Same great Dharma, new SolarPunk packaging!
Check out DharmaCurious.org for ramblings on philosophy and the occasional creative writing project!
- Comment on u up babe? 1 day ago:
Came here just to make that joke!
- Comment on Is it better to leave a country, or stay behind to fight for it? And what about the ethics of fleeing instead of staying behind? 3 days ago:
White. Male. Able bodied. Neurotypical. Christian (Catholics need not apply). Straight. Republican.
If you or someone you know doesn’t fit each one of those, then they are at risk of persecution in the US.
- Comment on Is it better to leave a country, or stay behind to fight for it? And what about the ethics of fleeing instead of staying behind? 3 days ago:
That’s me this time around!
Speak to the author about allowing folks and their parents to immigrate, please
- Comment on Help 5 days ago:
I’ve got a good friend who played D&D with us a couple times and found out real quick that not all friend groups are okay with overlapping. It was awful
- Comment on Help 5 days ago:
I feel ya. Same way
- Comment on Help 5 days ago:
Years and years ago, I was really active on a forum, and one of the members did this world trip, couch surfing with different members of the forum and seeing the world. She and I weren’t good friends. In fact, she irritated me a bit, nothing in particular, just… Didn’t vibe. At all. But a leg of her trip was taking through my state, and she needed a place to crash, so I said fuck it, sure.
She stayed with her best friend from the forum in Boston, and it was a complete bust. They didn’t get along, Boston friend found her irritating, grating, and overwhelmingly boring.
Then she got to my place, and I made a new best friend. We got along so well she stayed an extra 2 days, and we had a fucking blast.
Irl/online can be a major difference, one from the other
- Comment on Idioms 5 days ago:
My family has always used “shit in one hand and wish in the other, see which one’s ready first”
- Comment on my house, my rules. 1 week ago:
It’s the best thing ever!
- Comment on my house, my rules. 1 week ago:
I meant the phrase, not the font, but yes, you’d need embroidery for cursive to my knowledge. But my cross stitch is often a mix of the two, I use dissolvable lattice so you can stitch directly onto fabric like a pillowcase or a T-shirt, instead of being stuck with just Aida cloth, so a lot of the time it’s both traditional cross stitch and free hand embroidery
- Comment on my house, my rules. 1 week ago:
Ive been trying to find a new cross stitch to work on at night to help with the insomnia. I think this might be it.
- Comment on Bravery 1 week ago:
What do you call it when a West Virginian gets a girl horny?
Relative humidity
- Comment on What's this thing? 1 week ago:
10/10 reference
- Comment on i somsone who isn’t dyslexic lexic? 1 week ago:
Wasn’t aware of the term, but that’s my mom. She learned to read before she was 3, and was reading books meant for middle school children by the the age of 4. Moved on to grown up/high school and beyond books by the time she was like 7 or 8. She’s also been a life long lover of word and number games, and taught me how to count cards when I was kid. She can count cards in games with 2 and 3 decks. Got kicked out of a casino for it when she was in her 20s. Lol.
- Comment on Stared at it for 10 minutes and still can't figure out why 2 weeks ago:
Please, please tell me this is an actual shitty movie and not just an AI poster or some shit?
- Comment on You tryna ride this 2 weeks ago:
So, how does one get this particular sticker for their vehicle? Asking for a friend.
- Comment on Fuck animal breeders that keep breeding damaged animals into a life where they will only know pain and torment. 2 weeks ago:
When I was 18, I lived in an apartment building like 1/4 from the sand in Virginia Beach. They had restrictions on their restrictions so they could restrict you while you were restricted. It was insane.
My neighbor directly above us had the sweetest pit bull mix in the world named Lola. He used to call her his showgirl, she was amazing.
He got away with it by showing them papers, that he 100% forged, saying she was a pure blooded Staffing Nannyshire terrier. He was so fucking pleased with himself, and I do not blame him. In case anyone isn’t aware, Staffordshire terriers are a related breed to pit bulls (and pit bull is more of an umbrella term for several breeds), and pittys were called nanny dogs back in the day. He just threw some related words together and claimed her breed was originally bred as show dogs, and weren’t closely related to pit bulls. And the apartment bought it hook line and sinker.
- Comment on life changed due to shrimp 2 weeks ago:
What’s aq?
- Comment on *record scratch* 3 weeks ago:
Please do. Some of us learn by reading diatribes on subs like this one
- Comment on Lightning bugs!! 3 weeks ago:
Nah, it legit is, though. Just because someone or most someones understand how something happens doesn’t mean it isn’t magic anymore. It just means that we have a hard magic system. We understand our magic so well that we’ve stopped seeing it as magical, but if you take a step back and take a look at the big picture it becomes clear that the world is magical, and everything around us is this amazing, often confusing, incredible tapestry of Wonder and awe. The world has just ground us down so much that we feel like wonder is strictly for children, that we’re not allowed to feel wonder anymore. Embrace the magic. Even if you know how it works.
- Comment on Wealth 3 weeks ago:
Oh that is fucking fantastic
- Comment on Anon plays a prank 3 weeks ago:
Honestly, that’s fair. I’m not the type that would do it, but I’ve known enough that would that I think it’s the responsible thing of you to probably keep that information to yourself.
But I do have questions, and if you’re not comfortable answering public, I swear to God, I will not share the information online or in any capacity in which in might be used for harm if you were to DM me an answer. Lol. I don’t think the answers could be used like that, anyway.
Does the person you did this to now know the full truth of the situation?
Was the hoax religious in nature?
Was it political (for instance, a terror attack, election result, or other “big ticket” news worthy type of thing?
If it caused a lasting impact on the victim, was that impact purely a loss of trust with you/others in involved, or did it cause like lasting issues in their perception of reality? (As in, do they still believe this, or partially believe it, even if they have been informed of the truth?)
Are you still with/close to/associated with the victim?
Was there physical harm caused?
And finally, what was your motivation to do it in the first place?
Totally get it if you don’t want to answer any or all of these… But you did open the door, so I assume you’re comfortable talking about aspects of it, so long as the information given doesn’t make it replicatible, and I feel my curiosity is very understandable. Lol
- Comment on The eyes creep me out. Even I wouldnt be able to focus on the job 3 weeks ago:
Yeah, nah… I can and have gotten past a lot of issues to give a blowjob, but I can’t be making deep meaningful eye contact with a beloved Disney character while deep throating an anonymous dong. I didn’t know where my limit was, but apparently I’ve found it
- Comment on I hate this image because idiots will see it, not understand what its showing, and make up some crazy shit based on it. 3 weeks ago:
I wonder if that configuration would still move sideways?
- Comment on I always suspected that these never actually cleaned anything 3 weeks ago:
The other one from around that era was:
Wanna hear a clean joke? A girl took a bath with Bubbles.
Wanna hear a dirty joke? Bubbles was a clown.
- Comment on I hate this image because idiots will see it, not understand what its showing, and make up some crazy shit based on it. 3 weeks ago:
One of the things I love most about Lemmy is how everything, no matter the context, becomes star trek in the end. It’s like that all evolution leads to crab meme, but in real life. All discussion becomes trek.
Excellent writing, btw! Love the story
- Comment on How would a stateless society handle serious threats such as mass murder and terrorism? 4 weeks ago:
As an anarchist, I answer this just about the same way I answer most questions. Through consensus of those involved, the form that takes is going to be different for each region, community, et cetera. Those that make up society need to have some way of making collective decisions, but it doesn’t need to be a state to achieve that. States are new, governing is not. I favor consensus democracy, but it’s by no means the only method. But questions like this are a double edged sword, they’re vital to explaining left libertarianism, but they’re also proof of how far we have to go before people understand even the basics of it. Stateless does not mean ungoverned, just as anarchism does not mean chaos. It’s simple a governing by the people. If we cannot be trusted to govern ourselves how in the hell do we think this is a tenable system, in which we choose individuals to govern us?
- Comment on Bawitdaba 4 weeks ago:
I can think of a ton, actually. The just don’t overlap with a fourth circle, “mainstream appeal,” they’re all folk singers like Phil Ochs and David Rovics. Most main stream is probably Todd Snider and he’s by no means nationally popular or anything.
- Comment on I hate this image because idiots will see it, not understand what its showing, and make up some crazy shit based on it. 4 weeks ago:
That should be a line in one of those comedy horror movies. “Oh God! He’s speaking Scottish! Run!”
- Comment on I always suspected that these never actually cleaned anything 4 weeks ago:
An Amish boy on rumspringa decides that he wants to experience all that the English world has to offer, so he gets a date with a girl, and she suggests that he goes to the video store and gets them a porno to watch that night, before she takes his virginity.
Later that night he shows up at her apartment with a bottle of wine and a vhs. “What movie did you get us?” She asks,
Excitedly, he pulls out the vhs and says “this looks really sexy! It’s called head cleaner!”
My older brother told me that joke as a kid. It was my first dirty joke. Lol
- Comment on People never understand the sacrifices I make for them. 4 weeks ago:
An hour long call? I normally laugh at these, but nah, a fucking hour long call? Yeah, I need some prep and recoup time