- Comment on I love my smart TV (From Mastodon) - Repost 2 months ago:
I wouldn’t put it past Samsung to try and force you to have internet access enabled so they can spy on you.
However having additional hardware to directly access the internet via cellular is a bit much. That might have been an Aprils fools article by some IT site.
When Sony tried to install root kits on PCs of folks just trying to watch a movie on a legit purchased DVD there was a quite large shitstorm.
- Comment on I love my smart TV (From Mastodon) - Repost 2 months ago:
Some require you to be online.
I’d take it back to the store as broken. Never heard of that though.
Some took it a step further and are equipped with 4/5G modems to bypass your network restrictions.
Never heard of this either and it would raise a massive stink in the EU. Can you share an example?
- Comment on I love my smart TV (From Mastodon) - Repost 2 months ago:
Or you could just block the Spyware TV from accessing the internet.
- Comment on Anon doubts WW2 Germany 4 months ago:
Apparently it was too early in the morning for me or I need new glasses.
- Comment on I hate how anything without "world" in its name is just about the US 5 months ago:
They code-switch between English and Hindi. If you don’t know Hindi, you won’t understand it. Are all posts like this? Of course not.
You’re so close. Let me give you another hint: What do you think every other regional sub looks like? (I speak multiple languages, so I’ve been to multiple regionals - including in Languages I don’t really speak)
Also, yes it is a bit racist to assume that Indians are only able to converse in an Hindi/English mix and unable to converse in proper English. On top of that it is a bit stupid to assume all of India speaks Hindi - e.g. most of Bengalurians speak Kannada.
But there aren’t as many English-speakers as in America. I didn’t say all, I say most (this will be a recurring theme).
You’re correct. It’s a recurring theme. You have been made aware by multiple people now that you over-inflate the percentage of USAmericans among the users of English-speaking forums and that you have been incredibly ignorant about it.
I think none will dispute that US located users are in the majority - the majority is however not as big as you make it out to be. (and your reasoning is - for lack of a better term - atrocious)
- Comment on I hate how anything without "world" in its name is just about the US 5 months ago:
I admire your determination to bend your perception of facts to fit your narrative.
- Russia, Kanada, Australia, South America? Apparently they ceased to exist.
- Africa? They still live in mud and abject poverty. There is no electricity nor Internet.
- China? They’re 100% locked in. (No bots no nothing.)
- Indians can’t write proper English (a bit rich coming from an USAmerican)
- Comment on I hate how anything without "world" in its name is just about the US 5 months ago:
According to Wikipedia the percentage of English speakers located in the US is lower that 20%. Does this mean that only 1 in 5 users is from the US?
Population of the US: 334.914.895, Population of Europe: 745.173.774. 334.914.895/745.173.774 = 0,449%
English Speakers in the US: 297.400.000. English Speakers in Europe: 260.000.000. So you have about 37,4M more English speakers in the US than in Europe.
- Comment on I hate how anything without "world" in its name is just about the US 5 months ago:
Sorry, are you trying to prove beyond a doubt that you are dishonest and statistics-illiterate?
which is why I said:
It is entirely rational to assume that an English-speaking person on the Internet is from the US, given no other information.
No, you wrote:
**The US has more allocated IPv4 addresses and more users per allocated IPv4 address than any other country, by wide margins **- and IPv6 adoption is not that widespread yet. It is entirely rational to assume that an English-speaking person on the Internet is from the US, given no other information.
So your assumption is based on a gross misinterpretation of the statistics you presented. Your incorrect interpretation of the graphs would put US participation at about 99,99%, which is obviously ridiculous.
Also according to Wikipedia the percentage of English speakers located in the US is lower that 20%. Does this mean that only 1 in 5 users is from the US?
The point of using the IP address statistics is to show that the vast majority of websites on the Internet were created in the US for the US market, and that is still true today.
That’s not at all what these graphs show though. While I agree that most websites might be US targeted towards the US calling that ‘vast’ is bit of a stretch.
… and realistically not many people outside the US had any interest in the internet in 1983.
I gather you’ve not been around then. Almost none had any interest in “the internet” until the mid 90s - this includes the US. Partly because what you refer to as “the internet” was called WWW back then and started only 1989. People had been very anal about this until about 2005 - I guess you haven’t been around then either.
- Comment on I hate how anything without "world" in its name is just about the US 5 months ago:
No, they highlight some problems with IP4: Bad distribution of IP4 ranges and bad distribution of those ranges. So the graphs show the US has way too much IP actresses, some under used/unused and some overused. The blog post they are from is pretty clear about this.
These graphs do not give an indication of how many users per country there are. There are in fact statistics on that which expectedly show China and India on top. These however do not take into account that social media use way more popular in the U.S. for now.
The closest stat may be Reddit users by country which seems to indicate that about every 2nd user is from the US. (Not sure if Russian/Chinese bot accounts also count towards these though).
- Comment on I hate how anything without "world" in its name is just about the US 5 months ago:
- Comment on Aluminum 7 months ago:
Guy that named it called it Aluminum, Alumium, and Aluminium. Aluminium stuck, even in the US.
Then some weirdo types decided they were in charge of naming things in the US decided it needs to be Aluminum. It took them about 50-90 years to succeed.
- Comment on Dell said return to the office or else—nearly half of workers chose “or else” - Workers stayed remote even when told they could no longer be promoted. 9 months ago:
I might be older than your dad and I don’t recall seeing an offer like this. 😊
- Comment on Dell said return to the office or else—nearly half of workers chose “or else” - Workers stayed remote even when told they could no longer be promoted. 9 months ago:
This is not just the US, it is the norm world wide.
It’s also not limited to job relations either. “New customer? Let me show you this sweet deal.” - “Oh, you’re already a customer? Then it’s full price I’m afraid”
You need to regularly review/change contracts.
- Comment on Humanity making progress like it always does 9 months ago:
Same in Europe.
- Comment on Humanity making progress like it always does 9 months ago:
Let me give another example: traveling from Central Europe to Southern Europe to spend your holiday. In 1980/1990 you had to clean your windshield a couple of times when driving there. Not any more.
- Comment on Ant smell 9 months ago:
Most smells do not travel 50 feet.
I have to counter that in my experience most, if not all smells travel 15m. When the wind is right that increases massively.
- Comment on Ant smell 9 months ago:
You should be able to smell a female plant in full (oily) bloom. I’ve read that smell is one of the problems that illegal farms/grow box owners have when tyring to stay undetected.
- Comment on Ant smell 9 months ago:
One more example for your kitchen analogy, albeit coming from a different direction, is probably the smell of Durian.
When you first encounter the smell, you experiences pretty intensive stench - maybe like rotten meat. When you manage to get over it and eat it a bunch of times it does not stink for you anymore. You still recognize it’s a very intense smell, but it’s not stench anymore.
However, for everyone else unfamiliar with it it still stinks like hell.
- Comment on Ant smell 9 months ago:
I assume people just can’t identify the smell of cockroaches until they learned it? Similar to people being oblivious to the smell of marijuana when not Familie’s with it.
I’m not sure I would recognize the smell of roaches if I didn’t keep them as food for other animals. Stinky little buggers.
- Comment on There was an attempt 10 months ago:
Voyager/iOS has no issue with any of the link formats.
- Comment on Believe what you see, not what you’re told 10 months ago:
OP is referring to this story:
Yet another lie by Elon/Tesla.
- Comment on Believe what you see, not what you’re told 10 months ago:
I thought Elon is what you get when ordering Tony Stark from Wish but this is better.
- Comment on Believe what you see, not what you’re told 10 months ago:
Almost no one in your bubble/perception unfortunately. There are still lots of people that are only aware of him being a POS but still think he’s a genius.
- Comment on Believe what you see, not what you’re told 10 months ago:
It’s Porsche. Sorry to be that guy but that bothers me.
- Comment on Chicken vs Egg 10 months ago:
I don’t get it. Care to explain?
- Comment on Chicken vs Egg 10 months ago:
I guess the tree branch needs to start somewhere, but why leave out amphibians?
- Comment on Funny, those guys don't usually agree on that much 10 months ago:
When the horseshoe becomes a circle…
- Comment on Anon is vengeful 10 months ago:
Amazing. I’m sorry if this was too complicated for you. Let me repeat:
There is no indication whatsoever that drug dealer guy knew. This has been explained to you a couple of times by other people.
In fact the glaring absence of any indication can be interpreted as: no, drug dealer did not know. This has also been explained.
You, on the other hand, claim the revenge taken out by Anon in itself is proof that he knew. Because a cuckold will never attack the lover unless the lover knew what they were doing.
That would be cool if it were so but it just isn’t. The trope of the cuckold attacking the lover is older than humanity itself. You’ll find stories even (or rather especially) in Greek mythology where cuckolding or just fancying the wrong person leads to eternal punishment. Also by the age of 20 most of us witnessed similar behavior a couple of times. If you didn’t good for you / grey out of the basement more.
You are doing the equivalent of arguing that 1+1 does not equal 2.
- Comment on Anon is vengeful 10 months ago:
I’m not taking this personally, don’t project. I’m just amazed how you stubbornly argue against one of the oldest story tropes of all time: the horned, vengeful husband/wife.
- Comment on Anon is vengeful 10 months ago:
Correct, cuckolded men are well know to first ask their wife’s lover if they knew before attacking them. /s