and he also says he’s agreed with the publisher to cap the book’s price to something reasonable (which used to be true, I haven’t checked now).
He’s also nice in person of you talk to him!
It’s too bad that the meme is right and his legacy will be not having given solution to any problem 😁
- Comment on Area 51 8 months ago:
Goddamn you, I started laughing loudly and people stared at me. Have an upvote!
- Comment on What side do you open a banana from? 10 months ago:
What is the sound of one banana clapping?
- Comment on What side do you open a banana from? 10 months ago:
Zatoichi approves.
- Comment on Windows 10 and its shortage of "Never shove this screen in my face again" buttons 11 months ago:
Ah, wow. So some exams are happening online, even though classes are in person! There goes a combination I had not thought about. It is annoying to still need Respondus though, even if I understand why
- Comment on Windows 10 and its shortage of "Never shove this screen in my face again" buttons 11 months ago:
Interesting (and annoying). I imagined that most exams went back to the usual pen and paper or laboratory, but there were tests written on laptops and in class long before the pandemic. I had forgotten about those!
- Comment on Windows 10 and its shortage of "Never shove this screen in my face again" buttons 11 months ago:
Wait, are universities still using Respondus?
I feel for you. It was used a lot during the beginning of the pandemic, but I thought it was dropped by now.
- Comment on You Are (Not) Immune to Social Media | The Quiet Part 11 months ago:
I haven’t watched the video, but…
(1) If I watch it, it’s on YouTube (a form of social media) so I’ll be influenced and manipulated.
(2) If I don’t watch it, it’s because I’ve read its title on Lemmy (another form of social media), so I’ll have been influenced and manipulated anyway.
Bottom line: being influenced and manipulated is everyone’s destiny, yay!
- Comment on 1 year ago:
I don’t mean to be argumentative, but I want to genuinely understand your comparison: Scottish English and American English are the exact same language (sure there are differences that can be assimilated to regionalisms), but Spanish and Portuguese are two different languages (they come from the same root ane grammar is similar, but not the same, the vocabulary is generally different (though similar sounding)).
When you compare Scottish English and American English, I tend to see a relationship more similar to Brazilian Portuguese and Portuguese from Portugal.
Cheers, mate!
- Comment on Could you stay in the roundabout indefinitely? 1 year ago:
So you’re texting while driving, uh?
We should all report you, but we’re too curious to know the source of perpetual motion that’s been powering you since May!
- Comment on Games that force you to make hard choices 1 year ago:
Hahahahaha, you’re right. My choice of words is very debatable, but it’s true that the moment you had to make a choice was implemented well and I was very concentrated in the heat of the moment
- Comment on Games that force you to make hard choices 1 year ago:
I can’t speak for the other games mentioned in this thread, but in the case of Heavy Rain it was very enjoyable that often you had to make quick decisions or the game would choose for you
- Comment on Games that force you to make hard choices 1 year ago:
Wait, what did you just say? So Half Life 3 is confirmed! Yay!
- Comment on Suing YouTube’s Science Scammers | Kyle Hill 1 year ago:
I don’t know if this YouTuber is reliable, but if he is (and the video does look well made and the guy looks wholesome), then this is disturbing and worrying on several different levels…
- Comment on Has google stopped working for finding anything? 1 year ago:
Thanks! So it’s some sort of guidelines Google and other search engines laid out which can be exploited to maximize visibility. Very annoying indeed
- Comment on Has google stopped working for finding anything? 1 year ago:
I’m late to the party and I don’t understand several things I read in the comments, so I need to ask for clarification.
What is Google’s Search Engine Optimization (SEO)? I looked it up, but the websites StartPage was giving me were not useful (probably ads or spam sites). Is finding these ads/spam sites the problem?
How is this a search engine’s fault? I mean, if the internet is now made by walled gardens and spam sites, search engines have trouble finding something really relevant, but how is it their fault?
I should add I navigate logged out on Firefox with the Ublock Origin and NoScript extensions (among others) so I at least don’t see Google’s ads.
I agree there are some searches where it’s next to impossible to find informed sites from spam ones: just a week ago I was looking for “Best Nintendo Switch games released in 2023” and I got lots of dubious blogs, and even when I got hits from IGN, GameSpot or PcMag sites, I realized I don’t know if any of these last sites are genuine or bought out (and checked the Wikipedia for more wisdom about their veracity), but how is it the search engine’s fault to not navigate through seas of crap?
When I search for academic things, Google or StartPage still seem to give me useful answers.
I have been wary about searches related to reviews about anything, but it just seemed to me the internet is a worse place now in general (because of walled gardens and spam)
- Comment on Has google stopped working for finding anything? 1 year ago:
Disclaimer: I’m late to this whole discussion and I also don’t understand some things (I don’t fully understand what SEO is and why it’s bad, though from the comments I understand it’s part of what’s making search engines worse nowadays)
Given that: I also made some searches where I wouldn’t get anything good in the first pages, but that seemed to be dictated by the amount of spam sites too, isn’t it?
I mean, I use the Ublock Origin and NoScript extensions for Firefox and search logged out of Google, so I don’t get advertisements, but I agree that, depending on what I search, I need to fight through large amounts of crap to find something good. Still I don’t understand (and it’s my lack of knowledge in this) why it’s the search engine’s fault for not being the best and hiding spam sites
- Comment on Has google stopped working for finding anything? 1 year ago:
Honest question: what you’ve described is very disturbing (having to wade through lots of bot reposts), but why would this be Google’s fault (or DuckDuckGo’s or Bing’s or StartPage"s or Kagi’s)?
- Comment on Removed from sale: Peter Molyneux's Godus and Godus Wars, never finished 1 year ago:
I remember that during the development of Black & White they had a journalist writing about its development and how exciting it was going to be.
Black & White got realized, but these interviews seemed a very fishy way of hyping the game and it’s when I got wary of Molyneaux grand claims