- Comment on The Steam Summer Sale is live now! 7 months ago:
Decent game to quit about 30h in because while it’s good and fun to play, it’s incredibly repetitive.
- Comment on Mythbusters 7 months ago:
Science and academia, too. There’s way too few papers being published about failed experimemts. “I thought A, so I did B in order to achieve C, but it didn’t work out because of D.” is a very useful result.
- Comment on New unit of measurement 8 months ago:
Also, why should we hail the size of energy drink cans?
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of June 2nd 8 months ago:
Always a great game to get back into. Or get into in the first place.
The latest patch was kind of disappointing and I hope they do tweak some of the issues, but I’m still looking forward to the new expansion reveal tomorrow. The teasers were pretty neat so far.
- Comment on Anon reinvents something dark 8 months ago:
Not to defend the Nazis here, but working prisoners to death predates them by a couple millenia.
Ironically, what the Nazis did in the extermination camps was mass executions, i.e. the very thing anon finds wasteful.
- Comment on Is there another way to do it...? 8 months ago:
There was a specific number that was repeated across a lot of papers in my field, always citing the same source.
That source did have the number, but it cited another paper for it, which itself cited yet an older paper. Im not sure where the citations went bad, but that last paper for not actually contain the value everyone waschain-attributing to it.
The number was fortunately still correct though (and people would have noticed pretty quickly if it wasn’t).
- Comment on Chicken vs Egg 8 months ago:
In other words, the question becomes: “Is an egg defined by the creature that laid it, or the creature that will hatch from it?”
- Comment on I used to be with it, then they changed what "it" is 10 months ago:
My hotman
- Comment on amazing!!! 10 months ago:
While they do have many kinds of photoreceptors, and can therefore see a large range of colours, they have very limited colour resolution:
As far as I understand it, they cannot blend the different light components nearly as well as humans do (e.g. seeing red and green at the same time and deduce that is yellow).
- Comment on temperature 11 months ago:
I’d be Rankine it a bit higher then that.
- Comment on Tomb Raider I-II-III Remastered details enhancements, new features - Gematsu 1 year ago:
This honestly looks really really good. I played a lot of TR2 in my childhood, might pick it up for nostalgia.
I think the “make it look how people remember” is a great approach to remaster graphics. They were iconic and state of the art back when they came out, but PS1 era graphics are among the worst-aged graphics out there.
- Comment on Tomb Raider I-II-III Remastered details enhancements, new features - Gematsu 1 year ago:
It’s listed on Steam for 26€, including a 10% discount.
- Comment on YOOOOOOOOOOOO 1 year ago:
Gustavo Gusto frozen pizza is better than at least 80% of delivery pizza anyway.
- Comment on Why Linux is Best for Most People 1 year ago:
I’m not familiar with the current state of Linux, but the minimum usability bar for the general public is never ever having to open a terminal.
- Comment on Anon enjoys seasonal content 1 year ago:
Should be. From what I’ve seen, the community is really chill. Although that might change at higher difficulties, never played those.
There is the occasional idiot, but they’re rare enough to just move on with another round.
- Comment on Anon thinks about human history 1 year ago:
Take metallurgy as an example. It’s such a strange concept: There are these very specific rocks that you can put into an unusually hot fire to turn them into this hard, shiny stuff.
I have no idea how so many different people figured out bronze.
- Comment on 'There's almost nobody left': CEO of Baldur's Gate 3 dev Swen Vincke says the D&D team he initially worked with is gone, due to Hasbro layoffs 1 year ago:
Pathfinder was created as an updated version of D&D 3.5, which was very complex. PF food streamline parts of it, but ended up just as complex at some point, mostly due to the massive variety of options available through splat books.
Meanwhile, D&D 5e was released to be much less complex by getting rid of stacking bonuses and the vast majority of math.
Parhfinder 2 (which I have not actually played yet) did not do that. They opted for streamlining the existing system by combining several similar subsystems into one (i.e. everything is a feat now). But the math is still there.
- Comment on What are you currently working towards? 1 year ago:
I’m about 170 LI short for my second set of legendary armor, so I’m slowly working on that.
I might go the rifting route for the third set, but I’m not sure yet.
- Comment on The Game Awards 2023: List of Winners 1 year ago:
I didn’t know who he is out which character he voiced, but my immediate thought upon reading was “he’s gotta be Astarion”. Phenomenal performance.
- Comment on What's your least favorite GW2 Vault Daily Task? 1 year ago:
Vasburg armory is also still in that pool.
But the actual list is so much longer still:
Granted, some of them are extremely easy (not an issue for dailies), and some (like Valdhertz) break if there’s too many players (absolute no-go).
IMO, they should combine the dungeons and JP’s into one pool, then sort by completion time to divide them into daily or weekly.
- Comment on What's your least favorite GW2 Vault Daily Task? 1 year ago:
I’m still really confused why there’s so extremely few Minnetonka and jumping puzzles in the daily rotation.
There are so many good ones that are absolutely viable, even without going to the living world maps (not sure if they can check for LW unlocks to determine the tasks).
- Comment on When a Vault Daily is a Heart ... 1 year ago:
Glider goes brrrrrr
- Comment on Medieval Times Workers End Their Strike After 9 Months On The Picket Line, The Fight Isn't Over 1 year ago:
For a moment I thought Medieval Times was a news outlet.
- Comment on Bonus XP, early Black Friday discounts, and new weapons to test! 1 year ago:
The dreambound weapons use the daydreamer skins, should be worth getting for that alone.
- Comment on Game Update Notes: November 7, 2023 1 year ago:
And the ability to disable leyline flying when mounted.
- Comment on Game Update Notes: November 7, 2023 1 year ago:
The issue was probably that the Hero’s choice chest was not limited to once per day like they usually are.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Although I bet she could pull off an amazing Yzma, what with her being scary beyond all reason and all.
- Comment on Windows 11's default mail client will show ads starting 2024 1 year ago:
I mean, you could just install a different mail client from a different port of call (to keep with the nautical theme).
- Comment on Microsoft expected to finally buy Activision Blizzard next week 1 year ago:
Sad times for everyone that still believed in antitrust.
- Comment on They quit their jobs. Their ex-employers sued them for training costs 1 year ago:
After she gave 4 months notice, too.