- Comment on The new Hulu Subscriber agreement just dropped - Don't like ads too bad. 8 hours ago:
And I am clarifying that as I continue to subscribe to this service, circumstances may require that my payments will exclude currency, and include regular visits to The Pirate Bay.
- Comment on Forgive them, for they know not what they do 5 days ago:
If it’s that simple, why don’t you just buy somewhere?
It was for me, so I did. Went from paying £375/m rent to £200/m mortgage.
- Comment on South Afruleca 1 week ago:
- Comment on South Afruleca 1 week ago:
- Comment on moms rule 1 week ago:
It’s also about the speed of light in millifortnights (2.9e8), within a 4% error margin.
- Comment on D'awww 3 weeks ago:
Where’s its hair?
- Comment on Anon gets corrected 3 weeks ago:
If you must use a redneckism then at least put the apostrophe in the right place.
- Comment on Elon Musk wants the U.S. to “Liberate the people Britain from their tyrannical government” 4 weeks ago:
Brit here. What a complete wankpuffin. He should focus on liberating himself from his own stupidity.
- Comment on MS new captcha: Why did it have to be that hard!?!? 5 weeks ago:
f’‘(x) is 78x+22 but the question asks what number is f’'(x) + x, hence 79x+22.
- Comment on Return to monke 5 weeks ago:
No, that’s Anatoly.
- Comment on Where is the line between meeting somebody halfway and being a doormat with no personality? 1 month ago:
Couples can do different things at the same time. It doesn’t mean the relationship is over, on the contrary it means you’re both comfortable with the other being independent. If you both like Chinese and Mexican, have Chinese this time and Mexican next. Or as you say, order from two different places. If you always have Mexican then she’s getting her way all the time which isn’t meeting halfway.
Women do seem to like showing of their husbands. So you’ll need to go places with her sometimes, providing that you also get some restful weekends at home where she is either present or off with her girlfriends somewhere. If you don’t ever want to do stuff with her then she’s right to be concerned: why did you get together if you don’t actually want to be together?
Where to draw the line: I’d suggest keeping count. If you compromise all the time and she never does, then that would suggest something of a lopsided relationship. But as others have said, you don’t want to count everything otherwise you’ll be the asshole.
- Comment on Would you ever have the nerve to do THIS? 1 month ago:
Praps teyr Amrcan. Tey mis letrs ot al te tym.
- Comment on Hey is Sharing Luigi’s Manifesto on Social Media Actually "Glorifying Violence"? Because Reddit Said So 😭 1 month ago:
Of course not, it’s just Spez sucking up to the billionaires in the hope that one of them will be dumb enough to toss him a few million for his shitpile.
- Comment on Funko gets community noted 1 month ago:
I was surprised to find out that ******* gets censored everywhere.
- Comment on Do you want the murderer of the UnitHealthcare CEO prosecuted? 1 month ago:
Yes of course. Nobody wants someone walking the streets who thinks it’s their right to dish out the death penalty without due process. Who’s he going to pick next?
That said, obviously with limited resources the police have to pick what cases take priority over others. For example Sheffield police don’t do anything about motorbike theft (even if there’s a tracker installed) because they’re too busy chasing down all those people who hurt others’ fee-fees by misgendering them.
- Comment on How embarrassing 1 month ago:
Bthoth, due to the cycylic nature of the caclendadar.
- Comment on don't be a coward 2 months ago:
I’ve seen a wasp unscrew a screw I thought was in pretty tight.
- Comment on YouTube devs be like 2 months ago:
Not a business plan because business=money, but how about creators host their own videos and share them through BitTorrent. No need to deliver real time video, users just download what they want to watch then watch them as they become available. Funding occurs through Kofi or Patreon etc. They’ll need to publish the magnet links somewhere but that’s a whole load cheaper than publishing RT video.
- Comment on [Même] Which movie was this for you? 2 months ago:
Yeah, but critics always have to say shit films are good and good films are shit; that way we keep thinking they’ve got some amazing insight that’s worth them being paid oodles of cash. If they said good films were good and shit films were shit we’d all be like “no shit Sherlock” and kick them unpaid out of the building.
- Comment on For my fellow Americans, when is enough enough? 2 months ago:
So what you’re talking about is for a minority to raise arms against the democratically elected government. again, not what I’m saying.
Then I recommend you crack open a dictionary and check the meanings of “get organized, involved, and armed”, “stand, fight, and maybe even die” (your exact wording). Because raising arms against a democratically elected goverrnment IS EXACTLY what you are saying, albeit that you might not be saying you necessarily want to start that fight, but it certainly looks like it to me.
- Comment on lemmy.ca user Is this true? 2 months ago:
Naah, Moose came later, he was the chap who came down from a mountain with a couple of iPads, then drove out of the desert in a Triumph, or something like that.
- Comment on Horrors We've Unleashed 3 months ago:
Yeah but those little bastards started it. People call what’s happening in Gaza a genocide but that’s nothing compared with the mozzie kill count.
- Comment on So now I have to PAY you to NOT store files on my device that I don't want? 3 months ago:
“To change all cookie settings click_here” <-- this is the bit you want. It’s free to reject all the cookies yourself.
- Comment on The devil will walk on earth 3 months ago:
Huh? When are you guys celebrating Halloween? The only Friday 13ths in 2024 are in September and December.
Also I thought the calendar cycles every 400 years. So if Fri 13th Oct 2024 exists, which it doesn’t, then Fri 13th Oct 1624 and 2424 also, er, don’t exist.
♫ In the year 2424, if trolls are still alive… ♫
- Comment on Anon enjoys time with his father 3 months ago:
Ah but that’s where all this gender fluidity/ambiguity gets interesting. OP might be a trans-dude, so “she” (apologies for the hypothetical deadgendering but it’s illustrative) would technically then be straight with no risk of butt defects (unless they did that of course) but with some risk of birth defects as he could then have been impregnated by his dad.
- Comment on Make a wsh 4 months ago:
Another splendd Kapwng cartoon.
- Comment on Eternal fire 4 months ago:
Can you cite any peer reviewed studies that show scientific thinking necessarily leads away from omnivory?
- Comment on 2real5me 4 months ago:
But you DO have a PhD. Claiming it is somehow not valid is a criticism of the establishment that awarded it to you. You’re just suffering from impostor syndrome, that’s all.
Also, no employer will consider someone fresh out of education, even someone with a PhD, to have vast quantitites of useful real-world experience, so even declaring a PhD won’t see you land your first job with the expectations that you’ll ace every bit of it from day one.
It’s good that you realise you know nothing. That is both accurate and useful. But don’t take it too far. What your PhD proves is that you have an ability to learn, understand and communicate, and THAT is what employers are looking for.
- Comment on Anon needs viewers 4 months ago:
For extra points, write some random almost coherent stuff, ROT13 it then steganographise it into those dick pics.
- Comment on Choosing violence 4 months ago:
Sounds like it’s not just me that goes “ok then, try arguing with this” when power cycling an unresponsive computer.