- Comment on fuck this asshole 2 days ago:
He didn’t win by being consistent. Hypocrisy is WHY people voted for him. They thought he was the only one who would “do the hard things” by being cruel to the people who are hurting everyone. That’s the narrative at least, and while you can literally write libraries on the flaws, inconsistencies and logical discrepancies in Trump and the Republican narratives, the fact remains that most people are vulnerable to storylines.
Not moral flaws. Not character. Not record or experience. The only thing people largely, as a group, care about is JUST how someone makes them feel in that moment. And a lot of poorly educated, mentally unwell people saw and heard Trump lying to the people they believe were the cause of all our woes, and that’s why they voted for him.
If we ever want another democracy that works, we have to understand that our population is genetically and physically identical to the beings who were clubbing each other’s heads in during ten thousand years of ice age glaciers and primitive hardship. We survived those times by forming tight-knight groups and telling ourselves stories for how to survive. We’re doing the same things right now, but someone else is guiding those stories. Either we stop the storytellers or we make better stories that people will want to repeat. Those are our only options.
- Comment on Why Are Conservatives More Susceptible to Believing Lies? 4 days ago:
As you get closer to understanding the truth, the more depressing reality feels because you realize how stuck on rails your life really is, how much of your conscious experience is just an elaborate illusion, a rich, chunky stew of assumptions, of super-imposed visuals and perceptions, of stories and rationalizations. Even the idea that we can choose what we’re thinking about is barely, BARELY accurate.
If we as a species have any free will at all, it’s a tiny kernel, a tiny little seed that few people even attempt to nurture.
- Comment on Anon tries to impress a woman at the gym 1 week ago:
Mind you, I also followed rules 1 and 2
A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
- Comment on Anon tries to impress a woman at the gym 1 week ago:
Beards are for for your wife, not for meeting girls.
Married men know what I’m talking about.
- Comment on Why Are Conservatives More Susceptible to Believing Lies? 1 week ago:
We don’t pay nearly enough attention to how flawed we are as a species, how easily we can discard reason and logic to validate feelings of fear, insecurity or shame, which is what drives conservatism, not reasoned arguments or fiscal responsibility.
When you discover in life that your brain does that trick, where it will ruminate on the things you feel and it’s not required at all to make sense or figure out things with logic, you can become free from at least one of your major flaws, which is how we tend to justify our feelings with irrational rumination. Learning to stop telling yourself stories will save your mental health. Smart people sometimes have as hard of a time as stupid people in this regard, because a smart person is equally likely to think their own rumination is factual and reasonable and are less likely to be self-critical.
- Comment on Why Are Conservatives More Susceptible to Believing Lies? 1 week ago:
Yah even as a man of science and research, even I got about 3/4 through the article and started rolling my eyes.
This is a lot of over-explanation for the common state of stupidity that comes from having shit parents, shitty school and living in a poor, shitty area. Some people rise above their adversity and insecurity, through whatever arcane and secret paths one’s thought streams follow, others become defined by their stupidity and fear and insecurity and find a community that lets them validate such feelings.
You’re never going to get rid of the stupid segment of your population, and in fact if you want to mitigate the damage they can do, as a leader you should provide for them and make sure they’re not suffering like the rest of us, because it’s not the stupid themselves that are the problem, it’s what they become when they’re desperate.
- Comment on No one can know my shame 1 week ago:
yay for infinite nothingness! (Except that infinite stretches of time in a probability-oriented universe tend to lead to funny effects down the road and even the most remote chances of literally anything possible happening practically become 100% instantaneously when dealing with such time-spans, so more likely than not, the moment you die you wake up in some entirely new, equally improbable and inscrutable type of reality with no memory of what happened before, and there’s no guarantee that such an experience will be better or worse than your present one.)
- Comment on I love the future. 1 week ago:
I bet he thought people who did things honest and built community were fools despite us often being happier than folks like him
I see you’ve met him (or his archetype) because yes, his favorite past-time was condemning the “sheep” for living their lives in suburbia, paycheck to paycheck, how useless education was, how worthless so many kinds of people are, how miserable life would be living like so, so many people in the world who are happy and loving with their families. He railed against the “spoils of babylon” while sipping champagne and brandy from his private restaurant booth.
He was crushingly miserable and blamed everyone and everything else for it and became physically violent at anyone who dared to challenge his assertions that he was the perpetual victim. He drank himself to death alone and broke because he had burned every bridge in his life and squandered a fortune.
- Comment on I don't have my shit together 1 week ago:
I have a note scrawled on a torn piece of notepad paper, stained now, wrinkled from being folded and unfolded, kept and tucked away, found, thrown away, dug back out of the trash and kept again.
I wrote it in the depths of despair, one night after self-medicating with everything I could find and nothing worked, after trying to sleep and sleep not coming, after walking in circles around the block, after creating a new manifesto for my future and then throwing it away because it was hopeless. Then I had a brief glimmer of positivity, a small glint of appreciation for just sitting there breathing, because I know the alternative.
Note just says “It doesn’t matter what you do with it, just being alive is enough.”
It’s impossible to “waste” your life, it’s impossible to “waste” time. Even if that time is spent miserable, struggling, or in absolute sedentary escape from reality. You are alive, you are breathing, you are experiencing things. That’s all the universe wants from you, is for you to experience it in some capacity. It’s the only reason you’re here. You need the universe, the universe needs you, they don’t exist without each other and even if you’re just mindlessly scrolling the internet from under the covers of the bed you haven’t left in three days, you are alive, you are experiencing the full force of human “aliveness” even if you’re sad, scared, uncertain or in pain. You’re here to experience it because at some point, it will all be about to end, and nothing you did will be any more or less relevant to your present moment. You will only want your present moment to continue, you will want that more than anything imaginable, you will long for your depression, your blankets, your dirty jacket and your phone. Just one more minute, just one more chance to see something or feel something.
You get to experience all of that right now, you can stretch it out, you can appreciate the small, stupid things in your life right now. It doesn’t matter if your life doesn’t look like someone else’s, what matters is you’re living it.
- Comment on I love the future. 1 week ago:
I feel like this is the key reason why the worst people are the most successful. I cannot count the number of opportunities I’ve passed over in life that would have just required me to lie to someone, to inflate my worth, to take something that I haven’t earned, and so on. It’s so natural for me to think in terms of morality behind my decision making that I don’t even consider alternatives.
And thus I’m broke and will die working.
- Comment on Anon sees a happy couple 1 week ago:
Then you really, really need to work on your reading comprehension. Not being internet snarky here, if you legitimately got that message I feel like you didn’t read my comment at all, or you’re deliberately choosing to misinterpret something that most people would understand.
- Comment on Anon sees a happy couple 1 week ago:
That has nothing to do with what I’m talking about and you know it.
- Comment on Anon sees a happy couple 1 week ago:
I’d say that 4-channer needs to touch grass, but it probably has a restraining order at this point.
- Comment on Anon sees a happy couple 1 week ago:
It’s a sign of porn addiction.
When you see couples in terms of porn categories you need to get out a little more.
- Comment on Anon sees a happy couple 1 week ago:
It really betrays a porn addiction when you compartmentalize people and couples by the races involved. It doesn’t necessarily mean they’re some kind of nazi (but it IS 4-chan so there’s a strong chance) but there’s a huge amount of racism in society that’s just objectification and fetishization.
It’s okay to appreciate particular races or features or particular aesthetics in a partner, it’s not okay to get hung up on it or fixate on it or get lost in some kind of porn-fantasy for what kind of relationships you look for. It’s weird how hard it is for people to find balance and nuance on this topic.
- Comment on Anon sees a happy couple 1 week ago:
Being emotionally balanced and secure about something at all in your life goes a long way to building a character that other people want to be around.
If these terms are meaningless to you and you don’t get it, you’re not ready for dating.
- Comment on Little know fact 2 weeks ago:
The succinct version is that she was considered one of the OG progressive youtubers who gained a huge following and as a result has garnered a LOT of harassment over the years she was running. (Keep in mind she was at peak of her youtube career around the time of “Gamergate”) When she directed mild criticism towards the Disney movie “Raya and the Last Dragon” and how it was derivative of Avatar. I can’t remember the details but something about the way she made the comparison set her up to be attacked by online chuds pretending to be concerned progressives attacking her for being “anti-asian.”
Lindsay Ellis was a champion of equality and diversity and the details were infuriatingly minor and stupid (which is why I can’t even remember it) but it was just the final straw and her mental health couldn’t handle any more threats, attacks and condemnations and she left Youtube other than doing some guest bits with other old-time Breadtubers and she still does work on Nebula.
I fully get how even if you make a widely praised and well-received work, you will tend to fixate on the negative reviews the most, but this was the end of a long-term campaign to bully her off the internet and we can’t expect every content creator to have inhuman thick skin. That said, I wish she would have just got off Twitter and kept making content, we could use her more than ever.
- Comment on Little know fact 2 weeks ago:
Lindsay Ellise, before the internet’s most worthless people drove her off youtube, made a very good video talking about the trope of women and their monster partners in media.
- Comment on Little know fact 2 weeks ago:
Lindsay Ellise did an entire video about girls and monsters. Worth watching.
- Comment on We're in the endgame now 3 weeks ago:
Which is why he’s deliberately choosing ambiguous and non-binding language in this tweet. If questioned later (I presume at the Hague) he can then say “well, I said ‘command’ not ‘rule’ so I wasn’t speaking about actual legal rulings, just you know, like when a judge tells someone to do something, not a ruling…”
- Comment on When we explain to other people how our capitalist system works and they recoil in horror 4 weeks ago:
This sounds fantastic, and will never work in the USA as long as there are classes of people who live above the rules and can influence society through policy and social media. If they smell any extra income, rights or services you receive, it’s like blood in the water and they will come from miles to get a piece of anything you own, exactly as they do now.
- Comment on When we explain to other people how our capitalist system works and they recoil in horror 4 weeks ago:
American brains have been shaped into 2-lane highways.
- Comment on Is anyone planning on doing anything about trump creating a concentration camp at guantanamo bay? 4 weeks ago:
I genuinely have no idea what you’re babbling about mister “I’m smarter than half the people here” big shot super important dude.
It’s wild how the people who are most eager to profess their own intellect are always the ones who can’t communicate worth shit and are completely ruled by reactionary responses and surging emotions. Again, it’s ok. You fit right in with most American median voters. Pull up a chair and take a number. All the numbers are #1 so you feel important and special just like everyone else.
- Comment on Is anyone planning on doing anything about trump creating a concentration camp at guantanamo bay? 4 weeks ago:
I don’t think you know what that word means, but it’s okay, even if you’re illiterate that just puts you in the lower 25-fucking-percentile in the nation.
- Comment on Is anyone planning on doing anything about trump creating a concentration camp at guantanamo bay? 4 weeks ago:
General strike is the way to go.
While you’re right that this is what will change course for the nation, not many people get is exactly WHAT a “general strike” really is.
There is no possible way we can get enough people on board with toppling the current administration that they will shut down basically the whole world. A general strike shuts down everything and I mean EVERYTHING. The amount of economic damage an event like this could do is astronomical, factories will burn, shipping lanes will choke, services will go out.
Ideally it would only last a couple days, but a general strike is basically a military action by a nation’s citizens, an organized resistance that crushes a country’s entire function. When the wealthy suddenly stop making money, it can permanently ruin them because of the way capital is tied through everything. They really, really don’t want to see even less-general strikes, and will do everything imaginable to prevent it from happening.
- Comment on Is anyone planning on doing anything about trump creating a concentration camp at guantanamo bay? 4 weeks ago:
The only problem with accelerationism, is that sometimes it accelerates in a direction we didn’t expect or want.
It’s very possible that whatever terrible consequences befall our political body have been planned well in advance by smarter than us, or those in the cameras, and this whole thing is the groundwork for actually seizing and abolishing democracy.
Best case, we depose a wanna-be despot because things go to shit.
More likely case: we get both concentration camps AND a dictator.
- Comment on Anon doesn't wash 1 month ago:
I’m confused what they think they’re washing off.
A LOT of kitchen practices in families are passed-down traditions, with a lot of people not really knowing why they do the things they do.
My Filipino family washes their cuts of meat, which yeah is entirely unnecessary and I always wondered why they do it, then I traveled to the Philippines and saw the town where they lived, and most of the local butchers hang fresh cuts of meat up on hooks, uncovered, right next to busy roads and sidewalks.
I genuinely don’t know how everyone there hasn’t died of acute food poisoning from the unrefrigerated meats in high heat and humidity, but they at least like to wash off the road grime and dust.
- Comment on Anon's strict mom 1 month ago:
Momentarily maybe, but seminal fluid proteins aren’t like eggs, the structures fall apart fast and revert to liquid, did you even read the links?
- Comment on Anon's strict mom 1 month ago:
It’s nonsense bullshit, maybe bordering on fetish-bait.
The semen clogging the drain part is a dead giveaway, because that’s not a thing.
It became an urban legend because of a college prank years and years ago, and since then many young guys with limited critical thinking or reading comprehension failed to connect with the part of the prank that made it a prank, IE: that it’s not true.
- Comment on Anon's strict mom 1 month ago:
There’s STILL people who believe semen can clog showers because of a single prank at a campus years and years ago.