Yeah, can we please not distribute the insane bullshit of incels on 4chan.
I mean, this isn’t even funny.
Submitted 8 months ago by to
Yeah, can we please not distribute the insane bullshit of incels on 4chan.
I mean, this isn’t even funny.
It’s funny in the sense of “are you reading what this moron wrote? They actually think this? Pathetic.”
The whole thing is so fucking ridiculous that anyone who truly thinks this way should be mocked.
Most of the comments here are pointing out how stupid it is and talking about personal accountability and the actual reality of relationships.
It’s not an endorsement — it’s a window into the clown show.
But sometimes I just think it’s not worth it spreading the mental illness of others. Let it be confined to 4chan, where the post soon will be gone.
I think it’s funny, thanks for posting
Anon imagines half the global population can be the 1%.
Who knows, maybe 99% of women have died by the year 2035.
Hope my math checks out. If not I’m sure someone else will correct it:
I was just curious: With a projection of people living in 2035: If 99% of the woman died as you said this would be 45.000.000 living woman. This would result in a population of 4.500.000.000 people in total. So we need to find a reason why half of the total population died 😉
Misdirection. The problem is the lack of public commons culture and gathering points in the USA. More sane countries have places people gather in the evenings without exploitation or stigma about showing up alone. Our car centric nonsense and sprawl are a massive liability for present environmental and social needs.
Bars aren’t really a great solution. Alcohol has a number of downsides. They’re expensive. They’re often loud.
It would be cool if we had a wider variety of third places.
Ya hear that guys? Just motivate third places into existence!
Take valid social commentary about capitalism’s commodification of intimate relationships and the impact that has on our ideas of dating
Turn it into ridiculous, hyperbolic, misogynistic, victim complex nonsense
Oh yeah, we’re greentexting today.
They always get so close
Yup. If they skip all the steps until the end, there would be no need to go through that wall of green text :'D
Can we talk about why homeboy didn’t just pay for silver? Seems worth it IMO.
that’s the difference between him and the simps
hahah yeah, ~50% is the new 1%, that’s certainly economically viable…
Is this one worth reading?
50% of the world’s population “becomes the new 1%”.
There’s more to life than girls, so who’s the real simp here? 🤔
If the girls hear you say this, you’re going to get permabanned from the dating platform.
Time to become gay I guess!
Best thing that could happen to someone like OOP, really.
To be fair, when you’re touch-starved and attracted to women sometimes it really feels like they’re the most important thing in life lol.
Straight men can, and should, touch each other more often (CONSENSUALLY. I can’t stress that enough). Hugging, holding hands, playing with one another’s hair, giving a gentle backrub etc. between straight men should absolutely be more normalised. We’ve been conditioned that any physical affection between men is a sign of sexual attraction, when history (and many extant cultures) show us that men can physically love one another without any sexual attraction whatsoever. The only reason we’re touch starved is we’re too afraid to be vulnerable with other men.
Does he think women don’t have similar struggles getting men as well? Or that straight women simps exists?
It’s 4chan, so no
Well, yea, but I’m fishing for a comment that will bring up statistics or give some insightful commentary or deep personal experience.
They struggle with finding a good/the right man to keep long term, but simply getting a date takes half an hour on tinder while they can choose between 50+ guys in their immediate neighbourhood.
“The odds are good, but the goods are odd.”
Getting a date might be easy.
Is getting a date with someone who wants to do more than have sex with them a time or two?
Blind dating for women can be easy, but it also can be mortal.
I love the use of Molly Ringwald for the picture. The person who in all their roles wouldn’t be on onlyfans because each character was hyper concerned about being proper.
In OPs future, beeing on OF is proper
This dude’s problems run a bit deeper than simps. Though, simps DO suck.
Simps don’t suck; they do the dating world a service. Anyone whose concept of self-esteem is so external that they derive it from the admiration of strangers is not someone who is ready for a serious or monogamous relationship. Simps help identify those people and weed them out of the regular dating pool.
Funny thing about those “unsuitable” people you’ve described: when they don’t get rewarded, and increasingly so for attention seeking behaviors, they find other outlets.
Then again, there’s little for personal growth like taking a breather from having to struggle for food and rent.
The worst thing about OnlyFans/porn is all the people who think as you do and consider those who “grow out of it” to be used goods. Definitely OOP and too many people today. 8 months ago
Anon’s got problems, and somehow that’s everyone else’s fault. Classic 4chan
Anyway meanwhile in normal human land, the presence of pornography does not decrease the dating pool. 8 months ago
It has decreased my dating pool by exactly 1. My ex started doing porn and I decided I couldn’t go back.
Best thing to ever happen to me. No drunk texts and no forgetting why we split up.
No hate on people who date others in porn. It’s just not for me. 8 months ago
I think my point really is that the number of people who are available to date hasn’t really gone down because the industry exists. Now you may not want to date someone in the industry, and that’s totally fine, but anon doesn’t even have anyone yet and is complaining about a purely theoretical problem as if it’s a real one.
No, they have bigger issues. 8 months ago
But the unstable relationships and alcohol abuse worked for ya. Got it. Good for her. 8 months ago
I’m not siding with the crazy person posting the green text, just explaining their point. They are saying that the simps made it so profitable to be a virtual girlfriend that all women have become one, and there are no girls left that will date him because they’ve learned they can profit off of sex. When you really read it, op is an incel and believes the only thing keeping women from prostitution is the guaranteed paycheck. Op believes that once they realize the money will come in, every girl in the world will become a professional sex worker. 8 months ago
Completely ignoring the laws of supply and demand in the process. 8 months ago
Exactly right; sex work has always existed (relative to the existence of currency/bartering tribute and some semblance of homo sapien societies) and will always exist in some form. There have always been those who are willing to be in relationships with sex workers and those that won’t. The landscape has changed, but the world’s oldest profession remains.