Just a couple of bros snuggling while rasing a family together.
No homo tho
Submitted 8 months ago by fossilesque@mander.xyz to science_memes@mander.xyz
Just a couple of bros snuggling while rasing a family together.
No homo tho
No homo sapiens
Some people claim homosexuality is as old as humanity. This is clearly wrong. Homosexuality is much older
Likely as old as sexuality itself.
So as old as multicellular life. Which I completely agree with.
Not only are you correct, we will never have any real sense of scale of just how correct you are, since we’ve only been exposed to about 0.001% of life that’s ever existed on Earth in the last several billion years.
For all we know there were clans of synapsids that were exclusively homosexual for terms of child-rearing and had complicated social systems with language and structured hierarchy, etc.
The idea that we can even remotely determine what this world’s natural systems have been like from looking at a sliver of a sliver of a sliver of the total picture is once again peak human hubris and self importance.
This planet has been a thriving source of life in the universe, maybe the only one like it for far, far longer than any human alive can comprehend. In the last several billion years nothing complained about homosexuality. Humans will be here for a brief blip on the larger picture, and there will be no record nor impact from anyone’s hate or fear of sex acts.
All you people screaming and crying about “woke” this and that, and who get confused by terms like LGBTQ+, it doesn’t matter. You will be dust for far, far longer than you will be a human screaming about what’s “natural.”
oH YeAh WeLL yOu kNoW wHaT eLsE iS NaTuRaL, RaPe aNd cAnNiBaLiSm!!!11!!!1!1one!11!1!!1eleven!!!1
Great argument against the “bUt iTT”s nAtcHurAAL !!!11!!” for anything really. Natural does not mean good
Yeah I feel like I used to give the nature argument to support being gay, but in reality, being natural shouldn’t just mean that it’s good. There’s rape, murder, cannibalism, danger, poison, etc. in nature. Nature =/= good.
I’m not saying this because I’m anti-gay. Actually I feel like I’m on a bisexual-asexual spectrum. It’s just not an argument that we should be using I guess unless there’s a better way to spin that particular argument.
It does indicate people are born with their sexuality from the start and it isn’t a personal choice to engage in criminal or degenerate behavior as Western culture and Christianity has claimed for centuries, and ignorant bigots still claim today.
It merely serves to illustrate that traditionalist conservative chudscum will say anything to excuse their disgusting barbaric inhumanity without actually believing it. They will make both of these arguments in the same breath. Then they’ll say their “god” works in “mysterious ways”. Arguing with them is a waste of time except in so far as being able to publicly embarrass them and get them so angry that they discredit themselves in their own irrationally because at least THEN you can convince some bystanders to not be like the waste of skin you just dunked on.
Alabamans : InC-
Giraffes are shockingly gay too, something like 80% of giraffe sex had is gay.
I’m 20% better than giraffes 😎
Eh, not enough for me to choose you over a giraffe. Sorry bro
Those are rookie numbers.
You should see Uncle Paul on the weekends. No man escapes that grizzly!
I have always loved ther verbiage about Giraffes on the Wikipedia page below. Image
At first this caption made me think that Kenyan giraffes are especially gay, as if Kenya was some kind of Washington D.C. of giraffe world. In other news, I am now aware of grey whale orgies.
Right whales too - with a metric tonne of balls to bring to the party - they are made for lovin’ not fightin’:
Right whales form large mating aggregations, which can include several males seeking access to a female. However, unlike humpback whale competitive groups, male right whales do not engage in aggressive displays. One female may successively mate with several males, and it is believed that males compete to pass their genes to the next generation through quantity of sperm they deliver when they mate, rather than fighting for access to females. This theory is supported by the fact that male right whales have the largest testes of any animal on earth (up to 500 kg each), as well as extremely large penises.
Giraffe, why are you gay?
Disclaimer: Pepe Julian Onziema is an absolute legend and hero and is based in Kenya’s neighbor Uganda, not actually Kenya, but THAT interview is a source of joy for me and jumped to my head.
I’m not saying this is fact about penguins isn’t true, I don’t know, but this isn’t a real wikipedia screenshot like it acts like it is. In fact, searching for “homosexuality is common in penguins” only returns results for transcriptions of this meme.
As a penguin, I can say with 100% certainty that there are gay penguins.
We also like to do giant penguin orgies, but we don’t let the researchers see that
Check the article history.
Haha I’m committed to the truth but not that committed. Anyone can edit an article to put in whatever blurb they want, but it won’t stick for long if most of the community agrees with it and it has decent citations (none of which are in the screenshot). Also the text isn’t written professionally, “love to cuddle” is not language that would normally appear in a scientific wiki article.
Was it instareverted?
Love that you saw this and was like “this can’t be true. Gotta fact check bullshit”. Like why do you need to go out of your way for that?
Some people just dislike misinformation, regardless of whether it aligns with their world view.
There are plenty of real reasons homosexuality is natural, why invent fake ones?
Do you typically believe everything you read in meme form?
Homosexuality is natural. I don’t know about you but this is very soothing sentence in my mind after years of all sorts of morality figures saying the opposite.
Always was.
There are also many, many gay and bi sheep
Look it up
And about 200 other species, but only one has exhibited homophobia.
Has homosexuality been redefined?
I thought huddling together for warmth in cold weather was a survival technique: a method for staying alive, rather than counting as a sex act.
And two males bringing up an orphaned child seems like a jolly nice thing to do for the child and the community. If an orphanage is staffed by one sex, does that make the whole place a massive L/G orgy even if nobody is having sex with anyone else?
Penguins aren’t natural. They’re cybernetic sentinels made by the Illuminati to defend the Antarctic Wall and stop people from discovering the edge of the flat Earth.
I take offense to that
What a nonsense. Penguins are birds and birds are governmental drones aimed to spy on people, not to defend anything. Polar bears are!
Finally, the truth!!!
Since “no discrimination” was mentioned, I wonder if there’s actual discrimination in the animal kingdom, except us humans?
Maybe not sexual, but animals get outcasted/exiled from their groups for all sorts of reasons!
Stolen from AI google response for wolf exile, as an example.
Christians be like: those penguins are going to hell
ZOMG! Hell has frozen over!
They be like: They’re just copying humans.
Pretty sure they get up to all sorts of rape and paedophilia and incest too. This might be a nice fact, but penguins are dirty bitches and certainly no behavioural gold standard.
I don’t think anyone but you has even remotely implied there’s some overall gold standard presented by penguin behavior. Simply the fact that other species have homosexuals, and those pairs can raise a “family” successfully.
I didn’t imply they were a gold standard. I just remarked that they certainly weren’t, which is very different.
Are we sure that penguins can actually tell each other apart by gender and it’s not just pairing up with whoever’s most convenient and some of them get lucky?
Penguins form life long relationships and don’t even rebound if their partner dies. Pretty sure they can tell genders apart
Contrary to popular belief, Emperor Penguins do not mate for life. They are serially monogamous, only having 1 mate per year, but between years fidelity is at around 15%.
Was looking up something else on Wikipedia and stumbled onto this fact, thought I might as well share it.
I dont see how the former links to the latter.
I’d imagine being able to differentiate sex (I doubt they have a concept of gender as we understand it) is an evolutionary necessity, though.
Yes. During breeding season, males are about 33% larger, as they prepare to hatch the egg without eating for 2 months. That is a difference you as a human can tell.
Penguins on the other hand are evolutionairy incentivised to be able to tell the difference. Just like crows can form social groups while looking the same to humans, so can penguins.
From the penguin documentaries I watched as a kid, I feel like the “leaving eggs behind” might involve relentless bullying.
It takes two penguins working together to care for an egg, if one penguin dies the remaining penguin can’t hold the egg and feed itself, so either a couple steps up or a lone penguin starts to help, having several homosexual couples who are on standby to take care of orphan eggs is a clear evolutionary advantage.
I’d be cautious with saying evolutionary advantage here.
I don’t believe the “Gay Uncle hypothesis” any more than the somewhat debunked “Grandmother Hypothesis”, which aimed to explain menopause with biological altruism. Just because we could think of a way in that it might be advantageous for a species doesn’t mean it’s advantageous for an individuals fitness.
Of course, it can be still an advantage, but we’d only know with more free, uncensored research.
That or the parents starved to death or got eaten by a seal
If I hug my male friend, have I become the gay?
I thought I was in linuxmemes
Akshualy those are lesbians, because birds have XX for male and XY for female. 😅
Don’t they have W and Z or something?
What you call them iis arbitrary. Genetics is a disgustingly unstandardized field when it comes to naming things.
The snuggle all day business sounds legit
Are we pretending that humans and animals do the same things? You can be fine with homosexuality, but what animals do have nothing to do with what humans do.
Humans are literally a categorical subset within the taxonomical kingdom of “animals”.
“People” who argue that humans aren’t animals are clearly vegetables :p /s
So then if animals do it then its the same as humans doing it?
I regret to inform you that you are also an animal.
So if I do anything and animal does then its totally cool?
Slime molds aren’t part of the animal kingdom
rtxn@lemmy.world 8 months ago
This must be the famous Linux-to-queer pipeline I’ve heard so much about.
Lemminary@lemmy.world 8 months ago
Careful when programming near long, colorful socks.