- Comment on A ton of bollocks, more like 2 months ago:
The British spelling also looks a bit mental to be honest. But I’m sure it’s France’s fault.
- Comment on Wait, my body's own heat is enough? Always has been. 2 months ago:
And yet it is the normal temperature for saunas and has been for centuries. I stand by my statements too.
- Comment on Wait, my body's own heat is enough? Always has been. 2 months ago:
It isn’t. The air being 100 degrees and dry isn’t the same as pouring 100 degree water on yourself. You’re only sitting there for like 15-20 minutes. Ask any Finn and I guarantee you that 100 degrees is what you aim for.
- Comment on Wait, my body's own heat is enough? Always has been. 2 months ago:
Exactly. And 100 degrees is what a good sauna should be. Maybe I could go as low as 80, but 50 is absolutely pointless.
- Comment on Wait, my body's own heat is enough? Always has been. 2 months ago:
50 degrees is half of sauna temp at best though.
- Comment on Brand recognition 4 months ago:
For that you might need an analyst. Or a therapist?
- Comment on AskReddit 5 months ago:
Into another environment?
- Comment on . . . 6 months ago:
No. I will not eat the handles. Why waste my appetite on dry bread?
- Comment on Get sorted... 8 months ago:
Can’t I be both nerd and juggalo?
- Comment on Chicken vs Egg 9 months ago:
Doesn’t matter as it’s not a stated in the question. It just needs to be an egg.
- Comment on 2x2 lumber at Home Depot is now 1.28x1.28. Nominal size is supposed to be 1.5 9 months ago:
I know. I have nothing against the format in general, as it’s plain text and will always be readable. I actually prefer it to Excel sheets, although a proper database is the nicest. It’s just annoying that someone chose comma, a super commonly used punctuation mark, as default field separator for csv.
- Comment on 2x2 lumber at Home Depot is now 1.28x1.28. Nominal size is supposed to be 1.5 9 months ago:
Or use tsv or xsv and never quote a field again.
- Comment on What's your favourite colour? [Non-political version] 11 months ago:
I remember back in the day when people used Gentoo because it was more user friendly.
- Comment on What's your favourite colour? [Non-political version] 11 months ago:
Sunburst yellow
- Comment on She did her best ok? 11 months ago:
For fuck’s sake, guys
- Comment on I'm guilty, lol 11 months ago:
I don’t think I’ve ever done that. I’ve always used normal punctuation, except for in my teens, where we all used ellipsis (…) at the end of every sentence to indicate that more was coming. ICQ was the shit. Messaging apps even copied this by adding a bouncing ellipsis when you’re typing. Maybe that’s why we stopped using it.
- Comment on I'm guilty, lol 11 months ago:
What? Are we out of sync? As a millennial I use a lot of emoji, and gen z’ers almost don’t use any, and tell me it’s cringe to use them.
- Comment on They lied to us 11 months ago:
Danishes are called Wienerbrød in Denmark.
- Comment on Anon notices what they've taken from us 1 year ago:
No. This law keeps being misquoted, and people are going to be disappointed if they go into 2027 thinking we’ll be able to pop out batteries like the good ol’ days.
I know. While I didn’t read the full legal text, tech news sources are saying it needs to be replaceable by an independent third party or the customer themselves with regularly available tools. I’d love to have easy slide in/out batteries, but I know this is not that.
It also doesn’t apply at all for batteries over a certain capacity, or so long as the battery retains 63% capacity or more (presumably this means throughout the warranty period) from 2027, or 73% from 2030.
I didn’t know about this clause. That’s too bad. :(
- Comment on Anon notices what they've taken from us 1 year ago:
You mean an internal battery in addition to a main removable one? Sorry if I’m being dense.
- Comment on Anon notices what they've taken from us 1 year ago:
I agree. I used to carry a spare at all times as well. So nice to be able to swap as soon as you get close to empty. I’m hoping we’ll get back there eventually.
- Comment on Anon notices what they've taken from us 1 year ago:
What do you mean only if it has no internal battery? This will make it so they can’t fuse a battery in place and call it internal. It has to be removable.
- Comment on Anon notices what they've taken from us 1 year ago:
With Oneplus gestures back was swiping up from the bottom left or right. So much better. And the screen-off-gestures with drawing the pause symbol for play/pause or < or > for jump back/forward in a podcast or song. I miss them.
- Comment on Anon notices what they've taken from us 1 year ago:
- Comment on Anon notices what they've taken from us 1 year ago:
I tried to enter some text on someone else’s phone and it had no haptic feedback, only sound. It was almost impossible to use.
- Comment on Anon notices what they've taken from us 1 year ago:
That’s another thing they ruined! Oneplus had amazing gestures, but then Google enforced using their gestures only, and they’re so much worse! I especially hate that back is swiping in from an edge, which is in conflict with every side drawer and cropping tool in every app ever!
- Comment on Anon enjoys seasonal content 1 year ago:
I play Elder Scrolls: Online. While I do sometimes buy outfits or mounts with “seals of endeavor” (rewards for just doing normal in-game stuff) it’s stuff that fits the style of the game and blends in. I will never get the fascination with mounts that roar super loud as they explode forth from the earth in a gigantic flash of red light and then glow continuously while in use; or the players spooked out like clowns in ridiculous outfits that, believe it or not, also glow in bright colors. It breaks immersion so much. I know it’s an MMO and it’s not the same as a single player game, but come on. Does stuff have to be so tacky?
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
What’s up with the water level in that toilet? That’s insanely high!
- Comment on King shit 1 year ago:
I knew about it because of Jacksfilms. It makes no sense though. It’s got both the same number of syllables and letters. Jim and Dick make sense to me (and are also the only ones of these I feel like people know about in general.)
- Comment on As if the tip actually goes to the dashers. 1 year ago:
Too bad they’re all pizzerias.