- Comment on Anon takes the pink pill 6 months ago:
Oh yes, I’m completely aware. I’m a pharmacist with allergies. I always try to talk my patients out of first-gen antihistamines. Bilastine is my go to these days for myself. Zyrtec and generics as OTCs.
- Comment on Anon takes the pink pill 6 months ago:
Eh one every now and then is fine, I take it for motion sickness when going on long car rides. Half a pill is enough. Then again, taking enough to get nightshade-like poisoning is really not recommended.
- Comment on Facebook now wants to write your posts for you with AI. 11 months ago:
How do you even curate a fb feed. When I tried that I got an algorithm that shoved “recommended” posts down my throat that got worse the further down I scrolled. Not to mention looking for posts older than a day is a pain because they’re not chronological. AND the cherry on top is when you finally reach the place where that post might be and the page just decides to reload. Awful, awful user experience.
- Comment on Windows 10 and its shortage of "Never shove this screen in my face again" buttons 11 months ago:
I backed up my data and downloaded the iso before going to work, once I get home I’ll give it a shot.
I just want my computer to do what it’s told. Putting it to sleep and turning the mouse off doesn’t mean it should wake up, download and apply updates and remain awake only for me to find the search bar appeared again and a big red dot telling me what the former orange president of a country one continent and an ocean away said about something.
- Comment on Windows 10 and its shortage of "Never shove this screen in my face again" buttons 11 months ago:
I used linux mint long ago. My biggest worry about a linux system is my Nvidia card.
- Comment on Windows 10 and its shortage of "Never shove this screen in my face again" buttons 11 months ago:
My coworker opened edge when they added the new ai bullshit and thought the desktop was infected by a virus and started panicking.
- Comment on Windows 10 and its shortage of "Never shove this screen in my face again" buttons 11 months ago:
Removing all the popups at work about scheduled updates, news, ads in a workplace with 8 desktops and zero people who speak English is my favourite past time. Thanks Microsoft.
Also that post prompted me to remove windows from all my devices that still run it. Not that I didn’t think of it yesterday.
I’m familiar with debian-based Linux distros and run Xubuntu on my travel laptop. It occasionally freezes and needs a forced reboot but otherwise runs ok. Any suggestions on what to install on this more powerful one? I use it for gaming but play older games.
- Comment on This AI generated Article For Soy Free Meat Alternatives 1 year ago:
Lately when I’m looking for tutorials, my search results are overwhelmingly weird question and answer style “articles”, akin to chatgpt prompts, some of which are barely related to what I’m looking for. I’m having a hard time looking for articles written by a human. In fact oftentimes I question whether or not the article is written by a machine or a person who sucks at writing.
- Comment on Youtube videos with English titles but foreign language content, especially from Indian content creators 1 year ago:
While I agree, I live in an area where the tech I can afford is similar to what seems popular in India and SEA. I’m a visual learner and often times I end up on that part of YouTube when I need to repair something, and the best I’ve got is an Indonesian dude breathing solder fumes in the backyard of his makeshift shed at night. And you know what?
That was the most useful repair video I found and it helped a lot. And I found it because the title was in English.
- Comment on Image uploads are now disabled on due to malicious users 1 year ago:
This is really sad and disgusting. It affects the whole platform but especially smaller instances that can’t keep up. Despite being a user, I was particularly upset about shutting down because of that spam. It had my favourite gardening community on here.
I really hope this gets sorted out, and the spammers end up where they belong.