- Comment on Terrorists 4 days ago:
- Comment on 🐙🐙🐙 4 days ago:
Lots of eild experiments giving drugs to animals.
- Comment on ARMADILL-NO 4 days ago:
- Comment on LUNGS WERE A MISTAKE 6 days ago:
I’m ready Moby Dick for the first yime right now and i absolutely love it! I love stories about the sea. I want to reread it again in a few years and do a journal about the book. I wanna be one of those freaks that writes a report about every chapter. I’ll post every one on my blog and forward the post to my aunt who’s a retired highschool English teacher. Let her know all those years as a public teacher weren’t for nothing.
- Comment on Not today 1 week ago:
Claim to use British English but didn’t call it Acacia Avenue? Something seems fishy
- Comment on Late 1900s 1 week ago:
Damn, I’ve got the heaviest drinking pattern of any 10 year old you ever seen then.
- Comment on What would happen if the Supreme Court sent a US Marshall to arrest a member of the executive branch? 1 week ago:
Why would New York cops go after their own like that?
- Comment on Least extreme biophysics phd 1 week ago:
Where do you feel Chinese ethics lack compared to American ethics?
- Comment on Least extreme biophysics phd 1 week ago:
That’s actually pretty the whole premise of The Vital Abyss short story. Cortazar explains how he signed up with Protogen and how glad he was to get the nerve staple that removed all empathy from him. Ot, and all the other short stories are worth reading if you liked The Expanse
- Comment on kmk 2 weeks ago:
I fuck the sphere. None of the others look like they will be pleasant going up my ass
- Comment on You guys have to end it 3 weeks ago:
Not to mention the DUI rates in the US are astronomical. Over 1/3 of motor fatalities are alcohol related in the US.
- Comment on fuck this asshole 3 weeks ago:
There is a massive difference between allowed to say my government is doing something wrong, and being allowed to say “gas all the kikes”. One is criticism of authority, which is good. The other is hate speech, which is bad. You can absolutely have one without the other.
- Comment on Good afternoon I choose thoughts you've never had before. 3 weeks ago:
I’m a single guy. I’m not cooking dinner for 1 two nights in a row.
- Comment on Good afternoon I choose thoughts you've never had before. 3 weeks ago:
I just take half the box and boil that, eat half of that, then eat the other half the next day
- Comment on nets 3 weeks ago:
Stuff falls out of garbage trucks, trash cans get tipped over, stuff gets blown out of the bed of a dumptruck at the landfill, landfills erode and take trash with them. Trashcans aren’t just magic portals that take trash into the nightosphere
- Comment on Meow 4 weeks ago:
I took in a stray kitten that someone dumped at my work back in the fall. I wasn’t sure if i would keep her or not, but i felt obligated to clean her up and feed her while i figured out what to do with her. As soon as she started interacting with my other kitten, they became best friends and i couldn’t in good conscience seperate them.
Another friend of mine slowly took in a stray cat over the fourse of a summer. Leave out food for it of it hangs out around your house until it starts to nuzzle up against you. Then you can pet it, maybe pick it up, and then take it to a doctor to get it checked out.
It sounds to me though, that you just don’t like animals.
- Comment on Anon tries to impress a woman at the gym 4 weeks ago:
Depends. Some people just absolutely cannot handle blood under any circumstances.
- Comment on I love the future. 4 weeks ago:
You mean a libertarian? Yeah we know
- Comment on Jeep Introduces Pop-Up Ads That Appear Every Time You Stop 1 month ago:
How far up your own ass do you have to be to actually believe that people actually want ads?
- Comment on Sunday SOTD Thread - February 9th, 2025 (#608) [Atlas Shaves Edition] 1 month ago:
Ended up going with a Parker Variant as well as an open comb Maggard head to experiment with on the bevel handle.
I would love to upgrade to something nicer, but I’m stretched thin and don’t have the budget right now unfortunately.
- Comment on Sunday SOTD Thread - February 9th, 2025 (#608) [Atlas Shaves Edition] 1 month ago:
Got home from a weekend of festivities only to find that the threads of my daily driver gave out. It was a Bevel DE kit i bought myself for Christmas back in 2021, so I’m a bit peeved i only got about 3 years out of it. The handle and base plate are still good, but the top cap is unusable.
Anyway, i need a cheap replacement and fast, and am looking for advice on how to prevent the threads from deteriorating in the future.
- Comment on Man, their reputation really has gone to shit 1 month ago:
If tou look into the plans and wacky shit the CIA has tried to do over the years, you realize they are just daycare for Ivy League grads. They are absolutely useless at anything beyond intelligence gathering
- Comment on We still have three eggs up for auction. 1 month ago:
Because the hens provide eggs and are less quiet than a dog in a back yard. Roosters just scream randomly from just before dawn to just after dusk and are territorial and aggressive as all hell
- Comment on We still have three eggs up for auction. 1 month ago:
It really depends. I live ina rural town with about 17,000 residents. You are allowed chickens in the city limits, but not allowed roosters. I know a few people that have chickens in their yards, but there isn’t really enough apace for a chicken coop and activities in the yards since house are packed in pretty tight within coty limits. Outside city limits i would say about half the farmers have chickens as far as i can tell, but they are fairly reclusive
- Comment on Select a tip 1 month ago:
People don’t want to be servers. They are there because they have no other options
- Comment on Select a tip 1 month ago:
Rent has gone up a lot more than 15% in the past decade. The whole system is rotten and needs to be abolished, but all the servers i know are absolutely struggling right now and depend on getting a 20% tip on each table. How would you feel if half your paychecks were randomly 25% less? Stop going to restaurants that expect a tip by all means, but if you are going somewhere that expects it, you should tip.
- Comment on Select a tip 1 month ago:
So could you and your coworkers, but restaurant owners are the sleazist, scummiest, and greediest business owners in your community guaranteed. A restaurant in my town had the entire staff fired and the restaurant closed for a month because the owner would rather miss out on a month of business than pay a fair wage.
- Comment on Select a tip 1 month ago:
Servers usually have to pay in X% of their total sales to the back of house. So if you stiff me on a $90 check, i lose $3 because i still have to pay that much in. I actually had a slow night where bith tables stiffed me so i actually left the restaurant $4 poorer than when i entered. Because ihad a better night the next shift, the owner was able to average me out so that he didn’t have to pay me more than the server minimum wage.
- Comment on Select a tip 1 month ago:
I’m 100% on board with ending tipping, i am just saying that stiffing your server won’t do anything to end it.
- Comment on Select a tip 1 month ago:
Thrn stop going to restaurants that expect a tip. Don’t go to a restaurant and stiff your server. I spent 6 months last year living on $300 a week because people weren’t tipping at the bar i was working at. The bar is still open, but the new bartender is in the exact same position.