- Comment on You guys have to end it 2 days ago:
No thanks. I switched to automatic shortly after I moved to Reading where I found in all the stop start traffic I was constantly dancing the clutch fandango and heading for having a left leg like a tree trunk.
- Comment on dear republicans, what's the point of alienating every single ally of the US? 3 days ago:
I did a bit of maths at school and I know 218>215, and 53>47.
That is what I call a minority in both places. If all D get together and say “no”, and all R get together and say “yes”, then where a simple majority is required it’ll be an R victory. Any D victory will need some Rs to either swing (and likely get fired), or abstain. Of course if a 2/3 majority is needed for something then R will need some D support to get it through.
- Comment on dear republicans, what's the point of alienating every single ally of the US? 3 days ago:
To be fair to them though, they did just get comprehensively voted out from everywhere. They don’t have a single majority to make any difference to anything. If I were them I’d be sitting back with a large bowl of popcorn going “yal’l voted for this, or at least didn’t vote against it, hope you enjoy getting the full force of this orange idiot right in the face”. But from the headlines I’ve read it would appear they’ve had a few things to say about Fart’s latest hot smelly air.
- Comment on Let's gooooo 4 days ago:
I do not approve this message.
- Comment on This kind of f$&%ing packing foam 4 days ago:
***** ****!
- Comment on are "brush" and "blush" really pronounced differently? i pronounce them the same. 6 days ago:
R and L are different letters with different pronunciation.
Out of interest, how do you pronounce “differently”? As “diffelently”, or “differentry”?
- Comment on No one can know my shame 1 week ago:
Three orders of magnitude. 1->10 is one order. 1->100 is two. And so on.
- Comment on This letter from "Friends of Zion" my grandmother received today 1 week ago:
Just like they already do in other Muslim-majority countries.
- Comment on Im thinking we still have a deeper bottom 1 week ago:
How long do you think a strike would need to be for to be effective?
And suppose we start with that? Everyone’d be like “that’s way too long”. So let’s start with a day and build from there. And if a day makes them take action then everyone’s a winner.
- Comment on Murica 2 weeks ago:
A bicycle gives you freedom of lightweight activities within a few miles of your home. You want to play baritone sax in the band 25 miles away? It’s not happening with a bike.
- Comment on Washington DC to be renamed to St Donaldsburg 2 weeks ago:
They’re taking the Russkies to Donaldgard gard gard g-gard!
- Submitted 2 weeks ago to [deleted] | 25 comments
- Comment on why do transphobes mention pedophiles/compare them to pedophiles when most trans people (as do most people) hate pedophiles? 2 weeks ago:
As someone who used to, although with gay not trans people, I believed that gay people were sexual deviants and that society accepting them would then go on to accept paedos, and that accepting deviancy was the problem that should be stopped.
Contrary to what others have posted I didn’t conflate gay people with paedos, or label the two groups as equivalent, except in that I thought they were both deviant.
- Submitted 2 weeks ago to [deleted] | 0 comments
- Comment on Coming down... 2 weeks ago:
More to the point if “addicted to alcohol” is alcoholic, why isn’t “addicted to work” workic?
- Comment on WHY 3 weeks ago:
These days with everything being LGBTQIAOMGWTFBBQ++++++++, no, not even remotely.
- Comment on I'm just like some ordinary dude upset about what the government is doing. Doesn't anyone with any sort of means or influence care? Where are those guys? 3 weeks ago:
But sometimes you have to pick the least worst option. Or did they genuinely believe Harris would be worse?
- Comment on I'm just like some ordinary dude upset about what the government is doing. Doesn't anyone with any sort of means or influence care? Where are those guys? 3 weeks ago:
You haven’t said which government so I’ll assume you mean the American one.
There are plenty of people with both means and influence. The problem is that they just got voted out, and there aren’t enough Republicans that are moderate enough to start voting against Trump.
And that’s the key thing. As Trump gets more and more trumpy, the more moderate Republicans will start getting hacked off with it all and will start voting against their party, or at the very least abstaining. IIRC the Rep majority is 3, so there need to be 4 Rep abstentions to get a united Dem opposition over the line.
The problem is that doing so is likely to end their political career. So there needs to be some really good mileage in them voting with the Democrats.
As the Republicans hold a majority and all of them are currently with Trump, whatever Trump says goes. Even if all Dems say no, that isn’t a majority no until they start getting some objections from the Reps.
So ultimately the power lies with the voters. If the Reps won’t vote in the country’s interests then the country needs to start voting in the country’s interests. Trump said what he was going to do, and the whole point of Trump is that he isn’t the usual lying politician that says whatever it takes to get into power then does whatever they want anyway. So “I didn’t think he meant it” isn’t going to fly when Trump does what Trump said he would. (Although obviously he didn’t end putin’s war on day 1, so the list of Trump’s broken promises is already not empty.)
There were plenty of non-voting voters who could have made the Reps a tiny minority. But for some reason they couldn’t bring themselves to vote for Harris, so they opted out. Personally I’m surprised she couldn’t win simply on “I’m not Trump”.
- Comment on Doordash deserves it's fate 4 weeks ago:
Easy really. The shop has one parking space which is occupied by their delivery driver. The next nearest parking space is half a mile away through a dark alley and you have to pay, but it takes so long to pay that you get fined. The shop itself is freezing because the door doesn’t shut properly. It’s also a ten mile drive away, down wide fast roads, or at least roads that would be fast if they weren’t infested by ridiculously low average speed cameras which mean you have to crawl all the way there and back or risk getting fined again. Then when you get home you discover you’ve been fined for the last time you parked somewhere and overstayed by a whole nanosecond.
That’s how it is in the UK anyway. And politicians wonder why town centres are dying.
- Comment on "Poetic take" on the state of the US 4 weeks ago:
Nearly Infallible Version: www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=James+5&vers…
I don’t think it was aimed at the elect though, just rich people in general. Although any rich believers would have been wise to pay attention to the message.
- Comment on The new Hulu Subscriber agreement just dropped - Don't like ads too bad. 4 weeks ago:
And I am clarifying that as I continue to subscribe to this service, circumstances may require that my payments will exclude currency, and include regular visits to The Pirate Bay.
- Comment on Forgive them, for they know not what they do 5 weeks ago:
If it’s that simple, why don’t you just buy somewhere?
It was for me, so I did. Went from paying £375/m rent to £200/m mortgage.
- Comment on South Afruleca 5 weeks ago:
- Comment on South Afruleca 5 weeks ago:
- Comment on moms rule 1 month ago:
It’s also about the speed of light in millifortnights (2.9e8), within a 4% error margin.
- Comment on D'awww 1 month ago:
Where’s its hair?
- Comment on Anon gets corrected 1 month ago:
If you must use a redneckism then at least put the apostrophe in the right place.
- Comment on Elon Musk wants the U.S. to “Liberate the people Britain from their tyrannical government” 1 month ago:
Brit here. What a complete wankpuffin. He should focus on liberating himself from his own stupidity.
- Comment on MS new captcha: Why did it have to be that hard!?!? 2 months ago:
f’‘(x) is 78x+22 but the question asks what number is f’'(x) + x, hence 79x+22.
- Comment on Return to monke 2 months ago:
No, that’s Anatoly.