- Comment on Is 33 cents a small amount of money? 1 week ago:
tbh the more I learn and experience that’s most of the human experience. I had a Minister when I was young that said there’s really only two human emotions, fear and love, and that without significant intervention fear pretty much always wins. I’ve been working in psychiatry for almost a decade now and there’s lots of finer points to be made about human psychology but in the end it pretty much all does just boil down to fear and love.
He was an exceptionally good Minister, to the extent that for while I didn’t understand how common it was for people to be deeply betrayed by a church leader. It was not uncommon for people in the community to genuinely compare him to Fred Rogers (who was incidentally also a Presbyterian minister). Very similar background, temperament, and even mannerism; if they hadn’t both been alive at the same time it almost might make me believe in reincarnation.
- Comment on Is 33 cents a small amount of money? 1 week ago:
This is a big factor. A lot of people conflate less benefits with higher taxes because fear-brain just knows they both equal increased hardship in the end. They’re technically wrong but their statistically slightly more active amygdalas are responding to a genuine threat, just one that they’ve been very skillfully misdirected into helping worsen.
- Comment on What happens if I eat a box of paper clips before an MRI? 3 weeks ago:
Also, if we suspect you’ve done so (such as a hx of inserting items into orifices or swallowing them for pica or malingering reasons), we would do an XRay or CT first.
- Comment on What happens if I eat a box of paper clips before an MRI? 3 weeks ago:
Imagine pinhead from hellraisers turned inside out.
- Comment on People complain that it's poor design that humans eat and breath through the same pipe(throat). Are there any animals which don't though? 3 weeks ago:
You’re my favorite commenter in this thread. Please enjoy this squid as a token of my affection: 🦑
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
no such thing when you grow up fundie, LOL. So glad I knew what birth control was and a sketchy man looked like on my own from internet research. I went full blown HOE the second I got the chance and that could’ve gone a lot worse if I hadn’t had the knowledge to keep myself safe because they sure as hell weren’t gonna do it.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
I’d be curious to know what psychosocial developmental stage this person was experiencing during COVID.
- Comment on Do cats have intrusive thoughts about eating their humans? Conversely, do cats get scared of humans eating them? 1 month ago:
my cat definitely thinks yawning = ready to provide pets but she also thinks everything else I do indicates readiness to provide pets so idk
- Comment on Interview: Alex Kurtzman On How ‘Section 31’ Embodies Star Trek Values, And The Future Of The Franchise 1 month ago:
To me the same question about ds9 was always answered by the explanation that utopia is a state that must be maintained, not an endpoint that must be reached. When you’ve got a good thing going, you can’t just stop paying attention to what your leaders are doing and just trust that you’ve reached a point where they’ll always respect your interests. You have to stay involved to maintain the things you’ve achieved.
- Comment on Anon's date has a third degree burn 2 months ago:
Ota (open to air) is actually really common wound care advice. Wound care nursing is a pretty big specialty (like it requires a master’s and extra school) and most of the time they roll up on the unit and tell the patient to gently wash it then stop touching it. They tell me it’s not worth it to dress a lot of wounds because it actually traps bacteria.
- Comment on Anon tries stand-up comedy 2 months ago:
Reasons I don’t do standup:
I was born with a nuchal cord times 4 that means umbilical cord wrapped around my neck 4 times. So really if you think about it, I’ve been trying to kill myself longer than I’ve been alive.
- Comment on Is there a name for the smell or sensation experienced right before dawn? 2 months ago:
Also cancer and congenital autoimmune disorders.
- Comment on BLT 2 months ago:
I’m actually feeling ok for just this one last night. I had a patient get more physically ill than they really should be on a psych unit but not so much I completely couldn’t handle it workout the charge nurse making all the phone calls. The patient was actually super grateful the whole time and their condition improved a lot which was a nice change of pace. Dayshift was pissed but not at me, and there’s just something deeply satisfying about knowing the hospitalist is about to get verbally fisted for not admitting your patient to medical (as they should, there was a lot more luck involved in my success than is generally advisable in a hospital setting). I’m really, really good at holding a crisis together until sunrise, but at my last job they forgot how good I was to the extent that they stopped realizing it was me putting all the fires out, and eventually they forgot the fires even existed. It’s only been six months so we’ll see but so far but them telling me the hospitalist boutta find out about our unit manager is… nice. It’s just nice.
- Comment on Anon goes on a first date 2 months ago:
Honestly I loved anime growing up but I went on a date with a guy in college who spent the entire date talking about anime in a manner that communicated his big tit fetish on the first date. Like. I would have loved talking about Inuyasha or fma among a few others I remembered really enjoying. But nope. Anime tiddies. So when I read this I’m like… Are you sure it was the anime dude or was it maybe actually something tangentially related to the anime?
Otoh if it really truly was the anime anon dodged a bullet anyway.
- Comment on What realistically would happen if someone came back to life from the dead ? 2 months ago:
As others have stated, you’re still going to have to define dead, and you’re going to have to define the question of what happens. I suspect up may not actually have any specifications for either and are just having fun thinking up and about random shit (that’s not a dig; I share this hobby).
But for the sake of further discussion, let’s add a few more specific (but non-limiting) questions just to help the discussion along.
I’m going to exclude cases where they’re already deeply buried or cremated because the obvious answer is “stay there” with the exception of a purely magic related situation where their body just spontaneously recorporeates somewhere? What would be the social consequences to that, how would people react, and what would happen to any property they left behind? This actually raises a lot of other questions related to the social dynamics such as:
- how would the people immediately around them react.
- what proof would people need to believe it?
- are they still on the hook for their student and medical debt
- would it likely start a new religion and how would the existing religions feel about it from most to least happy?
There’s also some physical questions such as how much skin, muscle, brain, and other organ breakdown would have occurred and which part would have the most damage.
There’s questions about whether or not they’re likely to have experienced something spiritual (including what we DO know about near-death experiences like the commonality of a peaceful feeling or spiritual experiences.
I gave no great answers to any of these and additionally encourage others to ask similar hypothetical details to ask about.
- Comment on Disgusting money driven mindset 2 months ago:
One of the few advantages to my chosen field is that my experience level in my specialty means I’m in demand enough that recruiters will just message me on places like linkedin and indeed so I’ve started putting my status as open to work and just constantly neg them and their job listings like “you listed a salary but it’s a really wide range what does that look like for ten years of experience” then when they give a shitty response or I just run out of questions to neg with I block them. a) it’s super fun and b) this is my community service to help new grads. Giving back to the community and all.
- Comment on Do you think I'll get a reply? 2 months ago:
To me honestly lust is just lying about sex. Being poly when a partner tells me they had somebody over to fuck while I’ve been on my 3 day work stretch I’m like high five buddy get it but finding a dating app on their phone I didn’t know about or intimate texts I didn’t know about or that they cut into my time with them and told me they were sick or working when they were with another person are all not ok. Same thing when I’ve made relationship fuckups it was never really the having sex with someone else specifically it was that I was doing that after saying I was willing to be monogamous and not fessing up when I realized I couldn’t be.
- Comment on Checking in 2 months ago:
- Comment on In songs sung in English, a word ending with "t" followed by "you" sometimes makes the "you" sound like "chew". Does this happen in other languages with different words/sounds? 1 year ago: