- Comment on [deleted] 3 days ago:
I was 61kg at 187cm from 15 to 30. I was eating 6000 calories a day to maintain that weight. Then I gained 22kg over the next three years and finally felt healthy for the first time. I had all the same health problems as anorexics while eating like an Olympic athlete.
It was just genetics. Multiple family members were like this but not as bad as I had it. Now I have a nephew who has it just as bad as I did. He just has to wait another decade or so to achieve normalcy.
- Comment on Captain Disillusion: SNL VFX Mystery 2 months ago:
“This isn’t about a community no matter how much you’d prefer otherwise.”
Except that it was/is about the community/movement/group collectively known as skeptics. Go back the the beginning of the conversation. I mentioned materials and the reply came back about how it was all transphobic misogynist stuff. Well there is nothing inherently transphobic or misogynist about the application of epistemology, logic and spotting logical fallacies so the complaint must have been about the people. Then the conversation explicitly mentioned people by name as represe representatives of the community. So no matter how much you try to say it wasn’t about the community it was.
“This was a conversation in a public forum. The word “sceptic” has a generally understood meaning.”
There are lots of “generally understood” groups that go by existing words that aren’t understood at all by the general population. To many people atheists are Satan worshipers, trans people are bathroom predators, and geologists are part of a massive cover-up about the truth of young earth creationism. But we know that these “generally understood” meanings are completely false. In a dictionary a word can have more than one meaning and context matters.
- Comment on Captain Disillusion: SNL VFX Mystery 2 months ago:
The community has explicitly rejected the people you named because they aren’t in keeping with positions the community holds. If the community says they don’t want these people in the group but you insist on saying they are part of the group then you are making a bad faith argument.
Communities get to decide who is an isn’t part of the community. You specifically mentioned trans issues. Two of the pods I named had trans hosts. Dawkins had his AHA award pulled because of trans comments. Skeptics aren’t being the people you said they were. You can either change your mind or stick to your beliefs despite the evidence.
- Comment on Captain Disillusion: SNL VFX Mystery 2 months ago:
Don’t you find it’s usually better to frame your opponent’s position in terms they would agree with? You’re using skepticism in a way that does not comport with today’s use by the community. Community exchange over time. Community exchange over time.
- Comment on Captain Disillusion: SNL VFX Mystery 2 months ago:
Given your unwillingness to accept that you aren’t as informed on the topic as you think you are I can see why you have the ideas you do.
Sam Harris has never been part of the rationalist or skeptical culture. He is much better known in the atheist and the “intellectual dark web”. In the skeptical community he is generally regarded as a close minded person who is too busy kissing the butt of people like Ben Shapiro and selling meditation.
Even before Elevatorgate Dawkins was on the outs for being a sexist & misogynist who was contributing nothing to the movement except harm. If you are using him as an example you are operating on information that is more than a decade out of date and it might be time to update your priors.
- Comment on Captain Disillusion: SNL VFX Mystery 2 months ago:
See my reply to Diplomjodler3. One of the temporary hosts of Skeptoid was trans. You have some very uninformed ideas about what skepticism is and what it isn’t.
- Comment on Captain Disillusion: SNL VFX Mystery 2 months ago:
I think you have a very uninformed idea about skeptical content. Go find Skeptic’s Guide to the Universe, Skeptics with a K, Be Reasonable, Skeptoid, Bayesian Conspiracy, Squaring the Strange, Monster Talk and others. There is trutherusm crap and then there is looking at evidence.
Captain D is a fan of this stuff. He attended The Amazing Meeting, a skeptical conference held by the JREF, back when James Randi was still alive.
- Comment on Captain Disillusion: SNL VFX Mystery 2 months ago:
I’ve enjoyed every video I’ve ever seen by him, but always forget to subscribe to him and YouTube never recommends his videos to me even though it’s filled with all kinds of other skeptical materials.
- Comment on conditional probability 2 months ago:
Cow’s outnumber people on my block. But there are fences between them and us. However geese outnumber people in my yard.
I have added goose wrestling to my resume. - Comment on You know what, fuck you [un-Jags uar icon] 3 months ago:
It might just be depending on how far away you are
- Comment on You know what, fuck you [un-Jags uar icon] 3 months ago:
The “a” is the worst part for me. You can’t see those little stubbs at a distance. So it reads JoGuor at a distance. They didn’t just fail to create a good logo, they failed to preserve the name. One bit of advice I always give is “imagine this logo on the back of a golf card or a Pride brochure. If the logo isn’t crisp and readable in black and white in a 1/2 inch square then it sucks.” This design fails that test. Not just because of the messed up “a” but the wide spacing makes those unreadable "a"s even smaller than if the letters weren’t so widely spaced.
- Comment on You know what, fuck you [un-Jags uar icon] 3 months ago:
I would have failed every design class I took in college if I submitted that. Why such wide kerning? Why lower case but upper G? Why so round? Why so completely unreadable at a distance because of micro serifs? There isn’t one good design element in this.
- Comment on They used to be all metal too. Its time for a revolution 3 months ago:
Alexa, set an eye exam appointment for Worx.
- Comment on But yes. 3 months ago:
Nuclear power is just steampunk with magic rocks.
- Comment on So bad it was actually entertaining 4 months ago:
When I lived in the Tidewater area I practically made a hobby of going to places with okay food and entertainingly bad service. We were always on a mission to find the worst food. We found it at one of the “Steak Seafood Pasta” places on the Blvd. Everything came from a microwave and the freezer section of some supply company.
- Comment on Bitey 4 months ago:
On par except that are three of them at once.
- Comment on Bitey 4 months ago:
I’m not doing any more bottle babies until I’m collecting Social Security and don’t have to work or sleep.
- Comment on Bitey 4 months ago:
No lynx native to my area. But a bobcat is always an option. Some legends tell of cougars. I can always hope.
- Comment on Bitey 4 months ago:
We had four cats die within a year. All orange boys.
Then one day I get a call from a place I’m doing Trap Neuter Release. Some mom just dropped three kids on a porch. I go grab the kids and set a trap for mom. I get the kids home. Three orange girls, two are bobtails. I’ve been on the hunt for an orange girl for years. Jackpot.
Really hoping we get mom because these are bottle babies. Get mom. Orange girl with even less tail.
I know I’m probably keeping mom no matter how feral she is. Definitely one of the kids too.
Time to make the decision. Which kid to keep. Wife vetoes me. We are keeping them all. Plus two more orange girls that will show up over the year. I have six orange girls. Probably more than anyone on the east coast. So much foster fail. So few braincells.
Eventually tame mom after 12 months and multiple attempts on my life. So many orange girls.
- Comment on Bitey 4 months ago:
I foster extra spicy kittens and tame them so they can be adopted. Each time one bites me I think about how I have almost no insurance and this could be the one that unalives me. Those puncture bites are amazing. This little predator weighing less than 1% what I do can do me in with just their teeth.
My pet geese are so much safer.
- Comment on The Signal 5 months ago:
I spent 20 years in call centers. I felt so much of this movie.
- Comment on The Signal 5 months ago:
There’s no shortage of batteries to power them.
- Comment on Inaccuracies 5 months ago:
Stupid voice to text.
- Comment on Inaccuracies 5 months ago:
No might. Only do. It is frequently ranked as the best Star Trek movie even though bits not Star Trek. Patrick Stewart didn’t like the very idea of it and then Jonathan Franks made him watch it. Patrick Stewart had to admit that he was wrong. He loved it.
- Comment on DuckDuckGoose 5 months ago:
Geese are legendary for their attack skills. They aren’t bad most of the year but in the spring they will mess you up if you get too close. You can go to YouTube and search for “goose attack.”
- Comment on DuckDuckGoose 5 months ago:
Only if they see you
- Comment on DuckDuckGoose 5 months ago:
If they’re not tormenting you, they’re not doing their job. That’s their niche. They have one job.
- Comment on DuckDuckGoose 5 months ago:
Yes and no. They are much cleaner than ducks and they can be exclusively fed on grass once they are feathered out. This makes them unbelievably awesome in addition to their guard dog ability. In the springtime you get giant goose eggs. Which is a big perk. Since we got our first two geese we have not lost a single chicken or duck to hawks. Which is why we got them. We were losing 1 to 3 a year just to hawks.
The downside is that like all birds they poop everywhere And their poops are more undigested grass than runny stuff. And in the spring when you get those giant eggs the geese can become extremely aggressive. This means separating them from the other birds to prevent injuries and it means learning how to wrestle geese in a safe manner. And it means always being on guard. You will not be safe on your own property.
But for me the benefits far exceed risks. They pay for themselves. They give giant eggs, they stop hawks, they mow the yard, they require no feed.
- Comment on DuckDuckGoose 5 months ago:
18 chickens, 7 geese, 6 ducks, 11 cats, 3 fosters, two dogs.
Today I turn on one foster kitten, the rest leave next week. Not sure if they will give me more when I drop off the one today. But if they have something extra spicy I’ll probably get it.
Basically multiple types and the number is fluid. We’ve lost two chickens and two geese this year.
- Comment on DuckDuckGoose 5 months ago:
Ducks are the grossest birds. Anything is better than ducks. I have 6 ducks.