- Comment on Anon doesn't wash 2 weeks ago:
I’m confused what they think they’re washing off.
A LOT of kitchen practices in families are passed-down traditions, with a lot of people not really knowing why they do the things they do.
My Filipino family washes their cuts of meat, which yeah is entirely unnecessary and I always wondered why they do it, then I traveled to the Philippines and saw the town where they lived, and most of the local butchers hang fresh cuts of meat up on hooks, uncovered, right next to busy roads and sidewalks.
I genuinely don’t know how everyone there hasn’t died of acute food poisoning from the unrefrigerated meats in high heat and humidity, but they at least like to wash off the road grime and dust.
- Comment on Anon's strict mom 2 weeks ago:
Momentarily maybe, but seminal fluid proteins aren’t like eggs, the structures fall apart fast and revert to liquid, did you even read the links?
- Comment on Anon's strict mom 2 weeks ago:
It’s nonsense bullshit, maybe bordering on fetish-bait.
The semen clogging the drain part is a dead giveaway, because that’s not a thing.
It became an urban legend because of a college prank years and years ago, and since then many young guys with limited critical thinking or reading comprehension failed to connect with the part of the prank that made it a prank, IE: that it’s not true.
- Comment on Anon's strict mom 2 weeks ago:
There’s STILL people who believe semen can clog showers because of a single prank at a campus years and years ago.
- Comment on Anon's strict mom 2 weeks ago:
I don’t know how you can smell anything over that massive pile of bullshit.
- Comment on Anon's strict mom 2 weeks ago:
The water in a shower is hot enough to cook it, so it can block the pipes.
While you’re right that proteins can caugulate a little, this is a common urban legend that was started with a prank note left in a dorm bathroom many years ago.…/housing-violation-notice-in-college…
“Abraham Morgentaler, an associate professor of urology at Harvard Medical School and the director of Men’s Health Boston, debunked the rumor for us once and for all. In an email to Slate, Morgentaler says that not only is semen never thick enough to clog a drain, but that 20 to 30 minutes after ejaculation, it will become a runny liquid and slide away:”
I can’t understand how we got to the point with this that people have written thousands of articles about it and consulted with medical professionals. We really need better education in this country.
- Comment on I never realized this 2 weeks ago:
According to the little arrows on our comments, there were like, two people really angered by this thought that some people think the rest of people are stupid. It’s amazing.
- Comment on Anon's lacking pissing habits 2 weeks ago:
I’ll add that I currently live in a house full of women, I’m the only male and women can absolutely fucking DESTROY bathrooms. I’ve never cleaned so much piss, beauty care debris, hair and blood in my whole life. Maybe lets chill on the gender bullshit before you get yourself so hyped up you have to retreat to your friendly discord server of mindless, performative people who support your every stupid idea.
- Comment on Anon's lacking pissing habits 2 weeks ago:
Why do you put men in quotation marks? Almost seems like yer trying to stir up some trouble, pardner.
- Comment on Anon's lacking pissing habits 2 weeks ago:
Okay then explain to me why every time you go to stand in front of one, your boss walks in and stands next to you starts talking to you about quarterly projections while you’re trying to squeeze a single drop of pee as you sweat and pretend to be at all thinking or caring about work.
- Comment on Anon goes to therapy 2 weeks ago:
Even if it’s not fake, in every other instance, if you have a bad dentist who says shit that makes you uncomfortable, you get a new dentist, rarely do you even hear stories about that kind of thing because people have normalized dental care.
The fact that this shit is controversial shows just how far we have to go before people start taking their fucking minds seriously. You know, only the most important part of your physical, living experience.
- Comment on I never realized this 2 weeks ago:
Reminder that surnames didn’t exist before the middle ages, you just had a singular name that people shouted to get your attention. Since you lived in a community of several dozen people, you didn’t need to do much to differentiate yourself from the other “John” in your town because everyone knows each other. You lived and died just as “John” and would be remembered by your kids for a generation if you were lucky. There was no need to keep track of genealogy, you were a pair of hands and legs, you were supposed to get out there and plow that field and that’s all your baron or lord cared about.
But somewhere after the black plague ravaged Europe and we lost a sizeable chunk of the human population, suddenly workers became in high-demand. Industrialist lords and landowners suddenly didn’t have people smithing their horse shoes or making their bread, so they had to go poach people from far away towns and suddenly workers had power and options. As a way to get noticed for your family’s tradeskill, you would have been wise to advertise this to wealthy employers, the best way was to attach your trade to your name. You were now John Baker to differentiate yourself from John the Drunkard if anyone came looking to hire someone who could cook bread.
So surnames are advertising. It’s all it’s ever been. There’s nothing ancient and special about your name, it was just how your ancestors tried to make a buck.
- Comment on I never realized this 2 weeks ago:
A quarter century into the new millenium and our general intelligence level hasn’t budged since the ice age.
- Comment on Anon sees happy people 3 weeks ago:
The act of rumination on a depressive episode involves your brain trying to find something about you, something immutable and deeply connected with who you are as a person, and it takes that thing and amplifies it through a wickedly destructive lens.
See, a lot of people don’t know how their own brain works. They think they can think about something and their thoughts will reason out a solution, or that all their ideas are based on the brain’s ability to connect logical elements.
Nothing could be further from the truth. Your brain is designed to write a story to explain how you feel. If you already feel bad, especially if you’re not entirely sure why, your brain will scramble for a story, it will tie together every weird loose-end it can find, and assemble a batshit nonsense story for you, which you will believe wholeheartedly. You think your brain is you. You think your thoughts have to be true if they come from inside. Many people never consider that their own thinking is fundamentally wrong, and most of us are wrong about a number of things we feel wholly confident about.
Curbing depressive episodes and getting your life back involves learning to identify when you start ruminating and nipping it in the bud. For many insecure, lonely guys, memes/stories like this will be MAJOR trigger-points for rumination episodes, an act that becomes strangely addictive when you’re suffering depression.
The difference between some sullent incel who hates life and hates you and hates women and hates themselves, but happens to be 5’ 9", versus a really short dude who has a nice girlfriend and smiles a lot about their life and appreciates what he has, absolutely comes down to how their brains have learned to assemble stories for their world and how emotionally intelligent they are. Some dude is reading this post right now gnashing their teeth because their brain is resisting this message because brains hate to be wrong. Even though they’re very good at being wrong.
- Comment on Anon sees happy people 3 weeks ago:
On the other hand, the act of sharing this response without also sharing a method of resolution and/or a framing or context that makes it a passing feeling and not a “harsh reality about current society” or whatever your brain will try to attach to, just provides miserable people yet another rumination topic to get lost down.
For healthy adults, you learn how to manage or avoid rumination. For people without social experience, without a healthy level of emotional intelligence, and especially without good, involved parenting, a young mind can take a post like this and just get absolutely lost down the rabbit-hole of negative validation. Seeing someone in the community you connect with sharing a feeling that your already depressed brain can latch onto is a recipe for depressive contagions.
Get your teenagers off the internet people.
- Comment on Anon has marital problems 4 weeks ago:
Yeah this is a couple who haven’t really talked through their issues and may have some kind of executive dysfunction. A little time being very honest and crying through their own insecurities together would turn their lives around for the better. (executive dysfunction is a big word but common problem with anyone who has depression and/or anxiety. It just means you don’t have a solid distinction in your mind between what you want for yourself and your life, and how your feelings just run away with you and make small things huge obstacles.)
- Comment on Anon is a white hat hacker 5 weeks ago:
You’re implying that people who post on 4-chan have no clue how the real world works and no idea what business is like and how people make money!
- Comment on NBC News Does Entire Piece Trying To Link CEO Shooting To ‘Violent Video Game’ 5 weeks ago:
If someone wanted to make a fast buck right now, I bet a game where you go hunt down CEO’s and virtually… you know, accomplish your mission goals on them, it would be wildly popular.
- Comment on ohh ... 5 weeks ago:
Neither this meme nor your own lived experiences are good representations of what the average American struggles with in the healthcare system. Speaking as someone who lost a house and almost everything I owned due to medical issues in my family.
- Comment on this town has been well known for a long time 5 weeks ago:
True facts I will never be able to purge from my accursed brain.
The married couple who owned the house in the 80’s sitcom “Mr Belvedere” canonically met in Altoona. The premise of the sitcom was that a lower/middle class family ended up with a refined british butler who solved all their issues for them and brought them closer as a family. It was exactly how it sounds.
- Comment on everything's going according to plan 5 weeks ago:
This is why Americans always vote for the wealthy, everyone imagines themselves to be “temporarily disgraced millionaires.”
- Comment on The Prisoner's Trolley Problemma 1 month ago:
I think most of these have just become self-satire and clever attempts to come up with increasingly convoluted ethical choices.
It’s not anti-intellectualism, it’s anti-trolly-problem specifically.
- Comment on I'm sure everyone remembers 1 month ago:
Way back in '25, yeah, it wasn’t as big as the ones we had recently but they say the latest pandemic should start to clear up by next year. Hopefully it won’t be like the predictions they made in 2034.
- Comment on We were there monkeys all along 1 month ago:
It’s been calculated many times, and yes, it would take an absurdly long amount of time, and that’s the point. When dealing with infinities, time is irrelevant, whether you have infinite monkeys or one monkey and infinite time, they will still both do every possible thing a monkey could do.
- Comment on This world is cruel… 2 months ago:
There are a lot of girls who enjoy role playing games, both digital and traditional.
The key to not blowing it with them, is don’t be a stereotype.
- Comment on I'll take two Pedros with a side of Henry 2 months ago:
Best way to do that is to be somewhat muscular.
And even then, guys, really get your fucking expectations and entitlements and just like, take them and shove them all into a duffle bag, squeeze any fragile ego you might have laying around in there too, and just throw that thing down a well and forget about it.
Seriously, if you can just “let go” of all the things you wish you had involving dating and relationships, and just learn to enjoy life and enjoy being around people, you will be a thousand, million times happier than the dudes who spend all their time trying and even succeeding to get laid when they want it.
If what you’re doing is frustrating you and making you unhappy… change. That’s your greatest power, just change. Go somewhere else, change what you want, change who you are and be genuine about it. (When you stop caring, it also has the bonus effect of making you cool, and thus wildly attractive to people who get to know you.)
- Comment on "The American experiment endures," Biden said. "We're going to be OK." 2 months ago:
He just means technically we will probably survive. Maybe.
- Comment on Microsoft CEO's pay rises 63% to $73m, despite devastating year for layoffs 2 months ago:
Wow, I’m amazing you found this comment I made specifically about you. I’ve been following you around for weeks trying to find ONE place where you wouldn’t see the lies and slander I’ve been trying to spread about you specifically. Curses, one day I will manage to find a place to tell lies about you where you will never find it.
- Comment on Eat lead 2 months ago:
The problem with this argument from the fundamental level is that 99% of religious zealots don’t give two shits about your science or facts. There is a whole segment of the human population that has no mind for factual information and just decides to believe whatever they feel.
There is no real arguing with these people, they don’t care about evidence or science, I am quite convinced they don’t even understand things the same way as other people and don’t have an internal mind-voice that works the same way as other people. It’s just a totally different conscious experience, and despite making full use of our science and technology, they don’t exist in a world where that matters.
The hard part about this understanding is you realize there’s no resolution. They can’t be changed because they’re not unsatisfied with their world. A smart person is never satisfied and will always ask questions and even ask questions about the questions. Not these people. They actively are annoyed by questions and even see learning things as a kind of sin or spiritual crime.
So lets save our collective energy and instead focus on making classrooms better funded and knowledge available and unavoidable for the younger children growing up in this world and still developing their minds. I was pulled out at an early age simply by finding a few science books, others can be too.
- Comment on Microsoft CEO's pay rises 63% to $73m, despite devastating year for layoffs 2 months ago:
We can’t even get people to go outside and meet live humans for sex anymore, everyone has switched to online apps for dating. People order food and groceries because we learned from Covid we don’t need to actually interact with other people.
Does anyone actually expect us to mobilize and topple powerful financial institutions? We have the most comfortable society on Earth in the US. Despite how miserable everyone is, nobody wants to leave their soft chairs and giant computer monitors and immersive video games and discord chat channels where you can mute and block anyone you don’t like. The only thing that could possibly change our course at this point would be some transhumanist/singularity nonsense like artificial general intelligence being developed and wrecking the economy.
But that’s tech being developed and controlled by the wealthy elite, so my hopes faded long ago.